Lymphatic drainage offers a glimmer of hope


New Member
I have been pouring over every bit information I can find that might offer the slightest bit of relief from this stagnant prison inside my mind. Speaking from my own experience and research rabbit holes, I think that detoxing the lymph system *could* be a big piece of the puzzle that I never thought to consider. To be clear, it is not my intension to offer any kind of false hope, to myself or anyone else, therefore I will remain cautiously optimistic until further notice… moving on.

One source of information I am grateful to have stumbled upon is Dr. Raymond Perrin. Since the late 1980’s, Dr. Perrin has conducted extensive research on cfs/me that has been published in several international medical journals. Dr. Perrin is but one of many experts I have recently come to know about, completely by accident, for which I am truly grateful to God. What I thought to be pointless, disorganized research is looking more like purposeful direction, even when I couldn’t see it. From the knowledge I gained to the “dead ends” that left me defeated… each discovery, good or bad, has been invaluable to me in understanding the essential functions of the brain & body lymphatic systems, as well as the inevitable chaos ensued by their dysfunction. If our body loses the ability to effectively eliminate toxins then oxidative stress and inflammation spike, the nervous system crashes, brain health deteriorates, need I continue? The potential for harm is endless.

This is strictly my understanding of what I’ve read from my ongoing research, I am certainly not claiming anything or listing this as a cure by any means. It is simply one part of a whole person who feels like crap. Whatever it is or isn’t, it is still painfully disappointing to think that with all the doctors in different specialties and very different categories of medicine, this was not even a blip on anybody’s radar. I’m not condemning anyone, I know that most doctors are doing the best they can with the information they have and I am grateful for them.Ultimately, I am responsible for my own health and my own knowledge… so I decided to gain more of both, it’s a work in progress ;)

I’m more than happy to share the information I have gathered so far with anyone who is interested . Aside from a few self massage techniques that I’m learning, I have not yet been able to get a full lymphatic massage as my finances are having a health crisis of their own right now. However, once I am able to I will post an update (good or bad) after my first session.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with trying to assist the lymph system but the reason the lymph system is struggling in the first place is because the liver is struggling to filter the toxins. A struggling liver leads to struggling lymph system. Need to help the liver so the lymph system doesn't struggle.
Yeah I agree with Tammy. Often you find something that kind of works but it's limited because there's something behind that and something behind that that isn't working. We think we find causes but sometimes we're just finding effects. You might have to address the methylation block too.

It does help though, to do massages to get the lymph flowing. I've tried the Perrin system and it helps a little. Any massage helps, lymph runs everywhere in the body. Dry brushing helps too, and stretching does a little and so does deep breathing a little.


I have been pouring over every bit information I can find that might offer the slightest bit of relief from this stagnant prison inside my mind. Speaking from my own experience and research rabbit holes, I think that detoxing the lymph system *could* be a big piece of the puzzle that I never thought to consider. To be clear, it is not my intension to offer any kind of false hope, to myself or anyone else, therefore I will remain cautiously optimistic until further notice… moving on.

One source of information I am grateful to have stumbled upon is Dr. Raymond Perrin. Since the late 1980’s, Dr. Perrin has conducted extensive research on cfs/me that has been published in several international medical journals. Dr. Perrin is but one of many experts I have recently come to know about, completely by accident, for which I am truly grateful to God. What I thought to be pointless, disorganized research is looking more like purposeful direction, even when I couldn’t see it. From the knowledge I gained to the “dead ends” that left me defeated… each discovery, good or bad, has been invaluable to me in understanding the essential functions of the brain & body lymphatic systems, as well as the inevitable chaos ensued by their dysfunction. If our body loses the ability to effectively eliminate toxins then oxidative stress and inflammation spike, the nervous system crashes, brain health deteriorates, need I continue? The potential for harm is endless.

This is strictly my understanding of what I’ve read from my ongoing research, I am certainly not claiming anything or listing this as a cure by any means. It is simply one part of a whole person who feels like crap. Whatever it is or isn’t, it is still painfully disappointing to think that with all the doctors in different specialties and very different categories of medicine, this was not even a blip on anybody’s radar. I’m not condemning anyone, I know that most doctors are doing the best they can with the information they have and I am grateful for them.Ultimately, I am responsible for my own health and my own knowledge… so I decided to gain more of both, it’s a work in progress ;)

I’m more than happy to share the information I have gathered so far with anyone who is interested . Aside from a few self massage techniques that I’m learning, I have not yet been able to get a full lymphatic massage as my finances are having a health crisis of their own right now. However, once I am able to I will post an update (good or bad) after my first session.
I was having lymphatic drainage in 2016 and it helped me rehab. But then i got to a point with my health where i felt i wasnt going any futher although the oesteo said i was improving to need less frequent visits. I felt i couldnt rehab anymore without more support so i got depressed and also insomnia after there was noise cominf from my attic after having floor boards put up there and relapsed to needing carers in 2017

I got carers in my own home about april 2018 but kept relapsing and by december I was back at my parents abd the carers came to my parents home to help.

