LDN catch-up, dosing


New Member
I guess I am late in hearing about and starting LDN. I just heard about it and started it three months ago. I am wondering what the general consensus is now about how well it works. I would like to hear if you have been on it for a while and think it helps or were on it but quit.

I also have questions on dosing - I started at 1.5 for one month then 3 for two months and am starting 4.5 now. I was ok at 3, but now I am feeling really badly, flu-like with low-grade fever and achy - could this be a side effect?

I would say I had about a 20% improvement at 3.0mg

Thank you so much to anyone who can give me some info.


Well-Known Member
What are you taking it for? I took it years ago hoping it would help with arthritic hip and it did nothing for me. I never got beyond .5mg and even at that low dose I ended up with nasty constipation. I had been a member of a yahoo LDN support group and they kept pushing me to go higher in dosing and I never did...if that's what .5mg did to me.

If the 3mg helps, then hang there for a while.

I tried to get my sister who dealt with MS to get with it and she never did, I've heard many with MS benefit.

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