HDCs Restore Immune Tolerance.


Active Member
Did you not take them, what is sent from the UK has over a week of "viability", and can be refrigerated for more time.


Did you not take them, what is sent from the UK has over a week of "viability", and can be refrigerated for more time.
No, I didn't take them.

I talked to Dr Baker and they are not the same as the UK ones. Essentially the UK ones are dried and preserved and his are alive. He thinks this is better but I obviously do not know since I have no firsthand experience with either kind.

This is why you only start with 5-10 of his HDC vs 30 of the UK version.

They would have to be quite a lot better to justify the price difference.

So he is going to give me a discount on my next shipment since I didn't get a shipping notice the first time around. I'm not sure how much that will be just yet.


Active Member
They are in solution, a mix which keeps them "viable", also the UK site recommends the startup dose for potentially sensitive people to be 10.
Dried yet in solution? His are alive and these aren't?
I don't understand. I will go and reread the UK site maybe I'm missing something. The larval stage, I guess could be kept in suspension, some type of dormant stage, but I'm just guessing.

I loved his interview on Bullet Proof.


They are in solution, a mix which keeps them "viable", also the UK site recommends the startup dose for potentially sensitive people to be 10.
Dried yet in solution? His are alive and these aren't?
I don't understand. I will go and reread the UK site maybe I'm missing something. The larval stage, I guess could be kept in suspension, some type of dormant stage, but I'm just guessing.

I loved his interview on Bullet Proof.
I'll also send him an email and ask him to clarify because I would like to understand better myself!


They are in solution, a mix which keeps them "viable", also the UK site recommends the startup dose for potentially sensitive people to be 10.
Dried yet in solution? His are alive and these aren't?
I don't understand. I will go and reread the UK site maybe I'm missing something. The larval stage, I guess could be kept in suspension, some type of dormant stage, but I'm just guessing.

I loved his interview on Bullet Proof.
I got it wrong...they are alive in preservative, like you said.

Here is his response...

The UK HDC's are shipped in a "preservative" that keeps them alive - not dried - for as long a couple of weeks. They are much much weaker in their effects so doses of 60 or so may correspond to 5 or 10 of ours. The UK HDC's start out as the same critters as ours but end up being unrecognizable altered on arrival: just black dots with no form whereas the fresh ones are elegant looking with features on their heads and long tails that look sort of like an evening dress gathered at the ankles.

I just took my first dose of 5 this morning. I'm cured!! ;)


Time for 2nd dose!

First dose caused some minor GI issues, first dire rear and then the reverse, and some nausea and cramping. Dr Baker says that this is a good sign and that I am a responder.

So second dose this morning and having some minor nausea and cramping again.

I'll keep this up for a bit...Dr Baker said it might take 4-6 weeks to see results...but I doubt I'll go much longer than that unless I feel markedly improved. I don't normally have GI issues so I can do without these.


Active Member
@Remy was that an autocorrect from diarrhea to "dire rear" or your own alternate spelling? Also wondering how you're going with the HDC.


@Remy was that an autocorrect from diarrhea to "dire rear" or your own alternate spelling? Also wondering how you're going with the HDC.
It was an autocorrect the first time and then I just liked it, so I kept using it!

I am coming up on 6 months now and just took a dose of 20 organisms. Pretty soon it will be time to make some decisions on whether or not to carry on. On the plus side, it hasn't hurt me in the slightest and may have even helped some. On the negative, it's super expensive over time for questionable benefits.

In retrospect, I should have moved up to higher numbers of organisms faster. I was preoccupied by our construction project last fall and just let things slide, taking the dose of 5 whenever it arrived. I failed to provide good feedback to Dr Baker so that they could fine tune my dose. So that is where I'm at now. I'd guess I'll do three more rounds before discontinuining it, just in case the higher doses make a significant difference.


Active Member
It seems to be such a learn-as-you-go thing, doesn't it. But still, better to take less than go gung ho and take 20 first go and be completely debilitated.

And so hard to know too if they're not working, or if they're just not working yet.

I'm thinking of trying 3 of the NA hookworms first. Even though they're not nearly as pretty as the HDC ☺

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