Chronic Fatigue X Files


Active Member
For Not dead yet...(kind of long)
When the Spanish arrived they discovered through ancient rock art, cave paintings, indigenous legends, songs, thousands of books and artifacts found throughout the America’s that aside from Asian, Druid or Celtic, Egyptian or Phoenician’s, people of ancient Hebrew faith came to share knowledge, mine copper and trade with the indigenous nations as well.
In addition, the Spanish apparentlydiscovered around two thousand years ago a white bearded healer and teacher, who wore long white robes and was called by various names according to tribe and location. He traveled throughout Polynesia and the America’s by ship accompanied by disciples he apparently left with some of the tribes when he moved on to other lands.
In 1963, L. Taylor Hansen; archaeologist, anthropologist and geologist wrote a book called “He Walked The America’s”. Hansen spent twenty-five years researching legends from different tribes all over the America’s, combing through museums, ruins, libraries and conversing with experts on folklore.
As quoted from the back of her book, “Almost two thousand years ago a mysterious white man walked from tribe to tribe among the American Nations. He came to Peru from the Pacific, he traveled through South and Central America, among the Mayans into Mexico and all of North America, then back to ancient Tula, from whence he departed across the Atlantic to the land of his origin. Who was this white Prophet who spoke a thousand languages, healed the sick, raised the dead and taught in the same words as Jesus Himself?”
As a race of intelligent human beings, are we so ignorant and arrogant as to believe that Jesus shared his knowledge only on one tiny little corner on this entire planet? How could we honestly believe His teachings were limited and reserved for ONLY the Middle East area? This is akin to us believing we are the only life forms in existence and there is no other life beyond us on planet Earth. This is when I feel compelled to mention it would be a good idea to tuck our egos into bed and wake up.
Jesus was a planetary teacher who came here between the cycles of Aries and Pisces knowing full well at the end of the 2000 yr cycle of Pisces, humanity and our solar system would be completing the precession and entering this Great Shift. According to plan, 2000 years ago it was crucial to seed and spread the teachings and knowledge across the planet for the sole intention of awakening humanity on a global level. Therefore, humanity has had the last two thousand years to integrate this knowledge and tools for spiritual development. Needless to say much of the original teachings of His Peace Religion in the Mid-East and eventually the majority of everywhere else were hidden, destroyed or twisted to serve a different plan for humanity; one of servitude to those in power.
He came to the America's to integrate the teachings after He completed His mission in the Mid-East ending with the crucifixion. However, He knew and foretold the Red Race that a new generation of the White Race would be coming to them and when they did, they needed to hide this sacred knowledge deep in the jungles, in caves and within their architecture until a time when humanity reached the end of the precession and this Great Shift. That at this time there would be enough who awakened to understand, honor and respect this knowledge, that it would be greatly needed by humanity to assist in their preparation for a new world.....a world of peace.
So here we are! Humanity is once again in between cycles 2000 yrs later, this time...... the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius...the time that has been foretold and talked about for the last 2000 years plus.
In Hansen’s introduction of “He Walked The America’s”, she begins by stating; “These are the legends of The Healer. This is the drama of Mahnt-Azoma or Tl-Acoma The Mighty, sometimes called Kate-Zahl, The Prophet. It is the story of a saintly white teacher, whose hands performed miracles of healing and who strange eyes, grey-green as the ocean, looked down the vistas of the future. His symbol woven into blankets, carved upon the walls of canyons, burned into pottery and danced in dances. His name is given to rushing rivers, tall white mountains, sacred forests and springs of never ending water.”
According to what Hansen learned, this Pale Prophet brought seeds for melons, squash, medicines, spices, clothing, chocolate and other foods to the America's. He taught them many ceremonies, baptismal and sacred marriage rites, most importantly, he taught them ceremonial dances to replace their belief in sacrifices.
Hansen goes on to describe his route; “The Prophet moved from South America up the Mississippi and by rivers throughout the Eastern states. From Michigan he went to Canada and from there to the Pacific Coast. Moving from there to the Pacific tribes by way of Grand Canyon and Havasupai, he went to the Pueblos and then down the Chichihua Valley to Tula and later Cholula. He apparently sailed with the merchants to South America. Returning, he left for the Mayan Empire and finally departed from Cosmul Island by ship for an island lying toward the sunrise over the sea.”

