Lifewave Patches


Hello Everyone. I'm starting a thread about Lifewave Patches. I've been using them for 13 months, and have improved immensely. I started on them because in addition to many years of ME/CFS and having a 2 year relapse during the pandemic, I then got COVID. Long COVID added to my toxic mix and symptoms then included MCAS and other terrifying additions. Not many people know about Lifewave. I have lots of information to share with anyone who is interested in giving it a shot. Through a lot of research on all of the body systems that are messed up, I developed a plan on which patches to use and when, mostly by intuition. They work on the acupuncture meridian system, and they put absolutely nothing into the body. They cause the body to heal itself. Sounds space age, and crazy, I know. But it's high technology, with clinical studies and they've worked for me. This is my first time posting, so I don't know if I receive notifications. I'll try to check back here every few days. (I do not sell this product or anything else :D)

Laura L

I started lifewave patches a week and a half ago and seen good results. I’m severe, bedbound the only setback is, it’s causing a lot of tension and edginess, which I believe is caused by increased cortisol.
I would love to know what you have learned as you navigated through this. What kind of protocol are you using with the patches?

Thanks so much!!!


Hi Laura! I'm wondering if you're using the Energy Patches? I have not used them at all to date, because of our cortisol issues. Here are the patches I've used. The order that I've used them has been according to my symptoms. You can look at the website and read the test/studies info, or I can help you further with the order and how to use them. Also, which meridian points you put them on can help further.
1. X39
2. Aeon
X39 and Aeon are always the most important. X39 in the day, Aeon at night.
3. Glutathione when you feel ready to detox. Detoxing may be quite difficult, bringing on more symptoms, so don't use it until you are feeling somewhat better, and you are prepared for detox symptoms.
4. Carnosine
5. SP6 works on the adrenal glands and has helped me a lot
6. Alavida
7. X49
8. Ice Wave I've used for acute pain like sciatic nerve, etc

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have further questions. If you aren't sleeping well, you can also use silent nights. Sleeping is incredibly important. Drink LOTS of water. Also, take Chlor-Oxygen daily will raise your copper levels safely. X39 works by using a copper peptide, so you've got to have enough copper in your body to help it work.

Laura L

Hi Wideawake, I used the X 39 for a week and I did notice the cortisol issues, but I just started the aeon and it really diminishes the cortisol symptoms. I’ve already had a lot of improvements in the short time I’ve been using it.

So you didn’t try them at all? I think they’re worth a try, you could wear them for however, long you up to 12 hours. So if you just wanted to do it for four or six hours just to see gradually if you get any good results.

I forgot to mention I have severe ME, pots/dysautonomia, horrible gut issues, EDS.

Thanks so much for writing back!

Laura L

I use both the X 39 and aeon at the same time during the day.
Sorry, I misunderstood at first, so you did try them.


Yes, I've been using Lifewave patches for about a year and a half :D Sorry if my last post was confusing. There is a patch called "Energy Enhancer". I have steered clear of it completely, because it works with the cortisol system. That's what I thought you might have been using. I'm glad you found that using the Aeon and x39 at the same time is working well for you, and so excited and happy to hear that you're seeing results already, especially considering that your symptoms are severe currently. When you have done some healing and the time is right, it will be good for you to begin to use the Aeon at night and x39 during the day, so that the healthy balance of inflammation will allow the x39 to work full force. There are lots of videos on youtube, and the ones I've learned the most from are featuring interviews about the different patches with David Schmidt, the inventor and CEO. He's truly an incredible man IMO, and his knowledge of the body's systems is extensive.

Today, I had a cardiac ultrasound for my mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation. I was diagnosed via imaging 30 years ago, and have not had a test since then. My big and amazing news from the cardiologist and my GP is that IT'S gone and that my heart is working fabulously. I didn't know it could heal without surgery, and afterwards, I researched a few things online. I learned that stem cells are being used (via injection into the heart and by other modalities) to actually heal heart tissue. I'll be sticking with x39 for as long as I am possibly able!

Please check back in from time to time to let everyone in the forum hear your progress or if you have any downsides at all.

Laura L

Hi Wideawake,
I just started the eon with the X 39 for one day and I had a horrific night. I’m having edginess, tension, sweaty tremors, palms, and feet. I took a break off it today. And will try to start back on only four hours a day with the X 39. I get these cortisol symptoms every evening, but they don’t bother me like the bad sleep I had. Also, my heart rate and blood pressure are rising a little bit. I’m on Fludrocortisone for POTS, don’t know if that’s causing cortisol issues with the patches.
When you first started out, what was the protocol you followed? Just the X 39? And for how many hours a day? Did you have any problems adjusting to it?

i’m so bummed out about this and I hope I can find a way to stay on it as my health is deteriorating, and I felt so much better

when you first started the X 39 Did you have your heart rate or blood pressure change and did you get the edginess/tension from the patches in the evening?

Thank you so much!


