Data from 6 studies show that COVID vaccines cause more harm than good in chronic illness patients


New Member
I’ve been afraid to talk about this because of backlash against anti-vaxxers, but I do feel that all the vaccines I’ve had in the past couple of years has really taken a toll on my health. 5 Covid and 2 flu vaccines. There were no immediate side effects other than sore arm for a day or two. In the first couple of years after acute Covid (March 2020) I could still do stuff: garden, kayak, swim, skate. Not all the time but enough to keep my spirits up. Now I am almost completely bedridden. It’s hard to sort out cause and effect and simple association, but I definitely have my suspicions. I never considered myself an anti-vaxxer before, but I am wavering now.


Well-Known Member
It's been a 3 yr Nightmare for the People and Bonanza for Pharma and Govt Criminals.

So so terrible on the side effects and continuing damage from the Forced Shots.

I took none and have NOT take any shots in general for about 30 or more years.

KEEP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONG. We can All Do that without Govt.....


Well-Known Member
I've wondered about this. I took all of the Covid vaccinations, but didn't do flu shots. I'm so used to just staying home, and masking when I have to get groceries, that I've decided to not take the next Covid booster. I reacted to all of the shots - I still have some residual 'covid toes' from the 2nd booster. I was volunteering 15 hours a week pre-Covid, and now I'm mostly home-bound. I have a slow-progression form of CFS, and this is a relatively fast decline.


Well-Known Member
Thru all this FORCE by the govt, now believe more and more if the govt tells me to do it, I do NOT...I do the opposite of what gubmint pushes...The know nothing about health for sure and care ZERO for any of us...

Their big Care is MONEY MONEY MONEY.....

Wake Up People...


Well-Known Member
Well, the vaccines and isolation were worth it for me. The last thing I need is long Covid on top of CFS. In the early days all I had were cloth masks, which were barely protective. Also my pod is 3 of my grown kids, and one has asthma. We're all protecting each other. But now I've got a great stash of super-breathable kn95s, and I hardly go out. I'm actually mad that wearing masks is optional in so many hospitals.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's all Blind Faith on this Gene Therapy...Rushed thru shots. You don't know how you would ahve been today with good amounts of Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and others....

I wore a mask 2 times in the last 3 yrs, and both times at doc appts, in 2021 and 2022.

Masks are Worthless....You must have missed this information....The FrontLine doctors and researchers said this from day 1, March 2020....


New Member
I’ve been afraid to talk about this because of backlash against anti-vaxxers, but I do feel that all the vaccines I’ve had in the past couple of years has really taken a toll on my health. 5 Covid and 2 flu vaccines. There were no immediate side effects other than sore arm for a day or two. In the first couple of years after acute Covid (March 2020) I could still do stuff: garden, kayak, swim, skate. Not all the time but enough to keep my spirits up. Now I am almost completely bedridden. It’s hard to sort out cause and effect and simple association, but I definitely have my suspicions. I never considered myself an anti-vaxxer before, but I am wavering now.

I don't think its the vaccines. It's COVID itself: repeated and constant exposure to COVID, even if you don't contract the illness and never test positive, takes a toll on people. Viral exposure can affect people w/o making them have any acute phase (like "I have the flu" and you have symptoms of the flu, or can test positive for a virus or whatever). That's been known for a long time just gets left out of a lot of medical education for both professionals and lay people. Think about it, huge populations of people for the past 3 years have been swamped with this virus. I started developing this SEID/CFS whatever for no seeming reason, with no temporally connected events that I know of at all within a year of the start of it, early in 2022. My house is clear, ive always done athletic stuff and yoga and im buddhist and yada yada yada. I think its way way way more likely that repeated exposure to a virus that is extremely well known to cause all sorts of long term systemic problems for huge swaths of an exposed population, including specifically the same symptoms and conditions we call CFS or SEID, to be capable of causing these things w/o causing an acute illness phase.


Well-Known Member
It's the Shots and they are NOT vaccines,,,pushed thru Gene Therapy......A TRAGEDY what has taken
place in our lives.

For Pete sake, stay away from any more TOXINS going into your body....

Work with More Vit C, Vit D, Zinc and Quercetin and give A powerful antioxidant a good LOOK INTO as I
have no colds, no flu nadda and Grape Seed Ex for decades.....
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Well, it's all Blind Faith on this Gene Therapy...Rushed thru shots. You don't know how you would ahve been today with good amounts of Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and others....

I wore a mask 2 times in the last 3 yrs, and both times at doc appts, in 2021 and 2022.

Masks are Worthless....You must have missed this information....The FrontLine doctors and researchers said this from day 1, March 2020....
Hi Jamin,

As you might guess given what's happened the effectiveness of masks against long COVID have been assessed in scientific studies many times.

As a conclusion, the recent evidence in COVID-19 pandemic is consistent with the previous studies which have shown association between face mask use and decreased risk of viral infections, and medical face mask use should be encouraged both for the community and healthcare facilities along with other infection control measures such as hand hygiene, during outbreaks when there is widespread community transmission.

For the healthcare workers group, masks were shown to have a reduced risk of infection by nearly 70%.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts.


Well-Known Member
Cort -- from Day 1 when the plandemic broke, I believed NONE of the governement.

Followed all the FrontLine Doctors and researchers who includes Del Bigtree.....

So you and I and millions agree some but not a lot.