It is my strongest intention by sharing these legends, to remind those who already carry this knowledge and to inform those who do not. It is all part of putting the truth out there. Most people have never heard of these legends nor seen any evidence of anyone, let alone Jesus being in the America's prior to Columbus.
On the pages following in this section are excerpts from Hansen’s book on various tribes sacred legends regarding this mysterious man and the knowledge he left them for future generations and who foretold of this time we are now in.

From “A Reminder From The Ancients of The Broad Land”;
“We are the Ancients and our skin is red; with us, the Sacred Color. These are our legends told about the campfires on winter’s evenings. When you string them together, remember our great pride. Now we are looking down and our feathers are drooping. Tell the legends so that our young men will realize that the ancestor threads run in many directions. Through the tribes we have captured and with whom we have intermarried there is a red thread which runs back to the Red Land long sunken in the Destruction. There is a thread which runs far to the south where the mountain tops touch the sky and the Thunder Bird moves through the lightening’s. There is a golden thread which touches Tollan, The Mighty and the beautiful Tula, while through some of our mothers there is a white thread to the words of The Prophet. Tell my young men to listen.”
Asa Delugie, War Chief of The Mescallero Apaches.

“This is our book - these legends of Ancient times. They are of the blood which courses through our veins. We of the Seven Tribes of the Black Tortoise once had a Dream of Empire. Yet father back through the cycles of Time we knew the Great Wakon-Tah, but we forgot His words. These legends should help us to look up and remember.”
Shooting Star, of the Hunkapa Dacotah.

Copyright ©2004-2013 Wake Up Humanity. All rights reserved.


Well-Known Member
Such important comments and additions. Thanks to all of you for sharing. Keep it going. This is great stuff. So tired here, hard to write more now.


Active Member
Sorry if I get carried away..
My favorite stuff to chat about.
I want to mention a discrepancy, slight difference, what I remember is it was close to basic Christianity, but there was a added point that the land was sacred, as are the rocks, water etc. and they were to be respected. But this could be because it may have already been part of their culture.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Thanks @Ladyliegh, that reminded me strongly of these people (I read too much, I know:) ) The Bauls of Bengal -- History:

It's actually hard to get any accurate description of these people other than the way they survive financially which is by being wandering minstrels. But they do wear white robes (the men do),and they practice a very old religion that mainly revolves around humanism. It's a more intense version of "witnessing" for them. They seek to bring people closer to God and be there to see the enlightenment. They're very personal and specific about religion, not "one religion for all" but "one spirit moves through various prisms." That's the best description I can give, sorry. I'm not that fond some of the music, but I suppose it would help if I spoke Hindi. I do appreciate how heartfelt and sincere they are. Youtube has a lot of songs from them.

Like all minorities they suffer persecution. I think I read somewhere that they don't maintain any records of their history on purpose. Whether that was due to persecution or a philosophy of " be here now " I don't know. It looks like they traveled farther in the past. And also I was reminded of them when you mentioned the loss of traditions. They seem to have lost a lot of their songs, which are still memorized verbally and passed down from person to person, after the seeker proves they are dedicated to the faith and aren't likely to leave it behind later. Such a system is fraught with dangers, but it also serves to intensify human curiosity which will ultimately increase the perceived value of anything that is taught. It's an old shaman trick, but a good one. ;)

A similar people in the same area are the Fakirs, a Sufi sect that is brutally persecuted, even today. (Also Bengal)

Such rich lives and experiences around here!

Romanticizing past generations and cultures is always risky, but we certainly seem to have lost a lot while we've made many material gains. In certain respects our current age will be remembered as a dark age, I believe, since we have elevated commercialism to the status of religion. Here in the US we barely even make anything anymore; our commerce is so utterly driven by promotion (both self-promotion and information promotion). The first episode of season two of Black Mirror is considered science fiction, but, really, it pretty much portrays our current world where the self is little more than a commodity.