Hi Laura,
I started with the X39 during the day, and the Aeon at night at first. I didn't get the cortisol symptoms, but I had other symptoms, like I couldn't move at all. Just sit in a chair or lie down, that's it. I probably had heart palpitations, too. From there I tried them every other day, and every second day, or 4 hours a day. It was just too much. I didn't get the cortisol issues, but I felt that my body was just working too hard. I could feel it, and it knocked every bit of energy out of me. Even feeling great joy about something had enormous backlash. After about a month to 6 weeks of every other day or something to that effect, I was able to wear them everyday. After about another month of stability, I was ready to add Glutathione to the other two, wearing the G in the daytime. Then it was a roller coaster ride for about another 6 weeks, with being glued to the chair or floor, feeling awful and flu-like and somewhat nauseous. After I drank water with food grade green clay in it...a half to a full teaspoon, I would always feel better.

So, at about 3 months from the start...(and no longer using the Glutathione except for occasional use when I "felt" I needed it and could handle it for a couple of days) I would add a new patch and use it for just 1 month to work on that particular system. These were SP6, Carnisine and Alavida.

I don't know about steroids...but what I've been told is that the patches can't hurt you, no matter what you're taking, or what issues your body has. I don't know anything about steroids though, because they're very different.

I think you should go super easy on yourself, and super slow. Take your time. The work that the patches do in the body continues for a time after you wear them. Your system is just too weak right now. Easy does it. One step at a time. You will get there. After having our lives stolen from us, it's not easy to be patient, I know. But try to enjoy this healing time, and give your body all of the rest in every way it needs. Maybe journal...maybe read this, which I did, along my journey. It was very comforting. Learning to listen to our bodies is something that we can keep for the rest of our lives, along with being the one person who knows how to support ourselves.

Laura L

Wow, so it did take you some time to adjust. Your story gives me hope! I will gradually start either doing every other day, or just do like six hours every day at first. I don’t know why my blood pressure and heart rate started to climb, but if I take it slower, maybe my body will have time to adapt better.

Are you able to be up and moving about with ease now? So happy for you, you are a success story with the life wave patches.



So glad :D I just had a thought: your body and brain are likely so extremely inflamed right now. I think what may help you most is to leave off the x39 for a week. Just wear the Aeon, which is also relaxing, at night during this week. This will get your inflammation down. On the second week, continue the same with the Aeon, but gradually start the X39, as we've discussed. Listen to what your body tells you about how often to wear it, under you can work up to the full 12 hours.

If you find that you're not ready for the x39 yet by experiencing the cortisol symptoms, leave off on it for another week and then try again with the x39.

In the meantime, do all that you can to begin calming your nervous system. Do some easy breath work each day. Only involve your mind in peaceful and calming thoughts to the extent that you are able. If you aren't already, begin to put only clean, chemical free food and liquids into your body. (The first investment I made when I became severe was the best investment I ever made besides Lifewave: A Portable Berkey Water Filter System.) This will begin the process of getting all of the junk out of your body, including dead cells, as ME bodies become overrun with toxins, and our systems have a really hard time getting rid of them.

Yes, Laura, I am :D I'm still working towards recovery but I am Aeons (pun intended) beyond where I was when I became seriously ill. I'm back to gentle jumping or jogging on my re-bounder for 3-5 minutes at a time, and I'm able to take the stairs from the 3rd floor down and back up. I can cook. I can do the dishes. I can vacuum, I can go to the grocery store, and I can break into a dance when music calls for it! I'm working every day on the business I'm starting, and also taking on an extremely part time, very occasional civil rights work job. (This is all after crashing for months from the stress of moving in March) I get better every. single. day. I look forward to hearing about your progress :D

You've got this.

Laura L

Hi Wideawake,
Thank you for the awesome suggestions as to how to go about this with the patches. I’m so excited for you and how your functioning is returning! It gives me hope that someday I’ll be able to use the stairs again and move about my house. My husband is my caregiver right now and I feel so bad for him. This is majorly free him up and give us our lives back.

Laura L

I was wondering, why do you use the aeon at night? Is it to prevent the X 39 from being turbo charged?.. but reaping the benefit of calmness at night without the X 39?


You're welcome, it's my pleasure to be of help to others. So inflammation is a healthy thing in low amounts, and it needs to be reduced but not eradicated because it's part of how our immune system works. The X39 has some inflammation reducing properties, but nothing near the amount of Aeon. Wearing the Aeon and X39 at the same time will fight against the body's production of the stem cells that X39 is causing to happen. The stem cells are what do the permanent repair of the body, so we don't want to interfere with that at all! The Aeon calms the body by really working hard to reduce inflammation. The inflammation is what causes so many symptoms including, I think, cortisol release. A side effect of reducing inflammation is helping us to be calm enough to sleep. If we are severely inflamed, as you are right now, the Aeon is absolutely essential, because our inflammation will prevent the X39 from working effectively. I hope this helps!

