Norepinephrine enhances all my brain functions.(CFS/brain fog/PEM)


New Member
I suffer from both ADHD and cfs, and when I take drugs that increase dopamine or serotonin, my ADHD gets significantly worse.

However, when I take drugs that increase norepinephrine, both my ADHD and cfs get significantly better.

On the other hand, I have a dilemma. The most effective drug for me is Nortriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant), but when I take it, even at just 5mg, I get QT prolongation and side effects on my heart, so I can't continue.

Also, for some reason, atomoxetine doesn't work at all (I suspect I have a high probability of cyo2d6 deficiency).

In this case, is there any way to increase norepinephrine while reducing the burden on my heart?

When I take bupropion (Wellbutrin), my ADHD gets significantly worse, probably because of its dopamine effect.

The most effective drug I've ever taken is Nortriptyline, so I'm really sorry that I can't take it. The next most effective drug is milnacipran.

Also, for some reason, Clonazepam was effective, but its effect was smaller than that of drugs that act on Norepinephrine.

I wonder if I have a low ability to convert Dopamine to Norepinephrine?

Currently, I think that "Only Norepinephrine can put me into complete remission," but in fact there may be other ways (I think you all know much more than I do, so please point out any shallow parts of my thinking).

My life is really messed up because of my ADHD and CFS (brain fog, PEM, general fatigue).

Also, Cymbalta worked dramatically at first, but it stopped working completely after 2 months.

If you were in my position, what medicine would you try? (I also feel that Memantine and Baclofen have potential, even though they are in a different category from Norepinephrine.)


New Member
That sounds like poor dopamine conversion to me

I just happened upon this thread and I'm not able to respond much more but wanted to drop some breadcrumbs here, there's articles and webinars and such on this site that have helped me explore that subject further, it's worth browsing their Resources and filtering down to what you wanna know. I like their videos and their diagrams and charts and whatnot, they tend to break this stuff down in a way that my fogged brain can work through:

In my own case my focus is still on fixing the gut and getting to the root of what's preventing the conversion, I don't take any pharma stuff and I'm very wary of anything that messes with neurotransmitters too much, had a bad run-in with nootropics

For short term relief I would also look up natural ways to raise norepinephrine, there's a bunch of em, running hands under very cold water, taking brisk showers and the like, if your body can tolerate it. Good luck


I suffer from both ADHD and cfs, and when I take drugs that increase dopamine or serotonin, my ADHD gets significantly worse.

However, when I take drugs that increase norepinephrine, both my ADHD and cfs get significantly better.

On the other hand, I have a dilemma. The most effective drug for me is Nortriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant), but when I take it, even at just 5mg, I get QT prolongation and side effects on my heart, so I can't continue.

Also, for some reason, atomoxetine doesn't work at all (I suspect I have a high probability of cyo2d6 deficiency).

In this case, is there any way to increase norepinephrine while reducing the burden on my heart?

When I take bupropion (Wellbutrin), my ADHD gets significantly worse, probably because of its dopamine effect.

The most effective drug I've ever taken is Nortriptyline, so I'm really sorry that I can't take it. The next most effective drug is milnacipran.

Also, for some reason, Clonazepam was effective, but its effect was smaller than that of drugs that act on Norepinephrine.

I wonder if I have a low ability to convert Dopamine to Norepinephrine?

Currently, I think that "Only Norepinephrine can put me into complete remission," but in fact there may be other ways (I think you all know much more than I do, so please point out any shallow parts of my thinking).

My life is really messed up because of my ADHD and CFS (brain fog, PEM, general fatigue).

Also, Cymbalta worked dramatically at first, but it stopped working completely after 2 months.

If you were in my position, what medicine would you try? (I also feel that Memantine and Baclofen have potential, even though they are in a different category from Norepinephrine.)
I also have ADHD and MECFS. For a long time I thought my entire problem was that my ADHD had gotten so much worse, and focused on Nootropics. Somehow Norepinephrine escaped my attention, so thank you for your post. There are an overwhelming amount of YT videos on this. Maybe you can find something helpful there.


I suffer from both ADHD and cfs, and when I take drugs that increase dopamine or serotonin, my ADHD gets significantly worse.

However, when I take drugs that increase norepinephrine, both my ADHD and cfs get significantly better.

On the other hand, I have a dilemma. The most effective drug for me is Nortriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant), but when I take it, even at just 5mg, I get QT prolongation and side effects on my heart, so I can't continue.

Also, for some reason, atomoxetine doesn't work at all (I suspect I have a high probability of cyo2d6 deficiency).

In this case, is there any way to increase norepinephrine while reducing the burden on my heart?

When I take bupropion (Wellbutrin), my ADHD gets significantly worse, probably because of its dopamine effect.

The most effective drug I've ever taken is Nortriptyline, so I'm really sorry that I can't take it. The next most effective drug is milnacipran.

Also, for some reason, Clonazepam was effective, but its effect was smaller than that of drugs that act on Norepinephrine.

I wonder if I have a low ability to convert Dopamine to Norepinephrine?

Currently, I think that "Only Norepinephrine can put me into complete remission," but in fact there may be other ways (I think you all know much more than I do, so please point out any shallow parts of my thinking).

My life is really messed up because of my ADHD and CFS (brain fog, PEM, general fatigue).

Also, Cymbalta worked dramatically at first, but it stopped working completely after 2 months.

If you were in my position, what medicine would you try? (I also feel that Memantine and Baclofen have potential, even though they are in a different category from Norepinephrine.)
You might also want to ask this on TikTok. And you may find helpful information already posted there.


New Member
This is curious - I was (finally!) diagnosed with ADHD last year - it is obvious in hindsight. I had previously been prescribed a number of various medications, for various reasons (migraine, POTS, etc.), that failed to work and caused significant side effects (I later confirmed I have a significant CYP2D6 mutation that causes grossly reduced function). Nortriptyline was terrible - I had severe tachycardia and anxiety, at the smallest dose possible. Effexor greatly increased my pain. Bupropion just made me angry. The irony was ADHD medication - I do have some side effects, however it greatly improves my ADHD symptoms AND also fatigue and endurance. I tried Focalin (MPH) first which caused muscle aches. Switching to Adderall was game changing, and I often worried that it would preclude treatment. I should note that Adderall

I will note, I do receive IVIg to manage my autoimmune dysautonomia, as well as Xolair for MCAS / (with potentially suspected Mastocytosis - I have chronically elevated Tryptase). Maybe there is some synergy or with control of some disease process it allows the Adderall to work better.

I've analyzed my Methylation cycle testing, as at one point the Adderall seemed to not be working as well. It is possible you could have mutations there, and be burning through needed nutrients at a greater rate. I carry the A1298C MTHFR mutation - and so I added a supplement stack that seems to be improving my overall outcome and has increased efficacy. There are definitely genes in that cycle that could contribute to greater depletion of certain neurotransmitters, as well as conversion issues, and production issues.

If you are able to get any genetic data, I ran mine through Genetic Genie ( to get the profiles. My profile also shows that I extensively metabolize neurotransmitters, potentially the cause for my low Dopamine and ADHD. Curiously, I know some medication was/is not available in Japan - what do you have available as options?

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