Breathe Folks, Open Up Your Lungs


Well-Known Member
This one issue people don't think about, good deep breathing, and most just go thru life doing their shallow breathing. The lungs are a huge issue in this covid disaster and if only people worked on their own breathing, that could change things.

If one can, get outside and if one has Sun, get in the sun and do some good deep breathing and with NO MASK, which only constricts breathing.

Deep long breaths thru nose, and long deep breathing out thru mouth...Do these during the day and do them slowly. And No Hyperventilating.

I do the deep breathing work thru the day and was just reminded again by Dr. Victory during her weekly 1 hr program. I also learned this deep breathing work from Occupational Therapists when I spent the months in rehabs for my knee issue. So it's very valuable info.

Just reading from another member on another Fibro group about her troubled breathing. One must be reminded to do this. A couple times daily, for a short period and do it properly but DO IT.:);)
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David H

New Member
I had adopted the deep breathing habit thirty-three years ago when I suffered altitude sickness. You have hit the nail on the head!

David H

New Member
This one issue people don't think about, good deep breathing, and most just go thru life doing their shallow breathing. The lungs are a huge issue in this covid disaster and if only people worked on their own breathing, that could change things.

If one can, get outside and if one has Sun, get in the sun and do some good deep breathing and with NO MASK, which only constricts breathing.

Deep long breaths thru nose, and long deep breathing out thru mouth...Do these during the day and do them slowly. And No Hyperventilating.

I do the deep breathing work thru the day and was just reminded again by Dr. Victory during her weekly 1 hr program. I also learned this deep breathing work from Occupational Therapists when I spent the months in rehabs for my knee issue. So it's very valuable info.

Just reading from another member on another Fibro group about her troubled breathing. One must be reminded to do this. A couple times daily, for a short period and do it properly but DO IT.:);)
I had adopted the deep breathing habit thirty-three years ago when became affected by altitude sickness.

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