Non-sequitur: I was reading Amazon reviews of a new-ish book called "Is it all in your head?" (by an MD), and it struck me that a lot of people (including physicians and researchers) are pretty much equating the term "psychosomatic" with "mind/body." Psychosomatic connotes disorders that are "all in the head." It's always seemed obvious to me that the mind/body interplay is often highly relevant in disease progression and etiology, and I wish we could discuss this connection without it being simplistically reduced to the language of psychiatry.

* On self/ commodity: Yeah I'm planning to start up a 23andme, and I feel so used. But the first time I tried to get a DNA test it turned out to be a scam.

* On psychosomatic, well I suppose PTSD is psychosomatic too, but when your thoughts cause that much stress, it's going to get physical. So it's more like, it originated in the head, but now has physical symptoms. However, in the case of CFS/ME, the biomarkers for autoimmunity and just dysfunction are clearly pointing to a physical cause. Unless they plan to redefine several types of arthritis and MS as psychosomatic, I think they're stuck with the definition of CFS/ME as a physical disease. I honestly think they're scared. I think they know they created this in a lab and/or as a contaminant in vaccines, and they are trying to keep the lid on it. But honestly I just want help, I think we all just want to have an effective treatment.


Well-Known Member
Okay, some more recent X File material. Been back in acupuncture. My person was an orthopedic surgeon in China - did neck surgeries for 10 years but did not like the results. He then returned to ancient Chinese healing methods. Is called "the Master physician" by his colleagues.
( Don't get too excited yet - I am still NOT well)

So, as usual, I am trying to pry information about things I have no clue. Here is what my acupuncturist told me: There is a group of very sensitive people who have meridians that can absorb energies from other people and from spirits !!!! I asked, " Am I one of those? " He answered, "yes." Hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
Love that quote from the Apache war chief. Keeps me thinking that what we are experiencing is so much bigger than just this syndrome. But maybe I am just romanticizing - not wanting to believe that we have lost so much of our lives to some stupid virus or injury or toxic exposure. I sure appreciate your ( and others') in depth comments.


Active Member
I am jealous, I wish I had a cool Dr.
I keep hoping there is some benefit to having CFS, but maybe it is simply teaching patience.:confused:


Well-Known Member
@Ladyliegh @Paw @Not dead yet!
Just re-read this entire thread. Wow. So appreciate the BIG thinking.
Here is a bit more: The mtDNA of the Paracas elongated skulls has been analyzed by 'standard' scientists - one project leader is from NYU. This skull was about 2,000 years old. The female haplogroup was European/ middle eastern. Haplogroup H (2A - if I am remembering okay). Additionally this skull had no evidence of a saggital suture, something all present day humans have.

I actually had a CINE MRI years ago, with measurement of the posterior fossa - by a neurosurgeon. My posterior fossa is small, with a short clivus and steep angle of the tentorium. So, my cerebellum is a crowded.but no true Chiari.

Maybe when we understand more about the true history of Man, we understand more about the true nature of CFS/FM.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Okay, some more recent X File material. Been back in acupuncture. My person was an orthopedic surgeon in China - did neck surgeries for 10 years but did not like the results. He then returned to ancient Chinese healing methods. Is called "the Master physician" by his colleagues.
( Don't get too excited yet - I am still NOT well)

So, as usual, I am trying to pry information about things I have no clue. Here is what my acupuncturist told me: There is a group of very sensitive people who have meridians that can absorb energies from other people and from spirits !!!! I asked, " Am I one of those? " He answered, "yes." Hmmmm.

The standard Western Wiccan answer for that would be to practice "grounding" methods. A Western psychologist would tell you to create and maintain boundaries. Each tradition is observing the same elephant while blindfolded. (or so the allegory goes)

Like constipation, energy that is kept can putrefy. Clearing the channel is not a hard thing to learn. But our modern world is too restricted about spiritual practice and thus people end up with useless resentments and unhelpful phrases like "letting go" which mean nothing and offer no method for doing it. Basically the modern advice becomes stoicism by default.