Laura L

Yes, thank you that info really helps! I put the eon on during the day today, but I should switch it to nighttime. I haven’t started back on the X 39 yet since stopping two days ago. I’m anxious to start it again because I felt it helping and just that one week.

The way the products were introduced to me. I was to start the X 39 first and wait about a month before doing the eon but they want you to do it simultaneously in the daytime. What you’re saying makes more sense. I don’t know why in the description of the product of the eon that they say it enhances the function of the X 39 they call them the dynamic duo. Any ideas how they work together?


I don't know why the person would say that to you.... As you're feeling better listen and watch the videos of David Schmidt on youtube because you'll learn a lot from him. In the description, they are talking about the dynamic duo in the way that I described how they work together with inflammation and the immune system. There may be other ways that I'm not aware of. As for enhancing the X39 and super charging it, that is where the X49 comes in, and where I saw my greatest/fastest gains. But: that is not for you now, not until you've gone through the program I laid out for you first. I would say that for you, that will likely be at least 6 months from now :D

Laura L

I feel real positive about this!
Except It’s just I’m worried about the fact that my blood pressure is very high since I started the patches and so is the tension and edginess sweaty palms and feet and tremors. It’s just I don’t know how to navigate that.

I’ll do the eon this week and see if anything changes for the better. I know I started it today and my blood pressure was at the highest yet. Maybe it takes some time to come back down.

Can’t recall, but did you experience blood pressure changes?

Laura L

As your health improved did u begin to decrease meds? For example I’m on Fludrocortisone, Corlanor and mestinon for POTS.

Diane K.

New Member
Hello Everyone. I'm starting a thread about Lifewave Patches. I've been using them for 13 months, and have improved immensely. I started on them because in addition to many years of ME/CFS and having a 2 year relapse during the pandemic, I then got COVID. Long COVID added to my toxic mix and symptoms then included MCAS and other terrifying additions. Not many people know about Lifewave. I have lots of information to share with anyone who is interested in giving it a shot. Through a lot of research on all of the body systems that are messed up, I developed a plan on which patches to use and when, mostly by intuition. They work on the acupuncture meridian system, and they put absolutely nothing into the body. They cause the body to heal itself. Sounds space age, and crazy, I know. But it's high technology, with clinical studies and they've worked for me. This is my first time posting, so I don't know if I receive notifications. I'll try to check back here every few days. (I do not sell this product or anything else :D)
I would be interested in trying a combination of them.


New Member
Hi guys ❤️

Just joining in on the conversation because my sister just found out about the X39 patches a couple of months ago (her friend gave her some to try) but she is starting them 'full-time' now.

All of us 4 siblings have inflammatory bowel disease (I've had Crohn's for 22 years now) and I'm pretty sure that for almost 10 years now too, I've had POTS/Dysautonomia. I have literally ALL of the symptoms for those 2. No doctor has been able to tell me what I've had, only one diagnosed me with CFS years ago. It has progressively gotten worse though.

My partner (Sam) was a lot younger than me (18 years younger) and he had become my part-time caregiver towards the end too (after I had pretty much helped him with addiction from the moment that I met him - he had zero family help or support, his mother only wanted to see him if and when he was doing well) - but then on the 19th of December 2021, he died unexpectedly & alone on my bed - and my mum found him the next day. He was playing PS5 at the time and clearly didn't realise he was about to pass away - as he was sitting upright (but slumped over).

Let's just say that the distress/stress from all of that ^ definitely hasn't helped. He was a wonderful man and he had even promised me that he would come to all of my appointments - until we found out what it is that I have.

But I discovered myself (through a LOT of research!) that I must've had a CSF leak for ages (a few years ago it started) and then what developed eventually (unbeknownst to us) was POTS/Dysautonomia - which I've read is quite common in people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I'm pretty sure that EDS runs in my family too. I can see the hypermobility in family members, plus my dad had an aneurysm at one stage too.

My sister has received the X39 patches - as well as a month's worth of the Aeon/Eon patches too- she just told me, but I'm not sure that she really knows how to be using them properly/optimally. She has IBD as well.

I definitely couldn't handle anything that would ramp up my adrenals, that's for sure! I already feel giddy with palpitations & tremors, but feel like I'm going to faint if I'm upright. I try to go for walks, do treadmill and exercise bike as often as I can - and I also had to start eating a lot more protein too (I had Sarcopenia) in order to build up my muscles so that I could walk. The lying down often had 'deconditioned' my body. And this will sound really 'out there' to you, but it was actually 3 psychics that picked up on the Sarcopenia and told me that I needed to be having/eating a lot more protein. So I did that, and all of a sudden, I was able to walk again 🥰

Thank you for all of the info that you have shared here. I'm learning as I go, and then I will weigh up if I should do the patches. I'm on disability - so I don't have a lot of money to work with, tbvh with you. I have to be very careful where I spend my money.

Anyway, I'm in Australia. Where are you ladies from?

Much love and healing to you all 🙏✨️🌈

Louise x

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