Here's mine, what are other's antioxidant supps

Linda B

Active Member
I can't remember because it was a few years ago. But if I hadn't gotten sick from it I'd be taking it now instead of regular Coq10.

I also have a bad reaction to ole, alcar and a bunch of other things I cant remember right now That's why I have problem with blanket statements about what people should take.

Because everyone has different reactions to things, its wise to start only one thing at time. Then it's easier to look back and see what was new when problems start.

And as I said, I'm not aware of anything I ever took making any difference. I think some people, like me, are far too sick to have any supplement really help. I'm still plugging away for now.
Minx, I love that you are still plugging away. I wish I had a pearl of wisdom for you, or a simple reply but I don't. I am a mother who is searching for answers for her daughter and I feel for all of you on this forum. I hope they find something for you soon. I hope you are still able to smile or laugh sometimes... I smiled when I saw your 'handle', there must be some reason you chose "minx'?

Linda B

Active Member
I've tried this a number of times in a number of different ways without any success.
Disappointing because it does have such a good reputation for helping with inflammation. But it just did not work for me.
I'll keep eating Indian food though!
I don't think it is a quick fix. But at least ...hopefully.... It should not be bad for you. Though the concentrated forms should be avoided by those allergic to yellow food dyes....and that's me. So I grow my own and use the fresh natural unconcentrated version as often as I can! Yum. Another posted added it to coffee....I have coffee black so I think I will give that one a miss.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Linda B I've been sick over 20 years. I'm not naive to think I'm going to get cured or even better.

I'm a hard core cynic which means much less disappointment. When it comes down to it no one is living my life and rah rah doesn't help, except to annoy me.

Minx is nothing. If you enlarged my avatar you get my true sentiments.


Well-Known Member
You do a two day 'fast' from tea and coffee, then you have paracetamol and caffeine tables and overnight urine collection. From this they can determine your clearance pathways and various liver phase functions. For instance, one phase is working to break down your toxins but if the second phase is not working then you will be backing up even more toxic stuff in your system, they also give recommendations of what your options are to assist the various phases if they are not functioning.( In Australia you have to pay for the test, it's about $140 from memory and you send off a small sample of the urine to the lab in Sydney? Melbourne? ) Anyway, pretty sure they must run these test in other places.
The only lab I know that does this is Great Smokies Lab.


Linda B

Active Member
@Linda B I've been sick over 20 years. I'm not naive to think I'm going to get cured or even better.

I'm a hard core cynic which means much less disappointment. When it comes down to it no one is living my life and rah rah doesn't help, except to annoy me.

Minx is nothing. If you enlarged my avatar you get my true sentiments.
Thank you Minx, I get it loud and clear.

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