International Awareness Day Event in Canada, Web Access Available


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2015 International Awareness Day Educational Event
Tuesday May 19th 6:30 – 8:30 pm Mountain Daylight Time

Attend Live in Person at Self Connection Books in Calgary
or by Web connection

Featuring Speakers Rory Hornstein, RD, BEd, and Lucinda Bateman, MD

Fee $10 - Register online at the link below

or by calling Self Connection Books at 403-284-1486 (local)
or 866-735-3457 (toll free):
1. Demystifying Popular Diets - Rory Hornstein Registered Dietician
Don’t be fooled by weight loss claims and fad diets. The session includes nutrition facts on popular weight loss programs. Ours is an age of unprecedented bounty and convenience--and almost nonstop nutritional advice, subject to change as new research findings come along or scientists change their minds. You try to keep up with the latest and make the smartest choices--but are they as healthy as you think? Find out how to plan a realistic program for overall wellness and immune system enhancement.
2. "Progress in ME/CFS: Slow and Steady Wins the Race" - Lucinda Bateman MD
Dr. Bateman will discuss the status of the suggested name change from ME/CFS to SEID (Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease). Dr. Bateman is involved in all of the important multi-site studies on ME/CFS including the Chronic Fatigue Initiative, the Centers for Disease Control study and the Columbia Study. She will discuss some of the achieved and hoped for outcomes from this research. Lastly she will discuss two clinical strategies, Low Dose Naltrexone and treatment for Orthostatic Intolerance which she is finding useful in her practice
About the speakers:
Rory Hornstein, RD, BEd. is a Registered Dietitian specializing in nutrition for sports, exercise, weight management (adults and pediatric/adolescent), eating disorders and body image, food intolerances/allergies, immune system enhancement, and digestive disorders. Rory is the designated person for nutritional consultation at the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic, Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Calgary through her private practice. Her goal is to educate by integrating her knowledge and skills in the fields of nutrition, fitness and health promotion. Rory is a certified Bariatric dietitian empowering her clients to become "intuitive eaters" and reach their goals; one bite at a time. She uses a "non-dieting" approach and encourages her clients to adopt an overall healthier lifestyle for achieving their goals.
At the age of twelve, Rory was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. After years of trying to heal, Rory realized the power of using diet in conjunction with traditional medicine to control her inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rather than allowing it to control her. Nutrition became the link between feeling sick and feeling well. Rory has been in private practice for ten years and specializes in nutrition and inflammatory bowel disease while sharing her personal experience and expertise. Learn more about Rory Hornstein at her webpage
Dr. Lucinda Bateman is one of the preeminent clinician researchers in the fields of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. She is the Director, Fatigue Consultation Clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah and the Executive Director and Board Member of OFFER, Organization for Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Education and Research She attended medical school at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 1987, completed internal medicine residency at the University of Utah, and is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. She practiced general internal medicine until 2000, when she narrowed her focus to the diagnosis and management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia.
Dr. Bateman's goal in establishing her clinic is to encourage a thoughtful evaluation process, better routine supportive care, and accelerated research efforts to understand and treat fibromyalgia and all unexplained chronic fatigue, including ME/CFS. In addition to careful evaluation and management of patients, Dr. Bateman and her patients have participated in many of the important research studies currently underway on ME/CFS. She was a member of the Institute of Medicine Committee which has recommended changing the name of ME/CFS. In addition to the co-founder, Executive Director, and previous Board Chair of the Utah-based non-profit, OFFER (Organization for Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Education and Research), she has served on the boards of the IACFS/ME, the CFIDS Association of America, and Easter Seals Utah.
NOTE: These presentations will be recorded and all registrants will be given access to the recordings. All registrants will also receive access to the presentations (video recordings) from last year's International Awareness Day 2014 presentations by Dr. Craig Young, Staci Stevens, and Dr. Jarred Younger.

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