New Member
Most of my good friends are antivaxers and anti government. I’ve lost THREE friends to Covid. All antivaxers. One of them had a 5 year old child and was healthy as a horse. Another had fibromyalgia.

In addition to that my best friend got Covid and almost died. She died a year and a half later from a heart condition that was likely made worse by Covid.

I have 2 other very good friends who now have Long Covid - one developed symptoms similar to Parkinson’s and she’s young.
So, I don’t believe all the hype against vaccines. I think it was all the unfortunate result of political nonsense.

I’ve had 5 Covid shots. My ME/CFS is severe but the shots didn’t make it any worse. Actually, they gave me a temporary increase in energy.


Active Member
The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts.

There are 2 RCTs on surgical masks and/or face coverings. A Danish randomized controlled trial on surgical masks did not find a statistically significant benefit to mask recommendations ( If they have a benefit, the benefit is almost certainly very small.

A cluster-randomized trial in Bangladesh ( suggests that surgical mask recommendations lead to very low or no benefit.

If you want to protect yourself with a mask, an elastomeric respirator with P100 filters will filter 100% of particles in the air (such as particles carrying the coronavirus) and is known to be many times more effective at filtering than a N95 mask. While they should be far more effective than N95s, there is very little research on their real-world effectiveness. Their theoretical protection may or may not materialize in the real world.

If you wish to purchase an elastomeric respirator, they are less than $50 on Ebay. This Youtube video by Rahoul Ahuja, MD explains how to use them and where to buy them.

*Disclosure: I personally wear an elastomeric respirator to the supermarket but don't mask in some other situations, where I just rely on drugs instead. You can have conversations with one on but you have to speak a lot louder.


Well-Known Member
Do whatever feels right for you but take some time and read the FrontLine Doctors on all this covid PROPAGANDA... Yep, that is what it is.


New Member
I’ve been afraid to talk about this because of backlash against anti-vaxxers, but I do feel that all the vaccines I’ve had in the past couple of years has really taken a toll on my health. 5 Covid and 2 flu vaccines. There were no immediate side effects other than sore arm for a day or two. In the first couple of years after acute Covid (March 2020) I could still do stuff: garden, kayak, swim, skate. Not all the time but enough to keep my spirits up. Now I am almost completely bedridden. It’s hard to sort out cause and effect and simple association, but I definitely have my suspicions. I never considered myself an anti-vaxxer before, but I am wavering now.
I have had cfs three decades and always was told not to do vaccines. I haven't had flu or cold for thirty years as our immune is in overdrive. Just my experience


Well-Known Member
I THINK some vaccines may be essential, but to just keep doing them, NO WAY.....RFK Jr is one who preaches responsible shots, the COVID stuff is NOT responsible.....rushed thru danagers. RFK Jr has been chastized by BiG Pharma for his TRUTHS and Whistleblowing.....

Can you folks with CFS take Zinc, Vit D, Vit C, Antioxidant???? This keeps one healthy.
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Active Member
I’ve lost THREE friends to Covid. All antivaxers
None here. Almost all of my about thirty co-workers got the mRNA therapeutic repeatedly, all on sickness leave after being injected. And all got covid, partially very severe and repeatedly. The only co-worker, insulting me for choosing not to vaccinate for my very good reasons, suffers from long-covid now. All co-workers had to wear N95 masks during working in councelling settings. All got it despite. Our maybe about 300 clients in that time period - homeless people never wearing mask when allowed to - none experienced severe covid.

Despite having all co-morbitities for being at risk, all being in remission through life-style changes and comprehensive orthomolecular supplementation - so practically everything nutrient-wise known to be effective against covid - didn't have even one covid episode. Nor any flu since 2006. And then my last three day of sickness-leave, so not really severe either.

In my immatiate family my brother and I only choose not to get potentially gene-manipulated organisms. Both of us had no covid at all. The only lucky exception being my 81 year old father with three mRNA injections, and luckily without any episode. All other injected, all got covid. The only related family with the most of even four injections, living for three years in fear and most secluded, just recently got it really worse with harmless omikron.

Sure, only personal and not representative experience, but nethertheless a N of about = 300.

But deffinitely not a severe pandemic at all, as could already be seen from the beginning, with localized over-mortality not worse than a severe flu season. And the low mortality also already seen in the secluded lab of the Diamont Princess, with an age-group allegedly worst at risk.

The world population has increased the 3 years of this 'plandemic' by about 200 million people, and not decreased at all. Or a thirth like during the black death. As it appeared from the beginning - with all the taking away of civil liberties and unneccessary distruction of small-scall business with no real-life or scientific evidence of justification for such drastic meassures - as the general rehearsal of a world-wide totallitarian overtake by some billionairs.

And as to be expected with the sullification through social-media, it worked almost better than expected.

Disclaimer: This is my personal experience and opinion throughout this event. It is not meant to disvalue the experience and opinion of someone thinking the opposite. On the contrary, I put all prayers in being proven wrong. Sadly, all meanwhile events don't.


Active Member
Despite having all co-morbitities for being at risk, all being in remission through life-style changes and comprehensive orthomolecular supplementation - so practically everything nutrient-wise known to be effective against covid - didn't have even one covid episode.
To be more precise: a sixty pecent walking-disabilty from PAD, COPD stage one, prediabetic and constant PEMs due to still working part-time. All those symptoms are gone, though still not able to work full-time. Otherwise just general fatigue and backpains, quite acceptable and a huge increase in life-quality.

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