If you haven't done it before, I'd recommend two practices for clearing/grounding. Both are visualizations aided by natural sunshine and/or sounds:

1. Standing in sunshine with eyes closed and facing the sun. Visualize the sunshine passing through your body and into the ground. After you've mastered it, after several practices, reverse the flow, pull up the cool earth energy and send it back to be warmed by the sun. This visualization is very calming. You should not feel stressed by it or struggle with it. If you do, then attempt a connection between other elements... sit in the surf at the beach, visualize connecting the water's restlessness with the earth's steady presence. Kids do this naturally if you've ever seen them insist on standing outside in the danger of a Hurricane. It may seem "stupid" to adults but it's an energetic thrill for them.

2. Go to youtube and watch people use Tibetan singing bowls to heal others. There are several archival movies of it. And there are several modern people using singing bowls as well. Again, practice developing the feeling that the sound passes through you without "catching" or staying. Clear channel means just that. At first, you may need to imagine you are amplifying the sound, but don't repeat it in your mind. Let the sounds and amp change as you hear it.

I prefer "let things be" to the useless phrase "letting go." Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
Slow here. Thanks for the helpful comments. Yes, I have trained through Reiki level 1 and core Shamanism (level 1 - Foundation for Shamanic Studies). Also, studying and practice dowsing. Chanting at local Buddhist Temple. Two sessions with QiGong Grandmaster. Have great acupuncturist who came from China years ago and trained many here. So much more. Some progress, but still only functioning 20 per cent. What is the barrier to our wellness?

My latest foray - learned of a traditional Philippine healer through a Philippine friend. Have had 2 sessions - on 'back streets' of L.A. First session: parked car and a hummingbird flew in and circled me and my car, followed me part way down driveway. Third session : I am resting later in day and all of a sudden I feel/hear an "explosion " right in the center of my head. Another friend said , " oh that was your crown chakra opening." I felt fine, so . . .

Whew. What a strange trip.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
Slow here. Thanks for the helpful comments. Yes, I have trained through Reiki level 1 and core Shamanism (level 1 - Foundation for Shamanic Studies). Also, studying and practice dowsing. Chanting at local Buddhist Temple. Two sessions with QiGong Grandmaster. Have great acupuncturist who came from China years ago and trained many here. So much more. Some progress, but still only functioning 20 per cent. What is the barrier to our wellness?

My latest foray - learned of a traditional Philippine healer through a Philippine friend. Have had 2 sessions - on 'back streets' of L.A. First session: parked car and a hummingbird flew in and circled me and my car, followed me part way down driveway. Third session : I am resting later in day and all of a sudden I feel/hear an "explosion " right in the center of my head. Another friend said , " oh that was your crown chakra opening." I felt fine, so . . .

Whew. What a strange trip.

It's interesting that you ask about the barrier to wellness. Many of the traditional techniques "promote wellness" and they do. But today we have a dichotomy that didn't exist in a traditional shamanic society. People going to a traditional healer (my grandmother among them, I used to go with her, she made me wait outside though) in a traditional context expect not only spiritual healing but physical (dare I say it) medical care. Today we're more likely to go to the hospital first, and then see a healer. Nothing wrong with that, the healer in the past would've set the bone but maybe more painfully than in the hospital.

A healer sees the body as being able to be influenced by the spirit, or the spirit can be disturbed by the body's pain. I also suspect that healers did not stop at pain, I believe they also focused on healthy pleasures as a way of healing the spirit and reunifying the body with it. Sunshine, nutrient dense foods, water, etc.

Convalescent homes used to bring people out into the sunshine daily. Now they no longer exist except as nursing homes for the elderly and they actively prohibit or discourage access to the outdoors. I recently visited one for Alzheimer's patients, and they congregated in the lobby, not allowed to go outside and get a breath of air. The feelings I felt about that, they probably need no describing.

The disconnection between body and spirit healing cuts on both sides.


Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
Wow. Thanks for the important comments. Your grandmother a traditional healer! My family had some healers too - but more Western. My Mom's brother was an M.D. who was known for his incredible diagnostic abilities. He made house calls and I recall that our family ( and others) just seemed to get better after a visit from "uncle Jim."

I forget what thread we're on, but I will add this: I attended the UFO Congress last February. Kathleen Marden discussed the characteristics of Contactees. Some of them became healers, many reports of post contact psyhic gifts. But also, about 40 percent of the Contactees ended up getting Chronic Fatigue / FM Syndrome. So what the heck is this all about?


Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
You may appreciate Spirit Talkers by Dr. William Lyon, retired prof of anthropology / religion. He was adopted by the Lakota and given a Lakota name. He has well documented accounts of the many ways in the Medicine Men actually influenced/ changed 'reality' and healed tribal members as well as trappers and other White visitors. There is one report that a great Shaman actually brought a young warrior back from death. But not all ill people could be helped.


Well-Known Member
OK - I just have to contribute here..... this thread is fascinating. And I would add this to the mix:

What if you take the theories mentioned above and insert "toxic mold" as the common denominator over thousands of years? Mold as the alien life form, morphing over time, creating new toxins as it intermixes with chemicals. Then working together with other pathogens.... virus, protozoa, bacteria, spirochete, what-have-you.

And triggering/resulting in multiple illnesses, including the hallmark of ME/CFS. But bringing with it, altered brain capacities/gifts that you all have mentioned. Until it ultimately brings us down.

With that in mind --- I will share a fun design I created :)
M Files_HR.JPG


Well-Known Member
So good to hear from you. The M files ! Woohoo! Yes, we had one person in our support group who was sure it was the mold that started her illness. I read some ( but don't know much) about the very toxic chemicals given off by molds/fungus. And we know that some fungus produce psychoactive chemicals.

We could perhaps answer this question if some great geographer did a mapping of cases of CFS and the occurrence of mold. I am in L.A.- in a hot dry valley - no mold!!!

But, Lissa, this whole situation seems odd. Like the people who have these kinds of structural differences I've mentioned also have great sensitivity and the potential for psychic type gifts and healing gifts. Yet, many of us are sick, and can be made even sicker by exposures that can others can tolerate.

Update me - have you gotten significantly better by eliminating the mold in your environment?


Well-Known Member
One more X Files comment: I attended a lecture last week by Linda Moulton Howe. She has a Master's from Stanford, and began her career in the 1970s as an investigative journalist. One of her first assignments was to investigate and report on a strange animal death - a horse. Turns out it was a classic animal mutilation scenerio. Organs and eyes removed with precision technology, no blood, no foot prints, etc. That changed Linda's life, and she began focusing on the extra terrestrial presence.

She had a fascinating 2 hour lecture that started with binary code ET messages and ended up talking about the possibility of some extra terrestrials recycling humans souls . Really crazy.

But it seems pretty clear that they are here and up to something. what??? Check you tube for the 20/20 interview with Robert Bigelow, billionaire CEO of Bigelow aerospace - a NASA contractor now building space station type modular units. He was asked if he thought we could encounter Intelligent life in our space journeys. He said something like: We don't have to go into space. They are here right under our noses.

So what does this have to do with us?? Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. Is a certain group getting sick from alien viruses or fungus or ???????

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
Wow. Thanks for the important comments. Your grandmother a traditional healer! My family had some healers too - but more Western. My Mom's brother was an M.D. who was known for his incredible diagnostic abilities. He made house calls and I recall that our family ( and others) just seemed to get better after a visit from "uncle Jim."

I forget what thread we're on, but I will add this: I attended the UFO Congress last February. Kathleen Marden discussed the characteristics of Contactees. Some of them became healers, many reports of post contact psyhic gifts. But also, about 40 percent of the Contactees ended up getting Chronic Fatigue / FM Syndrome. So what the heck is this all about?

Oops I didn't mean to say my grandmother was a healer, she visited one regularly in the "old country" and when we went, I'd wait outside. Then we often went herb picking in the crountryside. The only herbs I remember picking are chamomile and a type of leaf that's ubiquitous everywhere, it has flat leaves and the veins run lengthwise, not in a "leaf pattern." I've heard it called plantain (but in the USA that means a type of banana-like fruit that isn't sweet and I'm referring to an herb).

I wouldn't venture to guess about UFOs. I'm not sure if I know enough about it to distinguish between that and seance type channeling. But many people who are gifted in a sensitive way seem to share characteristics. Another description of them that's very complete is in Isaac Bonewits's books. He's not everyone's favorite person, but he was clear in his writings. I haven't kept up on news with him, but at one point he was high up or head of a group of modern Druids. He had a category of a "Total Empath" which fit me rather well, but somehow I've managed to remain sane despite that. Maybe because I've never considered these things to be "odd" or "supernatural." And since I'm Eastern European, I have the added emotional shielding of being quite cynical so I don't let it get to me that things are not as they seem. I kind of expect it.

