Thanks....Yeah, sorry. As I said before, my aspergers makes this form of communication difficult. I am not being insulting to Remy and Who Me is all I can say. I do not think they are thinking clearly is all. Can I say that?
I never called anyone an idiot. My point in asking if they even understood what Dr. Shaw wrote was that even I did not understand it.
And thinking that you are smart all the time is just as insulting as thinking everyone else is stupid.
I hope they can get along with me. I hope they can change their behavior as well.
I appreciate it...
You should realize that your default when some disagrees with you is to insult them and you go to that default very quickly I think we all that to some degree but it's stronger in you - it's very strong in you!
Watch for any time you start going after the person instead focusing on the issue at hand. Anytime you start responding to THEM instead of objectively and calming focusing on the issue - things are going to go south. In fact, unless you're kind of joking around I might never refer to the person who is actually posting...always focus on the issue.
That's one idea...
One practice could be to declare that I am responsible for all the upsets that occur around me and commit to fixing them as quickly. To state that you take responsibility for the Forums running smoothly....That would be a great practice to engage in.
I promise you that if you change your behavior they will change their behavior....This doesn't mean agreeing with them or kowtowing to what they say - your strength is that you bring a lot of knowledge and ideas to the Forum - we want that - but just not insulting them when you think they are wrong. Calling into question someone's knowledge or approach or commitment automatically creates upsets.
I assure you that so long as you get along with them they will get along with you. Everyone has their rough spots but by and large everyone gets along on the Forums.
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