Check out the intranasal insulin thread as well. It seems to be helping some people with GWI.
I had inquired with this study when it originally came out. At the time they couldn't cover any form of travel expenses and it was going to be very expensive with multiple trips. I could not participate unfortunately.
FWIW, all of my issues / symptoms point to several forms of neuralgia. While I am not a physician, I am able to pinpoint areas of exacerbation that seem to be causing my problems.
One area is seems to be the Vagus nerve. I feel like this affects the IBS as well as the fibro like pains. The other area of influence is the trigeminal nerve which causes intense headache flare ups followed by intense body pain sensations. This is all followed by the emptying of my bowels.
I cannot determine which is occurring first or if they are related at all or...if one nerve condition is stimulating another.
Here are some points to ponder...I have been diagnosed with Small Fiber Neuropathy and I'm non-diabetic. I also have ME / Fibromyalgia. I've never been diagnosed with CFS but I'm sure I have it. The VA is very apprehensive on some diagnosis'.
Everything points to chemical exposures. It's interesting also that all of my lab work is 100% normal. And I have had a lot of lab work!