Dr Stephen Fry and protozoa - my life is greatly improving


Well-Known Member
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=dr stephen fry 2014 biofilm&source=web&cd=9&ved=0CD4QFjAI&url=http://www.termedia.pl/Journal/-76/pdf-23697-10?filename=putative%20biofilm.pdf&ei=owYcVbCyJ4KgoQSV7YLwDg&usg=AFQjCNHgggvHLSamDNMUHlZ1ohhwdGKqGA&sig2=-TsCa49WT4yTnXDSF_nZtA&bvm=bv.89744112,d.cGU
This is a pdf version and will download for viewing check your downloads.
Here is the latest research paper. There is also an earlier interview. His office informed me there is another paper to be published.

Here is a link to another forum where I have talked in depth about this. Within the article are some links to older threads that go into a lot of conversation and research. It will take awhile to read the research but you may find it interesting. One of the threads is one of the longest and most viewed on this site. For those of us who are doing this, as close as possible to the protocol, we are all improving. Most of us dont do forums any more. Im still trying to help others with what I've learned. It has been a turning point in my life. I hope it helps others as it has me.

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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Thanks Issie and congratulations. I couldn't get those links to work (??)

San Diego

Well-Known Member
Hi @Issie . So happy to hear you've had such positive results. If you don't mind, could you share your condition? Do you have Lyme, ME/CFS, FM, etc?

Thanks so much.

Edit: Never mind! I just looked at your profile page where you clearly documented your stubble. Carry on! :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks Issie and congratulations. I couldn't get those links to work (??)
I hope I have it fixed now, if you can get the DINET link to work there is is a link to this new paper. Also there are other links to a lot of research done in regard to the science behind this.

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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Could biofilms be related to coagulation problems? Too much coagulation?


Well-Known Member
Cort said:
Could biofilms be related to coagulation problems? Too much coagulation?
It very well could. The biofilm attaches to the vein walls and interferes with the function of the veins with dilation and constriction. One of the things used to break down biofilm is Lumberkinase. This has been used by some to help with too thick blood. I use this before either my antibiotic or antimalarial herb. Breakdown the biofilm so they will work better and the immune system can detect the pathogens. More than just protozoa lives in biofilm. So does virus. The biofilm is like a protective shield around them and keeps them safe and they avoid detection by the immune system and continue to proliferate.


Well-Known Member
Here's an update with new info.
Dr Fry, Doctor/bioscientist - who found Protomyzoa Rehumatica - now has determined it's a type of mold/fungus. (We found it in my thyroid biopsy.) He just got a peer reviewed paper in Pubmed. He has determined that with us, who have issues with it, there is a genetic flaw and we don't have a certain protein to break this mold down. It can cause tumors, cancer, atherosclerosis and a host of other issues. He is going to stop seeing patients and go into lab only, for now, to try to develop a protein for us to use so our immune system will keep it in check. It will probably be a number of years before that will be available.

I asked him what in the meantime. He said to keep with my herbs. I seem to have it under control. But we are going to see if an antifungal may help more. He has found using an antifungal along with Doxycycoline gives his best results.

Exciting times ahead. I stick to what I've been saying forever --- Genetics/Epigenetics, autoimmune and inflammation. If we could get that "fixed" we'd be "Healed".



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Here's an update with new info.
Dr Fry, Doctor/bioscientist - who found Protomyzoa Rehumatica - now has determined it's a type of mold/fungus. (We found it in my thyroid biopsy.) He just got a peer reviewed paper in Pubmed. He has determined that with us, who have issues with it, there is a genetic flaw and we don't have a certain protein to break this mold down. It can cause tumors, cancer, atherosclerosis and a host of other issues. He is going to stop seeing patients and go into lab only, for now, to try to develop a protein for us to use so our immune system will keep it in check. It will probably be a number of years before that will be available.

I asked him what in the meantime. He said to keep with my herbs. I seem to have it under control. But we are going to see if an antifungal may help more. He has found using an antifungal along with Doxycycoline gives his best results.

Exciting times ahead. I stick to what I've been saying forever --- Genetics/Epigenetics, autoimmune and inflammation. If we could get that "fixed" we'd be "Healed".

Thanks for the update and good luck to him. He's clearly very dedicated and that's very good to see. Which antifungal by the way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update and good luck to him. He's clearly very dedicated and that's very good to see. Which antifungal by the way.
He is using Lamisil mostly, but has also used Diflucan and others. He says Doxycycoline needs to be used at same time. One alone doesn't get same results.


Well-Known Member
This is huge. If a flaw in genetics cause us to have autoimmune dysfunction and inability to break down certain organisms - it can explain why some of us are sick and others are not. If this gene can be isolated - and he thinks he has - and it can be either tweaked or manipulated to help us be able to detect and breakdown things it could be a huge turning point in the health field as we know it.

I admire the man. He has and is pressing forward.



Well-Known Member
This is huge! If this is a cause of plaque and cancer - figuring out a "fix" is major. In those of us with faulty blood flow, could this be a cause? In POTS some feel CCVSI and clogging of that vein can be part of the problem. It may explain why some have issues and others don't. If it's truly a genetic flaw and inability to detect or breakdown of these organisms - it explains so much.

For now, using antifungal (Lamisil, Diflucan and others) along with Doxycycoline is proving to be the best results. I'm however doing it with herbs. I no longer herx with Doxycycoline or any of my herbs. He feels I have it pretty much under control for now. This also explains, for me, when I had my mold exposure why I had such issues and such a hard time getting it killed. My body doesn't make the protein and it takes hold and causes so much sickness.


