Wow...passing the big test - exercise!Hi Lissa, congratulations! And good luck.
It's about time I logged my more recent experiences as well. I'm now three months post-end-of-elemental. Things were pretty rough at the start and I worried I had added some extra food sensitivities and was still coping with more flatulence than I would have liked. I haven't had a repeat hydrogen breath test so don't know what is happening inside me with any certainty, but I can report that I am really very well, eating mainly fresh meat/fish/eggs, vegetables minus the ones high in amines, and a limited amount of carbs. (I can eat wheat! Just not a lot.) Limiting sugar so candida doesn't take hold and eating a lot of antihistamine, antibacterial, anticandida food - oregano, turmeric etc. My 'meds' include Gastro Relief (a probiotic safe for those sensitive to amines), Candaid (caprylic acid and pau d'arco), low dose erythromycin and fish oil.
My bowel motions are much more normal than they were. Yup, at a guess I would say the SIBO has taken a big hit. However it seems my leaky gut is still leaking. I am still intolerant to all the FODMAPs except dairy (which was never a problem to begin with) and I'm still suspicious of amines.
Cort - in answer to your question about how I identified amines, I went on an exclusion diet 18 months ago and all hell broke loose when I reintroduced amines - terrible migraine. Now if I go over threshold eg a few tomatoes on top of a piece of chocolate the previous day, I get a headache, malaise, brain fog, fatigue and low-grade depression that takes a few days to clear. That's nothing. I used to feel like that, and worse, nearly all the time.
My life is very different now. I've recently bought myself a Fitbit and started exercising. I've been going out and exercising for 20 mins at a time with my heart rate up over 120bpm, 2-3 times a week for a month now AND I HAVE NOT RELAPSED. I have had long periods in the past when my CFS was in remission. Often I get better for no reason I can see at all. This time I'm pretty sure it's sorting my diet out that has made the difference.
That is impressive.
I guess I will have to look into amines...