Grape Seed Extract, Thins/Cleans our Blood


Well-Known Member
I may or may not have posted on Grape Seed Extract already but here goes again if I have not. In 1995 I found Pycnogenol and took it for a year and into 4th day allergies and sinus issues were history. A lifetime time of issues gone.

Then after a year I found Grape Seed Extract and it's been over 23 yrs of taking this very very similar antioxidant.

Cleans and thins our blood and many of you with FM/CFS could benefit hugely.


Well-Known Member
Here is what this supplement has done for me and I'm now in year 82 of life.

No more allergy and sinus drugs.
No Headaches
No Colds, Flu and for sure No Vaccines
Have not been to dentist in 10 yrs...gums are great.
Have not been to eye doc in 10 yrs....eyes are good and stable with a reading script about 15 yrs old.

And may prevent cancers and so far so good.

This supplement should NOT be alternative, if just about everyone took it, big pharma could be almost out of business....almost..


New Member
Here is what this supplement has done for me and I'm now in year 82 of life.

No more allergy and sinus drugs.
No Headaches
No Colds, Flu and for sure No Vaccines
Have not been to dentist in 10 yrs...gums are great.
Have not been to eye doc in 10 yrs....eyes are good and stable with a reading script about 15 yrs old.

And may prevent cancers and so far so good.

This supplement should NOT be alternative, if just about everyone took it, big pharma could be almost out of business....almost..

Hi, jaminhealth.
Wow, amazing.
And I totally agree with you. First I was sceptic about vitamins and other booster...but just year ago I visited my doctor ( check-up) and he mentioned OPC Vital. I start my research about this theme and was surprised about all the qualities that grape seed extract have. Accidentally I have found and start to take OPC Vital as my doctor prescripted. And I feel great: I am less agressive (because of my work), my skin condition is good, I am much more productive and active. My hands was always cold (even in the summer) but now it's not.
Of course I can't say that it's universal cure for everyone. We always should visit doctors, consult with them and do check-ups at least 1 per year. But grape seed extract it's really something.


Well-Known Member
cc6868, good for your advice from a DOC....I'm sure many docs know about OPC's but probably don't advise their patients, my cynical mind says they want to keep them on pharma drugs...most anyway in what I've experienced in my life...but at this point, I hardly go to any doctors, been down the road. :cool:

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