Ugh. I suck at math. Can you all help me make sure I'm mixing this up right?
@Strike me lucky?
Does this mean to add 3 mL of water to the 5 mg vial?
I can't make that Peptide Mixing Calculator thingy work at all.
Help please!
- Pop the caps off both the BPC-157 and BAC.
- Gently alcohol swab the rubber stopper on the BPC-157, then let it dry. Same goes with the BAC vial.
- Dose out the correct amount of BAC. In the case of a 30ml bottle of BAC, if you fill three insulin syringes full of water, then very slowly and carefully (peptides are extremely fragile) inject each of those syringes into a 5mg bottle of BPC-157, you are going to nearly completely fill the 5mg bottle of BPC-157.
- Once the 5mg bottle of BPC-157 is full, then based on this very handy Peptide Mixing & Dosing Calculator, each time you inject a 1ml/1cc syringe into it and pull that syringe back to the eight tick mark (**not the .8cc mark, but the eight tick mark, which is going to be two ticks before the .1cc mark on the syringe) you are going to have yourself approximately 250mcg of BPC-157.
Voila. You’re done. You now have a bottle of completely reconstituted and ready-to-rumble BPC-157. It will look something like this.
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