I have a little video. But I have to remember how to post it to Vimeo so I can share it here.Hi Remy, I researched and I must confess, I am most curious about the progress of Willow's training.
So I'll share another story about the training of my mutts.
I was curious about "scent training", so I showed my Weimar a dog biscuit. Made him sniff it, but you can't eat it! Then I closed the front door to my house, with him inside. I dragged the biscuit through the dew-wet grass at night. Halfway through the yard I made a 90-degree turn, and then another, before laying the biscuit in the grass.
He caught the trail immediately upon release, and was going so fast he overran my abrupt turn. He was so excited, he promptly reacquired the trail and wasn't fooled so easily by the second turn.
It took him about 15 seconds to find that dog biscuit, in the dark.
She’s doing great. A little bit of a teenager at the moment, testing her boundaries. So testing me! Good thing I love her so much!