I've been looking into the mast cell thing for the past year. Its an overlapping condition with EDS, which I have. I have tryptase levels that are slightly elevated, enough to diagnose me with some kind of mast cell disorder. I do not however any allergic type symptoms (flushing, itchiness, dizziness, GI symptoms) so it does not seem appropriate to take an antihistamine (ketotifen was prescribed) as these only block H1 & H2 sites. I'm highly reactive to most drugs, stimulants, nutritional supplements, sugar and foods with histamine (histamine intolerance).
My reactions manifest themselves as agitations of my central nervous system - elevated muscle tone in head and neck, feelings of agitation, fatigue and poor sleep. My tryptase levels are pretty consistent even when I am in a reaction.
Out of curiosity I had my tryptase tested after a particularly good night of sleep when I felt very relaxed and before I ate breakfast. My levels were slightly higher at that time - an unexpected result that changed my thinking about all of this.
I have a hypothesis about what might be going on. Like many people with CFS, I have low cardiac output - low blood pressure and slow pulse when resting and I suspect low blood volume as well.
There is such a thing as cardiac induced mast cell activation, although not a lot is known about it. I think the mast cell activation may be keeping my heart from slowing too much. That would explain why my tryptase levels are higher when I am very relaxed. I tried taking quercitin - a mast cell stabilizer.
The first time I took it I slept through the night and had a normal bowel movement the next day - two unusual occurrences for me. The second night it worked half as well, the third night not at all and then it began to agitate my system. I believe my system was threatened by the stabilization of my mast cells so it quickly built an intolerance to the quercitin. (I have experienced this phenomena with other therapies).
It may turn out that the chemicals produced from the mast cells are actually helping me - stimulating my cardiac function. If that is the case I believe it is counterproductive for me to either block the effect of the mast cells or to try to stabilize them.