Help Needed to Get Jamison Hill to a Doctor


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Jamison Hill's Next Quest - Get to a Doctor

Many people probably know Jamison Hill's story. A former bodybuilder Jamison now has a very, very severe case of ME/CFS. He's found a doctor but he has a problem that often afflicts the severely ill; now he has to get to him. The doctor, Dr. Kaufman, is in the San Francisco Bay area. Now his family is looking for help getting Jamison close enough to see Dr. Kaufman regularly.
Check out their appeal for help below

Dear Friends and Supporters:


As many of you know Jamison has been under the care of the awesome Dr. David Kaufman of the Open Medicine Clinic since the fall. At this point Jamison needs to be closer to the clinic to get the care he desperately needs. Despite his significant improvements, he remains bedridden and unable to care for himself.

For him to improve and be mobile again he needs to get more regular treatment at the clinic, which is in Mountain View, California. Jamison has the opportunity to be part of Open Medicine's Severely Ill Patient Study (SIPS), under which he can receive the most cutting edge treatment available for CFS/ME patients without cost to him. This is an incredible opportunity to give Jamison back some of his lost health.

To that end Jamison and his family have decided to move him to the Bay Area, to be within 30-60 minutes from the clinic, for a temporary 3-6 month period.

We desperately need your help with finding housing within 30-60 minutes from Mountain View.

  • BEST OPTION: The donation of a small apartment/studio for 3-6 months.
  • STILL WONDERFUL: Leads on small apartments/studios or a very private room in a home with access to a kitchen and private bathroom that are under market rate.
  • WE'LL TAKE IT: Leads on this type of housing at market rate.
Housing is crazy expensive in the Mountain View area and surrounding communities. We need to raise at least $7,000-$10,000 to cover this cost. Medicaid and SSI will not cover Jamison's housing-this is our responsibility.

We need your help.

Please make as generous a donation as you can, if you don't know of any housing options Any size donation is profoundly appreciated-but think big if you can. We need big hearts here now!

Spread the word, spread the word, spread the word! Use all the social media at your disposal-Facebook, Twitter, email-often!

Ask your friends and family, your soccer parent friends, the PTA, your church members (maybe someone's church wants to adopt this issue for a service project?), your mail carrier, your therapist, the cashier at the grocery store, the librarian and the barista at Starbucks. Just don't be shy-we really need this help.

Folks-this is a lonely struggle for Jamison and his family. CFS/ME is a hidden illness-there is next to no accurate public knowledge or awareness of the illness, so families suffer terribly in isolation. I cannot convey strongly enough that helping someone like Jamison is a life or death matter. And while GoFundMe may be an imperfect medium to ask for this kind of help, it's all we have right now. Please help-don't forget Jamison and his family.

Thank you.

You can contact Jamison's Family through the GoFundMe site.
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Active Member
I hope Jamison gets the help he needs. Like most with CFS/ME, I can't help financially, as I'm on SSD, and don't have a CFS specialist myself. Prayers for him & his family.


Active Member
I am always interested in treatments others are receiving that helps them. After over 20 yrs I finally have a Neuro who believes in it and has patients besides me. The only treatment offered has been LDN. What else is out there? That works.

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