Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine

I’m not sure this is the right place to post this, but I just went to Florida to Nancy Klimas’s clinic and wanted to give you a report. I saw a different doctor, but the whole place was amazing. The doctor saw me for three hours! Who does that these days? It was a huge relief to finally talk to someone who knew all about ME/CFS. She ordered many, many lab tests (about 30) which I have to get at several different labs because they’re so specialized. When all the results come back, I’ll have a Zoom with her to go over the results. For the first time I’m hopeful that someone can help me. I’ve been sick for 6 years. I’m very lucky that I have good insurance, because the tests are expensive. I can’t recommend the place strongly enough. It was worth the long wait. Apparently it’s easier to get in now than it has been in the past. The main branch is in Ft. Lauderdale, but this satellite office was in Miami. I’ll report again when I have some news. In the meantime, I’m glad you’re all here—this site has been my major support. So thank you.


New Member
Hi there! I have a new patient appointment with them in two weeks. I’ll see irina rozenfeld. I was just wonder who you saw? When will you have your labs back?
thank you
Hi there! I have a new patient appointment with them in two weeks. I’ll see irina rozenfeld. I was just wonder who you saw? When will you have your labs back?
thank you
I saw Denise Kruszynski. She was wonderful. I had a few lab tests done there, but most when I got home (2 different labs, because some tests are very specialized). 18 vials of blood at one lab! Some of the results are already back. In a few weeks I’ll have a video consult with the doctor to learn about the results. Good luck with your visit,


New Member
I saw Denise Kruszynski. She was wonderful. I had a few lab tests done there, but most when I got home (2 different labs, because some tests are very specialized). 18 vials of blood at one lab! Some of the results are already back. In a few weeks I’ll have a video consult with the doctor to learn about the results. Good luck with your visit,
Thank you!
I hope you get answers and healing!
Please keep us updated. It's one thing to do a thorough intake and order lots of labs, it's another to find effective treatments. Wishing you all the very best and hope that you are indeed in great healing hands.

marcy m.

New Member
I’m not sure this is the right place to post this, but I just went to Florida to Nancy Klimas’s clinic and wanted to give you a report. I saw a different doctor, but the whole place was amazing. The doctor saw me for three hours! Who does that these days? It was a huge relief to finally talk to someone who knew all about ME/CFS. She ordered many, many lab tests (about 30) which I have to get at several different labs because they’re so specialized. When all the results come back, I’ll have a Zoom with her to go over the results. For the first time I’m hopeful that someone can help me. I’ve been sick for 6 years. I’m very lucky that I have good insurance, because the tests are expensive. I can’t recommend the place strongly enough. It was worth the long wait. Apparently it’s easier to get in now than it has been in the past. The main branch is in Ft. Lauderdale, but this satellite office was in Miami. I’ll report again when I have some news. In the meantime, I’m glad you’re all here—this site has been my major support. So thank you.
I also went recently to the Neuro-Immune Medicine Institute @ NOVA SE University in Davie, FL. I was just as impressed as you were in how knowledgeable and experienced the Dr. & staff were on immune illnesses. I saw Dr. Alicin Bested, who specializes in Fibro. I've received my diagnosis after bad car accident where suffered severe whiplash, which never healed properly and TMJ. Since 2021 have severe chronic pain and lack of functioning daily due to jaw, neck (severe canal stenosis where nerves are compressed), thoracic canal stenosis & upper arm pain radiating from neck and lumbar issues. She also spent 3 hours w/me on my first appt. I was so completely impressed & relieved to speak w/someone in length that totally gets it to be sick w/these illnesses i.e. FMS/CFS, or long COVID, etc. At no time did she make me feel like my symptoms were "in my head" or "just chronic pain condition, learn to live with it"! Both of which was told throughout the yrs. of trying to get help w/fibro pain, insomnia, fatigue, etc. from several Dr.'s in the past. Highly recommend this Institute and feel so fortunate that they accept Medicare and are only 5 min.'s from my house in Davie, FL.


The proof of the pudding is in the treatment. I had a similar experience with Dr Joanne Pizzino, a fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue specialist in Cary NC. I saw her for 5 years, until my money ran out. She was kind, knowledgeable, understanding, and taught me a lot about how to manage my disease, but did not give me a cure. She put me onto PEMF. I have now bought my own device. It’s not a cure, but it helps decrease brain fog, fatigue and pain.
Good luck. Keep us posted.


New Member
La preuve du pudding réside dans le traitement. J'ai eu une expérience similaire avec le Dr Joanne Pizzino, spécialiste de la fibromyalgie et de la fatigue chronique à Cary NC. Je l'ai vue pendant 5 ans, jusqu'à ce que je sois à court d'argent. Elle était gentille, compétente, compréhensive et m’a beaucoup appris sur la façon de gérer ma maladie, mais ne m’a pas donné de remède. Elle m'a mis sous PEMF. J'ai maintenant acheté mon propre appareil. Ce n'est pas un remède, mais cela aide à réduire le brouillard cérébral, la fatigue et la douleur.
Bonne chance. Tenez-nous au courant.

Can I ask you what PEMF means please? THANKS


Active Member
I also went recently to the Neuro-Immune Medicine Institute @ NOVA SE University in Davie, FL. I was just as impressed as you were in how knowledgeable and experienced the Dr. & staff were on immune illnesses. I saw Dr. Alicin Bested, who specializes in Fibro. I've received my diagnosis after bad car accident where suffered severe whiplash, which never healed properly and TMJ. Since 2021 have severe chronic pain and lack of functioning daily due to jaw, neck (severe canal stenosis where nerves are compressed), thoracic canal stenosis & upper arm pain radiating from neck and lumbar issues. She also spent 3 hours w/me on my first appt. I was so completely impressed & relieved to speak w/someone in length that totally gets it to be sick w/these illnesses i.e. FMS/CFS, or long COVID, etc. At no time did she make me feel like my symptoms were "in my head" or "just chronic pain condition, learn to live with it"! Both of which was told throughout the yrs. of trying to get help w/fibro pain, insomnia, fatigue, etc. from several Dr.'s in the past. Highly recommend this Institute and feel so fortunate that they accept Medicare and are only 5 min.'s from my house in Davie, FL.
Make a note somewhere that if you don't see results from these DR's to check out a NUCCA certified chiropractor. They are specialists in neck injuries. I'm seeing one now and in one appt (after 3 xrays and a very small adjustment, followed by 2 more xrays to confirm the adjustment worked) I'm feeling better already. My atlas bone was really twisted out of position, putting pressure on nerves, arteries, and CSF drainage. I'll need repeated treatments for a few weeks to get the tendons, muscles etc to hold the "new" proper position but I'm hoping that alone will cure my iiH, which will stop the CSF leak and brain fog and with the nerve issues gone my MCAS will get better too!

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