MD Proposes Covid and Covid Vaccines are Actually Deadly Prion Bioweapons

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
(Warning: This is a very serious post so if you aren't mentally ready to deal with a heavy subject then stop reading now.)

A MD named J. Bart Classen has published a research article in Jan of 2021 where he stated that analysis of the RNA of the coronavirus-19 (covid) vaccine indicates that it may be capable of triggering prion disease (ie. Mad Cow disease) due to the shape of the spikes on the virus. (Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021; 5(1): 1-3.)

The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations. The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.

Many have raised the warning that the current epidemic of COVID-19 is actually the result of an bioweapons attack released in part by individuals in the United States government [10,11]. Such a theory is not far fetched given that the 2001 anthrax attack in the US originated at Fort Detrick, a US army bioweapon facility. Because the FBI’s anthrax investigation was closed against the advice of the lead FBI agent in the case, there are likely conspirators still working in the US government. In such a scenario the primary focus of stopping a bioweapons attack must be to apprehend the conspirators or the attacks will never cease. Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.

Prion disease results in symptoms that include what we see in both long covid patients and some acute covid patients.

Prion diseases occur when normal prion protein, found on the surface of many cells, becomes abnormal and clump in the brain, causing brain damage. This abnormal accumulation of protein in the brain can cause memory impairment, personality changes, and difficulties with movement. Experts still don't know a lot about prion diseases, but unfortunately, these disorders are generally fatal.

Symptoms of prion diseases include:
  • Rapidly developing dementia
  • Difficulty walking and changes in gait
  • Hallucinations
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty speaking
This video (1:05) shows a woman with myoclonus 24 hours after receiving a covid vaccination. This is a symptom of prion disease.

Long term covid patients are reporting memory impairment, another symptom.

One man, a vascular specialist named Michael Reagan, told the NYT that after getting out of the hospital, he realized that he’d completely forgotten a vacation he’d taken to France just weeks earlier.

“I look at all my pictures of Paris, trying to remember,” he told the paper. “We went and saw a Madonna concert, we went to the Eiffel Tower, we went to the Catacombs. And I remember nothing, nothing at all.”

Reagan says that his memory problems and brain fog are so severe that he was having trouble in meetings and had to take a leave from work.

“I can’t find words,” he said in the story. “I feel like I sound like an idiot.”
Doctors Say Many COVID Survivors Have Memory Loss, Brain Fog (

Prion disease is fatal within one year and doctors recommend that infected patients get their affairs in order to prepare for their death. The only known treatment is with antisense oligonucleotides which can slow the progression however there is currently no treatment for a covid specific prion disease. If this is a bioweapon then we need to investigate and arrest the perpetrators, halt all covid vaccines, issue stringent public health warnings not to contact covid or people who have received covid vaccines (it is transmissible through body fluids) and immediately fund a massive research project into antisense oligonucleotide and any other treatments (Kimer Med's VTOSE).
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Well-Known Member
I tried and find the paper. It is published in "Microbiology and Infectious Diseases". Part of getting the paper accepted is to pay 1200$ "publication fees". As a former scientist, I nor my employer ever had to pay a dime in publication fees. When going to a conference, publication was free but you were expected to attend the conference and pay the registration fees. Hournals where completely free and did send you free paper prints at the time of acceptance and publication.

But even for a multiday physical conference where the organization had to pay for conference rooms, security personal, webhosting, distributing every attendee heavy high quality paper books with all accepted papers printed, often delicious food, an often expensive enertainment activity at one evening... fees I (or better my employer) payed never amounted to so much (for people presenting a paper and having for the rest full access and benefits to the rest of the multi day conference) for even the best and most luxuruous organized conference. It's some time ago, so inflation will have stepped up.

1200$ plus applicable taxes and NO free paper copies included in that amount. I got for each free accepted journal publication multiple paper copies send for free.

For a Turkey based publisher, the hosting costs are IMO excessive. That very much ressembles the practice of predatory journals.

Predatory journals are a growing problem in science. Basically, those are fake peer reviewed journals where you pay to get your paper accepted. Such journals monetize on the desparation of researchers unable to get enough publications in order to get the PhD they work for. Before the problem was well known (or maybe still on low quality understaffed universities) some people might have gotten away with it and cheated themselves to getting a PhD. This practice however has *nothing* to do with real science. That doesn't says there isn't *some* real science to be found, but who would pay 1200$ plus taxes if one has quality work that will easily get peer reviewed and accepted in the traditional *and* supported by the science community journals?

As such, I have found that journal on several lists of possible "predatory journals".

The author of this paper has an own Wikipedia page. It's not the type of page a science author wants:

John Barthelow Classen is an American immunologist and anti-vaccinationist.[1] He received his M.D. from the University of Maryland, Baltimore in 1988, his M.B.A. from Columbia University in 1992 and obtained his medical license in October 1997.[2][3] He is best known for publishing research concluding that vaccines, in particular the Hib vaccine, cause insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,[4] a hypothesis he proposed based on experiments he conducted on mice in 1996.[5] His views are disputed and considered unverified.

