Basic Stuff
- Name: Anna
- Country: United States
- State: Minnesota
- City: Saint Paul
- Gender: Female
- Age: 35
- Education: Four Year Degree
- Primary Illness: ME/CFS
- Diagnosis:
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
- Postural Orthostatic Tachcycardia Syndrome (POTS)
- Migraine
- Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
- Year Illness Began: 2017
Functioning Interrupted
Work Interrupted
- Former Occupation: Physical Therapist Assistant
- Job Responsibilities at Former Occupation:
Physical rehabilitation of patients with various functional loss of movement.
Lifting and transferring patients, pushing wheelchairs, implementing and demonstrating exercise programs, performing manual therapies, aquatic therapy, etc. - Years of Work Lost: 2
- Current Work Status: On disability
Income Interrupted
- Yearly Income Before Becoming Ill:
- Yearly Income From Disability:
Minimum Current Annual Income Loss:
- Total Projected Economic Losses For Years Not Worked:
Other Interruptions
- A member of my family stopped or reduced their time at work to become a caregiver
- My parents or other family members have provided financial support
- This illness has severely impacted my ability to financially prepare for retirement
- I reduced my work hours
- I left my job or retired early
- I decided not to have children (or have more children)
Most Impactful Loss
Losing the ability to be outside is by far what I long for the most. Engaging in hobbies and interests, friendships, and learning new things are all a massive loss to me.
The loss of my career and the ability to grow in knowledge and skill in a profession I found engaging and fulfilling.
My Story
I became ill right as I graduated from a Physical Therapy Assistant program (2017). I remember the flue virus that did me in and the feeling of alarm those first 6 months of continued symptoms. I was able to limp along by changing jobs to less and less physically demanding patient populations.
As I searched for a diagnosis, I remember trying to physically rehab myself and being eternally frustrated that I had, literally, the only disease that did not benefit from my exercise expertise.
My severity fluctuated in the mild range for 3 years. At the same Drs appointment where I was diagnosed with ME, it was also confirmed I was pregnant. I quickly deteriorated into moderate. After the birth of my daughter I crashed to severe and have since been diagnosed with POTS, Sjogrens and MCAD.
I'm not sure if I can describe the overwhelming and crushing realizations that occurred during that decline. I was swamped with post-partum hormones, realizing I could not return to work, then realizing I couldn't take care of my own child, followed by the realization I had become dependent on care for myself, over the course of a very short period of time.
My incessant quest for treatments has aided in lower symptoms and a more comfortable existence, but my functionality has remained severe since 2020.