Well-Known Member
Here's my routine for now 5/2017:
I don't usually list what I use - but if Dr Fry is no longer available to us patients - maybe this would help others.

In addition, I did a lot of cleanses with anti parasite meds/herbals. (Now do 2 times a year starting 2 days before full moon.) I used D Earth to help detox/shred parasites and help clean intestine. Used Takesumi coconut charcoal as a binder.

I also distill my water and use Himalayan salt to add my minerals back. I drink about a gallon a day.

I mostly use Supreme Nutrition products as my herbs. I’ll list them, but this won’t be right for everyone. Some of these have mold and parasite clearing actions. Others for thinning blood.

Supreme Nutrition products:
LuRong – a form of glucosamine helps pain

I use enzymes to help with inflammation and to thin blood – also helps breakdown biofilm:
Repair by Enzymedica
Vascuzyme by Empirical Labs

Fish oils and DHA from plant source also helps not only with pain – but brain function.

Things to help with acetylcholine:
Huperzine A in am
CDP Choline in pm
Gota kola in am
Pregnenolone 10 MG – can be upped to 30 MG if needed – I do better on lower
Cruciferous vegetables with DIM in am – Life Extension

I take some other vitamins and minerals – but not daily. D3, MethylFolate, magnesium, zinc.

Another help for energy and general sense of well being:
Jiaogulan – I use Majestic herbs brand

I also use Milk Thistle and drink lemon water to help with liver function and parsley to help with kidney function and that also has Luteloin that helps with allergies.

I rotate things and give breaks as necessary. You can build a tolerance and they will stop working.

I also address known methylation issues. But have been able to get off alot of these as I must have things working better and don’t seem to need them. (Molybedum, yucca, methyl B12, Methyl Folate, P5P, R5P)

I add turmeric, ginger and cinnamon to my coffee with lots of full fat coconut milk and stevia. This helps pain, helps manage protozoa and parasites, can kill cancer, helps manage mold/bacteria and taste good. I intermittent fast with this as my morning source of energy. It will get you through the morning.

I maintain thyroid health with Kelp and selenium.

Blood sugar balance – occasionally GTF chromium.

Rotate nightly probiotics:
Prescription Assist

I try to use alternative treatents first. But there are times when medicines are necessary. I don’t use all of these at once. But rotate between them and I don’t use everything every day.

There have been many more trials on things that didn’t work out. These are the things that seem to work for me, at this moment in time. Things change and will become unnecessary. Pay attention to your body and decide if you are having a herx or a full out allergy. Sometimes, it gets worse before it gets better. Don’t throw away things – you may come back to them later.

I usully don’t list what I use as what works for me may be wayyyyyy wrong for someone else. But, here it is – maybe it will give some other alternatives.

Supreme Nutrition has a very good write up of their products. You can read and get a sense what is right for you. Try to not use more than 5 herbs at a time. Have to be careful with what you combine. I order from a guy on eBay – his store name is jankdc.

(If I forgot something - I'll add it later.)

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Well-Known Member
Could biofilms be related to coagulation problems? Too much coagulation?
@Cort one new thing learned with me is too thick blood. Had a positive Lupus Anticoagulant marker for APS. I'm using herbals to thin blood. We also know this mold/fungus lives in biofilms and that adheres to the walls of blood vessels and arteries. That causes vein dysfunction and blockage. This would also contribute to oxygen depravation as the capacity to carry blood and oxygen is compromised due to not only blood flow, but blood volume issues. This will affect brain function too and creates more brain fog issues. (And it may show up in a brain MRI as white matter ischemic disease.)


Well-Known Member
I figured out Huperzine A Can build up and start backfiring. It needs to be cycled and not used daily.



Well-Known Member
Also appears that if you up acetylcholine too much it causes more histamine. Not a good thing for those of us with Mast Cell issues. Fine line between having better brain function and creating a "mast cell attack".


Well-Known Member
Okay, just back from seeing Dr Fry for the last time before he retires from seeing patients. :( He feels this mold/fungus is what's creating most of my issues. It is similar to Valley Fever and goes everywhere into every organ. He is treating with Doxycycoline and Diflucan.

His research has found that magnesium, most B vitamins (including Methyl Folate --- only safe one is B12), and Fish Oils feed it. May be why I have more thyroid tumors, as I had started using those things. He said to be careful of minerals too. But didn't tell me to stop taking zinc or chromium - so hope those are okay. Only use a few times a week.

He feels I didn't herx with the Doxy the last time because of the magnesium. It's obvious I have issues. Feet were purple in his office and he pointed this out to me. Brain fog is awful. He said I'm not getting good enough blood flow or oxygen. So making changes. He really feels being as close to vegan is better. But I felt like adding meat back a few times a week gave me more muscle strength.
So there's the update.


Well-Known Member
His research has found that magnesium, most B vitamins (including Methyl Folate --- only safe one is B12), and Fish Oils feed it. May be why I have more thyroid tumors, as I had started using those things. He said to be careful of minerals too. But didn't tell me to stop taking zinc or chromium - so hope those are okay. Only use a few times a week.


WOW.... so wait -- isn't that the opposite of everything we've heard? Those are all supplements that have been suggested to be helpful. SOOOO confusing! Makes me wonder if just stopping for a while would be worthy of testing to see if I feel better. But then again --- so hard to tell anything while detoxing. (I'm taking CSM and still going through sweats -- cycling multiple times a day and at night.)

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