In 2019 i was having breathlessness even at rest and the oesteo extremely kind came to the house to give treatments for free which just some cranial work at first and then abit along thw spine aswell. I have always said it saved my life. My breathing improves and my xommunication, my overall energy levels improved. It made me able to walk again when i was bedbound and transfer to commode and bk to bed. I could walk around my home but still needed tobe careful and would roll around in my home on my rollator. It made me able to look at screens again which id been unable since about may 2017. I was able to tolerate light better and sound and started to be able to listen sometimes to music. I had been referred to SALT and she came the first time and said she was gonna help me. Then i had my first treatment of the perrin technique and when SALT came back (i still needed help but was able to have better communication fluctuations) she didnt seem to think i needes help anymore. The perrin technique made me able to go back to my own home for a good while. Cos i was still battling for more care and support at the time so it eas counter productive against the treatment but it did help me alot until she retired and stopped coming.

It helped my cognition back in 2016 and gave me alot more energy to leave the house. I went on a night out about 2017 jan and was able to dance again, it was amazing. i probs did do it thru some adrenaline but i didnt notice feeling worse afterwards.

So I did find it helpful however I do think people also need to make sure they adjust to their energy limits and dont overload the liver and remember to take milk thistle. Baldwins milk thistle in the bottle works because when i was first having the treatment i felt really sick but when i took the milk thistle it really eased the nasuea. Its the one in the amber bottle.

My oesteo said if i cud not follow the massages that the spine rotations were the most important part of the treatment and to focus on them


I do think though that the perrin technique might only be part of the puzzle pieces because although it helped me alot, when I was trying to rehab, after I improved I felt like improvements sort of platoed. Remained constant instead of getting even better but i was also under alot of stress and insomnia aswell.


New Member
I had a full course of the Perrin technique from Raymond Perrin in the 1990s, along with my teenage daughter who was also diagnosed with ME.

It was the first glimmer of hope that this disorder was not going to confine us to our beds for the rest of our lives, as our GP had promised us.

Before we saw Raymond we had tried everything that was available in those days, but both of us were still gravely ill. (We found some level of relief from joint inflammation from 3g daily of evening primrose oil with fish oils).

Raymond identified many of signs lymphatic engorgement, indicating an active immune system that was engaged with fighting something. Lymph nodes were painful and inflammed, base of the skull excruciating, drenching sweats, all over body pain, no stamina, PEM, insomnia, cognitive dysfunction, syncope etc.

The Perrin technique was to be carried out daily at home, as well as clinic sessions that started off weekly, then fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, then annual MOT checkups.

Daily at home it consisted of lymphatic massage of head, neck and back; hot and cold ice packs on the spine; specific 'marching' on the spot exercises; very strict adherence to a clean eating plan with no stimulants whatsoever (no point in consuming the very toxic substances we were working hard to eliminate). We continued this regimen even away from home, Christmas etc.

The routine was exhausting, but we focused on completing our Perrin technique as the top priority everyday. There were three of us in the family then, and we helped each other complete what ever needed to be done. Being so ill for so long (6 years) had devastated our lives, so getting well again was our 100% goal between us.

And it worked!

As Raymond predicted, the first three months were horrible, as accumulated waste products were mobilised and eliminated. Only then could we start to make any recovery. And over the next 2 years we did.

Ten years after first falling ill, we were active again and back at work/ uni. Independently solo-backpacking around Asia, India, Australia; White water rafting; Skiing; scuba-diving etc. All the things we had put on our wishlist when we were too ill to barely crawl to the bathroom and relied on my younger daughter to put food by the bed for us before she left for school in the morning.

But it is no cure.
The ME has never left.

Some things were permanently eliminated: the pain of clothing touching my body had gone and never returned. Lymphatic engorgement in my breast went too - I had been unable to embrace my children. The inflamed base of the skull only returns when I get a serious infection now, instead of 24/7. I lost three stone of weird fat, back to my pre-ME size 10(uk) clothes.

We learned how to pace, plan and measure energy levels, so that we could take part in 'normal' living, being sociable, going to work, completing studies, without anyone knowing, or having to explain to anyone.

The clean living had to be maintained, or relapse was round the corner.

Emotional stress also took its toll and had to be factored and calmed with meditation, self-hypnosis. But life was good and we could live in the outside world again.

Sadly I contracted typhoid, that the doctor failed to treat properly. I connected again with one of Raymond's practitioners and managed to recover, but it had depleted me and I had to do the daily routine without any help, as my daughters had left home by then.

Back on the road to recovery, back at work and retraining in NHS the manditory HepB vaccine took me down.

It was too far to travel to Raymond's clinic, my local Perrin practitioner was a fraud, so I could not get the full benefit, even though I tried my best with the technique at home.

Then a bad bout with Lyme & Babesiosis has landed me back in bed now, with no carer/ help and no access to a competent Perrin practitioner.

The summary of this 35 year journey is: Yes, the Perrin technique is effective.

- It is not a cure, but it can significantly remove the debilitating symptoms to permit active life again.
- You need to strictly follow it to the letter to get the full benefit.
- You will need help to manage the physicality of the full treatment and adherence to clean, healthy living.

If I had the physical resources today to access the Perrin technique, as I did in the 1990s, I would be enjoying an active life again.

(I've noticed it says I am a new member, but I have been a member of this forum for many years)
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