View attachment 1429 [/fright]Some years ago I had a temporary breakthrough using transfer factor; it was like my brain was released. I immediately started planning for the future. I thought I would do "X" first, then I would do "Y" then in a couple of months I would do "Z". It was a completely natural process and as the treatment faded it all went dark again.
I have a terrible time with planning or thinking ahead. I have a hard time even thinking of planning. I'm not talking about a week in advance, I'm talking about the day ahead of me. I think it's partly the idea of "ahead". I'm usually so overwhelmed by the here and now that I have trouble thinking of "ahead".
This really struck me today because I knew I had a lot of things to do but I just couldn't think of them. It was like a black hole.
When I make plans - phone calls, things to do, people to meet - I have to be real careful not to forget them. I forget dates to do things all the time.
I do know of people with ME/CFS who do fine at planning ahead but not me. It's like that muscle was lost.
This must have to do with problems with executive functioning....
What are your experiences?
I have very specific processing problems in relationship to time, abstract ideas, ...which "planning ahead" may be considered, math must be clear and concise such as budgeting is fine if everything is cut and dry, but if there is a missing deposit, or a numbers don't add up correctly, I start feeling like there isn't a place for my brain to grasp the idea and then do something with it. Overload sets in.
I always think I have more time than I actually do, even if I plan ahead.
Also, I have learned to TRY to plan ahead, but now, each day, I give myself small, measurable goals that I truly CAN do ahead of time, whereas before, it all seemed to pile up like 30 cars on a ice covered highway. I used to be a lot more unrealistic about what I thought I could accomplish in a certain time period.
Family is good about helping me with being realstic and I do plan ahead things they can do and write a list down for each person before an upcoming event. I am always surprised at how fast others can get things done!
For me, also, i think I have the hope (subconsciously) that ....tomorrow will be better.
If I DO plan ahead it seems I usually "forget" I am sick and plan way more than I can do....hence, my new idea of "small, measurable" (my own new personal "rule") goals for one day at a time. That is why planning ahead can feel discouraging for me, oh, I forgot...I am ill!
I have to write everything down. I notice that my mind seems to avoid anything it perceives to be "too overwhelming"...such as cleaning a basement that has needed attention for years, or a pile of papers that seems unmanageable. I have to ask for help from family members now in do insurance claims, complicated paperwork, etc .
So good to hear other's opinions in this area.