Lymphatic drainage offers a glimmer of hope


New Member
I have been pouring over every bit information I can find that might offer the slightest bit of relief from this stagnant prison inside my mind. Speaking from my own experience and research rabbit holes, I think that detoxing the lymph system *could* be a big piece of the puzzle that I never thought to consider. To be clear, it is not my intension to offer any kind of false hope, to myself or anyone else, therefore I will remain cautiously optimistic until further notice… moving on.

One source of information I am grateful to have stumbled upon is Dr. Raymond Perrin. Since the late 1980’s, Dr. Perrin has conducted extensive research on cfs/me that has been published in several international medical journals. Dr. Perrin is but one of many experts I have recently come to know about, completely by accident, for which I am truly grateful to God. What I thought to be pointless, disorganized research is looking more like purposeful direction, even when I couldn’t see it. From the knowledge I gained to the “dead ends” that left me defeated… each discovery, good or bad, has been invaluable to me in understanding the essential functions of the brain & body lymphatic systems, as well as the inevitable chaos ensued by their dysfunction. If our body loses the ability to effectively eliminate toxins then oxidative stress and inflammation spike, the nervous system crashes, brain health deteriorates, need I continue? The potential for harm is endless.

This is strictly my understanding of what I’ve read from my ongoing research, I am certainly not claiming anything or listing this as a cure by any means. It is simply one part of a whole person who feels like crap. Whatever it is or isn’t, it is still painfully disappointing to think that with all the doctors in different specialties and very different categories of medicine, this was not even a blip on anybody’s radar. I’m not condemning anyone, I know that most doctors are doing the best they can with the information they have and I am grateful for them.Ultimately, I am responsible for my own health and my own knowledge… so I decided to gain more of both, it’s a work in progress ;)

I’m more than happy to share the information I have gathered so far with anyone who is interested . Aside from a few self massage techniques that I’m learning, I have not yet been able to get a full lymphatic massage as my finances are having a health crisis of their own right now. However, once I am able to I will post an update (good or bad) after my first session.

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