Feeling Old? Premature Aging Common in Fibromyalgia


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Who wouldn't age more rapidly with FM or ME/CFS. It sure feels like they're talking a toll. The evidence apparently suggests that, at least in FM, they are....

Curr Aging Sci. 2015 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print]. Premature Aging in Fibromyalgia. Hassett AL1, Clauw DJ, Williams DA.

Chronic pain is highly prevalent in older adults, and until recently, was considered to be common but relatively "benign." Mounting evidence, however, suggests that some of the 116 million US adults who suffer from chronic pain are also at an increased risk for developing age-related diseases prematurely, suffering earlier cognitive and physical decline, and experiencing earlier mortality. Given the aging US population and the prevalence of chronic pain along with related healthcare consequences, there is a critical need to better understand the relationship between aging and chronic pain. Herein, we focus on one chronic pain state, fibromyalgia, and provide an overview of the evidence suggesting that individuals with this chronic pain condition show signs of premature aging.


Active Member
Interesting. I'm 34 and am developing signs of women in their 50's.

Could be due to a hormonal disorder as I'm still in the process of having things tested but I have frequently thought that I'm aging prematurely.

@Cort do you know if it's possible to access the full study? Brain not working well right now can't figure it out.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I should be able to get it :)

I'm not surprised by the result at all. If you can't keep up with an 80 year old - that really says something!

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