You don’t need to be a large organization to make a big difference. You simply need to be committed to a field (and producing jaw-dropping results doesn’t hurt either.) Consisting of three exercise physiologists (one with ME/CFS), a clinical coordinator and working with one of the top chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) experts (Dr. Dan Peterson) in the world, the small Workwell Foundation has and is playing a seminal role in the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) field.
Workwell (formerly the Pacific Fatigue lab) has been making a difference in ME/CFS for over a decade
The recent metabolomic and energy studies that have galvanized so much interest by highlighting problems with energy production are simply the logical conclusion of the exercise test results Workwell pioneered with Dr. Dan Peterson over 15 years ago. Workwell’s exercise tests uncovered an energy deficit that may be unique to ME/CFS and helped make exercise a key component in dozens of ME/CFS research studies. The Workwell Foundation’s work with Dr. Todd Davenport resulted in a seminal paper on ME/CFS and physical therapy which has helped many physical therapists embrace ME/CFS.
For many though, Workwell’s influence has come at a much more individual level; their exercise tests have proven crucial in helping many people with ME/CFS and/or fibromyalgia (FM) win their disability battles.
Health Rising’s Workwell Articles
- The ME/CFS and Long-COVID PEM Studies: Exercise, Recovery and Symptoms – covers Workwell’s symptom followup study after the 2-day exercise test.
- Long-Term Saline Use Improves Cardiovascular Functioning in ME/CFS: A Workwell Case Report
- Workwell’s Two-Day Exercise Tests and Breaking the Deconditioning Dilemma in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
- The Disability Defender: The Workwell Foundation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia
- How Physical Therapists are Getting it About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): The Workwell Foundation Pt. I
- Busted! Exercise Study Finds Energy Production System is Broken in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- The Exercise Intolerance in POTS, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Explained?
- Heart Rate Monitor Based Exercise Program Improves Heart Functioning in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
- Declining Production: Exercise Study Reveals Broad Declines in Energy Output in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Working Well for ME/CFS (Still) – ‘Pacific Fatigue Lab’ (Workwell) Continues On After University Cuts Them Loose
- “A Crack in the Foundation”: Workwell, Exercise Intolerance and Chronic fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
Workwell’s Articles on Activity Management, Graded Exercise Therapy, and Exercise
- Letter for Health Care Providers
- GETSET Letter
- Tuller Virology Blog Letter
- A Realistic Approach to Exercise by Staci Stevens, Dr. Snell and Dr Van Ness
- When Working Out Doesn’t Work Out – by Dr. Snell, Dr. Van Ness and Staci Stevens
- PFL Testing for Post-exertional Malaise and Disability by Staci Stevens and Dr. Snell
Disability Testing
- The Disability Defender: The Workwell Foundation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia
- Lannies Experiences at the Pacific Fatigue Lab (now Workwell) – Part I – Background/Costs) / Part II – the Test / Part III – Test Results / Part IV: plementing the Results
- Workwell’s Contact Info – / Phone: 209.599.7194 / Fax: 209.599.4047. Workwell is based in the Central Valley in Ripon, California.
Physical Therapy
Video Reports
Top Ten Things You Should Know About Post-Exertional Relapse – by Workwell Foundation with Staci Stevens, Dr. Snell, Dr. Van Ness
Dr. Snell of the Workwell Foundation talks on Exercise Testing in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in Sweden
Llewelyn King Talks with Staci Stevens, Program Director of the Workwell Foundation
Dr. Mark Van Ness of the Workwell Foundation on Expanding Physical Capability in ME/CFS
How to Do More with Less by Staci Stevens (2013)