Issie and Tonto - very interesting. Issie, yes, I have gotten worse too after some pretty gentle treatment. Repressed memories, strange dreams - oh yeah!!! But even very tiny changes in structure can throw me for a loop. Read about healing crisis. Interesting. True??? The Native American medicine men/ shaman talk about 'soul loss,' where parts of the soul get broken off and are lost. They do 'soul retrieval.'
Tonto - yes, I am talking a lot about cranial osteopathy. The sacro-occipital chiropractors know about all of this,too. There are some massage people that advertise craniosacral therapy, too, - as well as some physical therapists. Interesting that you went into remission for so long. So, you know that your body/nervous system can find the right set point for wellness.
I also had some of your experiences during cranial work - felt light all over, felt head expand, had a crazy vision- type thing, as if I went to some point in the distant past and watched a movie. Extreme emotional responses. A Physical therapist wad able to move my sacrum into a position where I stood up, and was different - straight, relaxed, full of energy!! Went shopping at 4 stores!!! Came home, sat down - gone.
Tonto - since the spine is attached to the top of the sacrum - the sacrum supports the spine. My sacrum is on a slant, so the lower spine is absolutely affected. I having bulging discs, but no pain there . Amazingly, regular orthopedists/ physical med docs just don't know much about sacral function/dysfunction. Go to You tube and search for sacral dysfunction. It is hard to diagnose. And I never try any of the online maneuvers without advice from PT, chiro, or expert. Can be dangerous.
Having said all of that, it is worth checking out John Sarno and his ideas. I read all books and ordered his on line DVD program which we used in CFS/FM support group. ( I led it 13 years). I did this because one young man showed up at group and got totally well with applying John Sarno's idea. He had been bed-ridden with back pain after pushing a refrigerator. But then he developed 2 pages of symptoms - was dx CFS/FM.
Well, one young girl ( age 20) sick for 8 years read 1/2 of Sarno's first book, and announced " I'm well!!' She had Raynaud's phenomenon and a bunch of issues - had disabled student status. She was also very smart, very sensitive, and type A. She remained well until she took a stressful job, then started to decline. Quit the job, got better.
I related all of this to help give some appreciation for what a strange and complex journey we are on. Geez. I am always astounded and sit here shaking my head back and forth ( on purpose) as I keep one leg in the very hard and important science of it, and the other leg in this metaphysical land where strangeness is commonplace and the scientific method that I depended on my entire life is virtually useless.
Blessing to you both as we travel down this road of discovery.