Would You Try An Updated Version of Lyrica?

If mirogabalin is approved by the FDA (or other drug agencies in other countries) would you try it?

  • I have fibromyalgia - heck yes I would try it!

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • I have fibromyalgia - probably!

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I have fibromyalgia - maybe

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I have fibromaylgia - probably not

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I have fibromyalgia - definitely not!

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I have ME/CFS - heck yes I would try it

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I have ME/CFS - probably!

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I have ME/CFS - maybe

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I have ME/CFS - probably not

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I have ME/CFS - definitely not!

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
The calcium channel inhibiting line of drugs has been lucrative. It produced Neurontin and Lyrica and now a new drug called Mirogabalin which is currently being tested in thousands of fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia patients. Read about the drug and the 1,000 person fibromyalgia trial in The Next Lyrica? Thousand Person Fibromyalgia Drug Trial Underway. Pain, fatigue, sleep and mood are all being examined in the trial.

Lyrica has had problems with side-effects. Daiichi Sankyo, the drug company producing mirogabalin, hopes side effects will be much reduced in the new drug. Some people have had bad experiences with Lyrica. If mirogabalin is approved would you try it? ME/CFS and FM patients let us know...and let us know why.

Mirogabalin could replace Lyrica and Neurontin. How have you done on those drugs? Let us know here:

MK Gilbert

New Member
If I reacted negatively to gabapentin (I think it gave me bad gut aches, hard to remember due to the brain fog, memory and concentration problems! I've had multiple real bad drug reactions~many of them seem to affect me the opposite of how they should, elevating my BP and pulse, making me anxious and even suicidal. Scary!) do I dare try Lyrica? I haven't tried it due to all the negative side effects I've read about. I wish that new drug were available now as I ache to the bone sometimes. I have a Vit D deficiency even tho I've taken supplements for at least 5 yrs...I've read that the symptoms are similar to fibromyalgia. I've also had chronic fatigue for over 25 yrs and depression since childhood. I'll be 60 in Jan (DREADING another SD winter!) and am feeling desperate...I went to the site you quoted for joining in a study, and there is one in Dakota Dunes, but I didn't see any contact info. How can I get into one? I'm afraid to try anything new as the last 2 anti-anxiety meds the Dr tried on me made me very anxious and I had the worst suicidal thots/actions I've ever had. NOT fun.


Well-Known Member
I said probably not because I am sure it would be a Tier 5 and I am on Tier 2 with Gabapentin. I also think right now I would wait a year or two after approval to find out about the patient feedback is.

Also, I have both Fibro and ME/CFS and I am not sure Fibro meds are good for ME/CFS. Gabapentin did help me dramatically for sleep but not every med out there reacts well with ME/CFS, IMO.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
If I reacted negatively to gabapentin (I think it gave me bad gut aches, hard to remember due to the brain fog, memory and concentration problems! I've had multiple real bad drug reactions~many of them seem to affect me the opposite of how they should, elevating my BP and pulse, making me anxious and even suicidal. Scary!) do I dare try Lyrica? I haven't tried it due to all the negative side effects I've read about. I wish that new drug were available now as I ache to the bone sometimes. I have a Vit D deficiency even tho I've taken supplements for at least 5 yrs...I've read that the symptoms are similar to fibromyalgia. I've also had chronic fatigue for over 25 yrs and depression since childhood. I'll be 60 in Jan (DREADING another SD winter!) and am feeling desperate...I went to the site you quoted for joining in a study, and there is one in Dakota Dunes, but I didn't see any contact info. How can I get into one? I'm afraid to try anything new as the last 2 anti-anxiety meds the Dr tried on me made me very anxious and I had the worst suicidal thots/actions I've ever had. NOT fun.
It's always a bit of crap shoot with drugs isn't it....particularly new ones. I know someone who had the opposite response to a drug that predicted; instead of making her bounce off the walls it made her almost comatose. To try it or not - not an easy question to answer. .

Laura Olinger

New Member
I have tried both Neurontin and Lyrica. They both did nothing for me. No side effects but no reduction in pain either. I would not try a "new" Lyrica until it had been out for awhile and the facts were in, but then I probably would.

Sarah R.

Active Member
Thanks for the survey, Cort. I have been diagnosed with both fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. I find Lyrica very helpful in addressing pain issues. I don't if it's possible in future surveys, but if so, I'd love not to have to choose between a diagnosis of fibro or ME/CFS. Would it be possible to allow respondents to click more than one radio button? Again, many thanks for all of your excellent work on behalf of our community!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Thanks for the survey, Cort. I have been diagnosed with both fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. I find Lyrica very helpful in addressing pain issues. I don't if it's possible in future surveys, but if so, I'd love not to have to choose between a diagnosis of fibro or ME/CFS. Would it be possible to allow respondents to click more than one radio button? Again, many thanks for all of your excellent work on behalf of our community!
Yes, I can allow more than one diagnosis...Good idea :)


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I found neurontin and lyrica felt differently. Neurontin did seem to help pain better and much less sedating than lyrica. So for me would be helpful during the day. But i choose lyrica because it is more sedating aand helps sleep. I would be interested in trying the new version to compare its effects .
These are all versions of the same compound I guess it is. It's fascinating how small changes can have major effects.

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