A widely-reposted 2021 Facebook post claiming that the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 could cause prion diseases was based on a paper by Classen. The paper was published in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, whose publisher, Scivision Publishers, is included in Beall's list of publishers of predatory journals. Vincent Racaniello, professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, described the claim as "completely wrong".[1][6][7] Tulane University virologist Robert Garry stated that Classen has offered no evidence for the three pillars of his argument: that the sequence overlaps between the Pfizer vaccine are greater than occur with any randomly-selected stretch of RNA, or that the vaccine could cause zinc to be released and that doing so would affect its purported targets as he proposes.[8]"

=> I am not going into detail on nor value of his theory, but this publication seems to be a bought one, at a high fee where "peer reviewed" likely means very little. Based on that info, the quality of the information has to be scientificaly speaken seen as questionable.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
or that the vaccine could cause zinc to be released and that doing so would affect its purported targets as he proposes.

Actually the Garry's criticism of the article is shallow because covid doesn't have to be bioengineered to be a bioweapon. It could be a natural variant that was weaponized. Another criticism about the zinc release would be that many people are zinc deficient so that may allow the effect. I think it is premature to conclude that this doesn't happen. However, I would be curious if bat colonies where covid is found have higher rates of prion disease as this would support his hypothesis. As for the predatory journal, perhaps because of political forces the other journals refused his paper because it was too controversial. He may have wanted to get the information out but found that the only way to do it was by paying.

If we see a spike in prion disease death rates in about a year we'll know.


Well-Known Member
As for the predatory journal, perhaps because of political forces the other journals refused his paper because it was too controversial. He may have wanted to get the information out but found that the only way to do it was by paying.

I can see that problem. But if that is the case, then the article ISN'T fully peer reviewed unlike the journal claims. There is an almost one to one correlation between journals rejecting papers due to too much controversy and too many recognized field experts rejecting the research paper.
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Well-Known Member
Just following. I looked into prion disease a few years ago and found those theories interesting in regard to other illnesses that seem to lay dormant and then reactivate. Likely they would be more like Retrovirus. But its an interesting hypothesis. I think, with time, much will come more clear and into light.


Active Member
That's why its still unsafe to be vaccinated since we don't know the long term effects. Its just sad that many are unaware that there are theories like this, actually its my first time to encounter the article posted above and its good thing that I'm not yet vaccinated.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
That's why its still unsafe to be vaccinated since we don't know the long term effects. Its just sad that many are unaware that there are theories like this, actually its my first time to encounter the article posted above and its good thing that I'm not yet vaccinated.

Yes. If you look at the current CDC recommendations they aren't protective enough. For example, people with blood type B are known to have a higher risk of stroke but there isn't any warning listed by the CDC. Also, the CDC isn't telling doctors about how vitamin D and I-MASK+ ivermectin guidelines greatly lower covid death risk.

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

CDC discounts controlled study showing vit D lowers covid deaths by 24%.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Classen just published a new study on the UK adverse event data showing strong indictators that the spike proteins are prions. End of thread here for reference.


Well-Known Member
4 Minute Video -- A must view

Just trying to get some logic into a friend that the reason so many get the jabs is because they are told this is their Immunity to the VIRUS....if this is true, then they have got to relax and enjoy their Immunity and stop watching the TV fear mongering programming.

Thousands of injuries and deaths are reported by VAERS every week, this is worldwide. From those who did the jabs.


Well-Known Member
More breaking news from one of my sources:

Completely fraudulent PCR tests admitted

"After 16 months of completely fraudulent PCR tests that were used to drive pandemic hysteria, the CDC has announced it is withdrawing the junk science testing protocol at the end of this year.

PCR tests do not deliver quantitative results and can't count viral loads. Therefore, they are scientifically useless at diagnosing any so-called "infection."

The entire covid pandemic has been based on this fraudulent, junk science test. And that means the entire pandemic is a fraud."

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
The entire covid pandemic has been based on this fraudulent, junk science test. And that means the entire pandemic is a fraud."

A fraud designed to crash the economies of countries around the world for Klaus Schwab's depopulation. Share this information guys it's really important. We need to see people around the world protesting and arresting the NWO controllers at the UN and World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment). These are the real enemies. Focus on them not the parties. They want you to attack government officials as a distraction so the controllers stay in place. They can always get new people elected to do their bidding.


Well-Known Member
A fraud designed to crash the economies of countries around the world for Klaus Schwab's depopulation. Share this information guys it's really important. We need to see people around the world protesting and arresting the NWO controllers at the UN and World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment). These are the real enemies. Focus on them not the parties. They want you to attack government officials as a distraction so the controllers stay in place. They can always get new people elected to do their bidding.

Developed in a communist country and we are being led down that road.

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