Losing upper body fat and collagen, high oxidative stress? Leaky gut? Anyone else?


New Member
Hi, I am losing adipose tissue in my upper body, so losing all the fat around my collarbone, chest ,shoulders yet gaining fat around the middle. I am just all bone in those areas. My doctor has sent some to some specialists but nothing has come of that. I take Florenif for POTS. I have read that this drug rarely can cause some side effects like thinning skin. But I think this was slowly starting before I began taking the florenif.. Ive had fibro and cfs for 10+ years, ibs and now Gerd. I did the OAT test a year ago which showed bacterial and fungal overgrowth, treated that then recently took the MOAT test which showed still bacterial and fungal overgrowth but also higher good bacteria so have been treating that and the gerd.
just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this mysterious loss of fat tissue. Its quite significant and also my collagen and elastin seems depleted in my skin. The past year the skin on my body has become loose, sagging and draping. I haven’t been able to exercise for years but still this seems extreme. Doctor told me a few years ago I had high oxidative stress. I’m new on this forum so not sure if I’m doing this correcty. Anyone else dealing with this?


Active Member
I don't have an answer to your fat problems TBH.

However collagen and skin need high amounts, 1/3 of the amino acids in these tissues are Glycine and high cortisol levels which tend to be present in these illnesses will tend to cause breakdown of these tissues to supply Glycine. High levels of inflammation require Glutathione which also requires three amino acids and Glycine is one of those three. That means there is a high Glycine requirement. However Glycine can raise GABA levels and promote sleep. Glutamate is needed to balance GABA.

I don't suggest that you wildly supplement with Glycine before you research it's full effects but it does sound like you need more of it but you need to find a way of getting it without any adverse effects.

The bacterial overgrowth comes from your stomach function most likely. Check for Urease by testing with an acid and see if your stomach generates wind ie carbon dioxide as the acid reacts with Urease enzyme.

Leaky Gut causes inflammation from LipoPolySaccharides (LPS) and immune reactions to foods and that needs anti inflammatories where Glutathione is the main one in the human body.


New Member
Hi, thanks for your response. It does seem that part of what’s happening is the collagen is becoming depleted. I’m glad to hear that glycine could be helpful because a naturopath suggested that and zinc nightly for sleep issues. its been a year and it works well and Im not aware of any side effects so far. But I should probably look into what else I might need to take to balance this. This condition requires so much research and that in itself is exhausting. I tried glutamate once and it bothered my stomach, but I would like to find a way around this and try it again. I was taking NAC for the last year or so, but just bought glutathione and thought I would try that instead now. I will look into amino acids to support the glutathione. I find that with most of the supplements I take that I cant tell if they are doing anything for me. Only glycine, vitamin C and acetyl l carnatine do make a difference.

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