I'm certainly nervous about people I see everyday knowing how I feel spiritually though. I don't think we have the kind of society that supports ideas that are not the norm. I can share about it online, but my neighbors think I'm Jane Average, well, JA with an illness. :) Anyway, once you get into ideas, you are a hair's breadth from ideals and that's where the trouble comes in.


Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
Thank you for the important and insightful post. Kathleen Marden discusses the issue of increased psychic gifts, including channeling, poltergeist - like activity, more, after Contact experiences. I don't know either. I have had no such experiences and no Contact. I did have a very unexpected out of Body experience about age 28. Have no idea why - except I was about to become pregnant or was newly pregnant with my first born?

Yes, I wonder how many of us are Empaths? I was always impressed by the people in my CFS/FM support group . Kind, caring, ready to help others at their own expense, insightful, many had psychic gifts and incredible intuition. So why is such an important group of people - important to the advancement of a humanistic, caring society - so sick ??? I wish a group of us could meet and discuss this.


Well-Known Member
So good to hear from you. The M files ! Woohoo! Yes, we had one person in our support group who was sure it was the mold that started her illness. I read some ( but don't know much) about the very toxic chemicals given off by molds/fungus. And we know that some fungus produce psychoactive chemicals.

We could perhaps answer this question if some great geographer did a mapping of cases of CFS and the occurrence of mold. I am in L.A.- in a hot dry valley - no mold!!!

But, Lissa, this whole situation seems odd. Like the people who have these kinds of structural differences I've mentioned also have great sensitivity and the potential for psychic type gifts and healing gifts. Yet, many of us are sick, and can be made even sicker by exposures that can others can tolerate.

Update me - have you gotten significantly better by eliminating the mold in your environment?

Yes - glad to see your posts as well @Merida ! I do have a story to tell as far as the toxic mold goes. I have been working on a piece for Cort, but it has been hard because I haven't had the time. (!!!!! Shock and awe, right?!!!!)

Short/swift version --- since leaving our home for a full whole-house remediation, I have improved enough that I am running errands, actively participating in some of the re-build process, and I've almost tripled my "steps per day".

We have been out since February and just "moved back" about 2 weeks ago. The house is completely gutted and we are up to our ears in DIY because insurance covers NOTHING. So it is not often that I am able to partake in HR lately.

My hope is to finish with my write up soon though and share the full story -- there is SO MUCH to say! Thanks for asking!


Well-Known Member
@Not dead yet!
Thank you for the important and insightful post. Kathleen Marden discusses the issue of increased psychic gifts, including channeling, poltergeist - like activity, more, after Contact experiences. I don't know either. I have had no such experiences and no Contact. I did have a very unexpected out of Body experience about age 28. Have no idea why - except I was about to become pregnant or was newly pregnant with my first born?

Yes, I wonder how many of us are Empaths? I was always impressed by the people in my CFS/FM support group . Kind, caring, ready to help others at their own expense, insightful, many had psychic gifts and incredible intuition. So why is such an important group of people - important to the advancement of a humanistic, caring society - so sick ??? I wish a group of us could meet and discuss this.

OK - count me in with the poltergeist experience. I was in high school at the time and can still recall it vividly. One of the most scary experiences of my life!

I've also had bizarre experiences that may have been ghosts. ??? Who's to say? And some kind of "knowing" runs in the family on my Dad's side. Weird premonitions / gut feelings, awareness or thinking of someone and then the phone rings and it is them, and more rarely - vivid dreams that actually happen later.

I do recall an "out of body" experience when I was in 5th grade, during what I assume was a high fever. I felt like I was floating above myself in my bedroom.
Oh and once I took an online "facial emotions recognition" test and scored in the very highest percentiles. Just by reading eyes, eyebrows, etc. It was really intriguing. It would seem to indicate that I am an empath as well.

Yes I like your question -- why is such an important group so sick?!

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