Making Your Gut Flora Bloom? The 2nd Microbiome Summit is Here


Well-Known Member
The thing that no gut expert is discussing is congenital malrotation, malattachments of the gut. This may be another structural issue that can be a part of the whole idiopathic scoliosis ( even mild cases - I was not dx with scoliosis til age 53 !!! ) scenerio. But my son was diagnosed with scoliosis as a teen. He is sadly prone to fatigue and other issues after severe EBV at age 5 - 1986.

There is very little research in the U.S. on this phenomenon, but I have one article that discusses 2 case histories of kids born with serious congenital gut structural issues that had documented serious immune abnormalities. The guts were corrected surgically, and the immune systems became completely normal. ( in Archives of Pediatrics&Adolescent Medicine. 1986, Immunodeficiency secondary to structural intestinal defects. Malrotation of the small bowel and cavernous hemangiomas of the jejunum. By W. A. Fawcett et al.)

In our support group we had 4 surgeries ( one death) for a twisted colon! That is how I learned of this. Many of us have long, redundant colons - including me. And I finally found research suggesting that a long redundant colon is another variation of a congenital gut malrotation.

Also my bladder and other inner parts are all to the left in my abdomen. 20,000 breath a day - just imagine how that tugs on the body core. Also, I have a large hemangioma in my liver. Are there any in the gut? Never been checked.

So, I began to wonder if malrotation of the gut ( which occurs at 4-6 weeks post conception) could be causing idiopathic scoliosis. Joined online Scoliosis research group ( for professional researchers publishing etc). And wrote to them about this. They reviewed and published my comment for discussion in 2009. they Published my email and the email of one of the Editors/ reviewers. There has been NO research. There was no discussion.

So, I think many of us are dealing with a whole body phenomenon. Maybe related to the expression of body symmetry. Maybe related to families with left- handedness ? Why? Maybe important brain areas are allowed to expand and open? Maybe certain chakras are enhanced?
Think understanding of this may allow insight into an important history of mankind??????????????

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