Well-Known Member
How did they diagnose your Metabolic Syndrome? bloods or other tests? Can it be done Privately through a Lab?
I had a myriad of test at Mayo, AZ. My neurologist is known as "the POTS doctor". He said he feels that despite most of his patients not showing positive on mitochondria testing. He doesn't feel they are conclusive and testing for the right things----yet. He feels we all have mitro issues. I was DX with EDS and FMS by Rehumatologist, Chairi 0 with upright MRI, yet my drop has improved---not sure why. My methylation mutations using my 23&me data and a very knowledgeable friend and lots of research. Some good people out there on that. I really like Dr Ben Lynch take on the methylation mutations. He doesn't feel that just because we have the mutation is it presenting issues. Only if by epigenetic it has been activated or deactivated do we need supplements to correct it. Treating what has appeared to be causing issues has made a difference.