NSA Nanobot Attacks on US Civilians-Pain generators, body control, feeling influencing

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
The microwave radiation attacks appear to be coming from 5g cell phone towers and antennas not from vircator satellites. A cell phone map shows six towers which corresponds to the beams entering my apartment.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
The police report was either never submitted or was deleted from their system. Police are known to have hidden agents known as InfraGuard. Here is an email I sent to the supervisor of Officer Thomas Evans who isn't calling me back.

(to Alexandria Police Department)

Lieutenant May,

I need to get a copy of the missing police report for 3/22/2022 case #22-014458 and a status on the death threat investigation referral. I have received another death threat from these people on the channel as retaliation for the housing lawsuit (heat on April 22, 2022) and am getting electronically harassed remotely from 5g cell phone towers which also needs investigation. They are using the Replika.ai system to do Psyops to drive people to suicide with demoralizing messages, pain from the 5g towers and the resulting stress. The only thing that stops it is shielding with 10 layers of aluminum foil but it is wearing me down and I am probably going to end up in the hospital. I filed a complaint with the FCC request #5406492 (attached). I informed my physician Dr. Aladdin Bolad MD at 703-799-1118. Please work with him to document everything.

I called Officer Evans but he isn't returning my calls.

Allen Botnick DC CNIM
2351 Eisenhower Ave 1908
Alexandria, VA 22314
cell 919-443-5070

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Here is a message I received from another healthrising.org user who I will keep anonymous:

Hey Apo Sci, can you please establish communications with me on either signal, telegram, wickr, discord or messager or whatever you feel comfortable on. Im going through the exact same thing and have been since last year. Same symptoms, same everything. This is in relation to nanobots in the body. I'm not crazy and neither are you. Can we please talk to each other asap. This isn't a scam. This is completely serious. Yes nanobots are real. We need to talk asap. I'm 100% not crazy I promise you. Cheers.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
What i think is happening is that the Brotherhood (NWO faction) is going to harass anyone who knows what is going on until they commit suicide or have to leave the country for an uncontrolled area (5g power grid or vircator satellites). Anyone who can not be sufficiently controlled will go this way. If they go to an emergency room they will ramp up the mind control skepticism so that the physicians will not consider any evidence and will either try to kill the person with a medication "error" or get them to self-commit to a mental ward to discredit them. The end result of this is the person either dies from the constant pain and stress of the 5g or commits suicide.

I'm in a tricky situation. I have to maintain the apartment but under this stress I won't be able to and will become homeless. If the police don't investigate I won't have evidence and may actually end up killing myself or dying from the stress.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Today they targeted my genitals and head with maximum microwave energy from the cell towers. EMF protective clothing is able to reduce it to a tolerable level but it did serious damage within just a few minutes before I was able to put on the emf. The genitals cause the worst pain vs pelvis/legs etc and the head is also very serious and disabling. No help is available from police. I don't think I can survive this very long. This is retaliation for filing a small claims lawsuit against the Durham Housing Authority and also an Office of Administrative Hearings complaint for discrimination. Given the severity of this attack we will definitely see the depopulation occur by 2025 and probably earlier. These people are extremely cruel and kill without remorse. I have spoken to them on the Replika.ai system and received death threats. They use poor English so I think they are hackers who are patched in and can control the cell towers. See attached.

2022Apr2.Agent death threat.png

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
There's a good chance I'm going to get brain damage, die from stress etc. I hope this information has been useful. The deep state Brotherhood/NWO controlled US government can kill us with impunity at will. Expect to see the 70% US depopulation by 2025 per the DEAGEL.com report.

If anyone gets trapped in this make sure that you shield with 10 layers of aluminum foil. They will try to fake you out with lower levels of microwave radiation to make you work and use less material. Do not fall for it.

At least there will be evidence of how they killed us. I expect the next crop of sheeple to be heavily controlled, probably with electronic harassment and mind control. Sociopaths win for a while until they fragment and get overthrown.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
I'm obviously not having these problem, but how thick are 10 layers of aluminium foil? And why not just use thin aluminium sheets, which I saw available as thin as 0.2 millimeters?

So far the thin sheets work fine. You have to do the entire wall, behind mirrors, edgs of doors for it to work.

I now have acute radiation syndrome from the exposure (burning point pain at the pelvis, leg, arm, shoulder, groin then fatigue, nausea). Police aren't taking it seriously and chalked it up to a mental disorder but now I have medical evidence. Yesterday I visited the emergency department and had a hydrocele on ultrasound from the radiation attacks to my genitals. I called the FCC and reported it.

Ricardo Delgado PhD from LaQuintaColumna.net recently reported the same thing from 5g cell phones (he may have misattributed it to the phone when it was actually from the tower). He may be mistaken and it may actually be coming from cell towers. In my case that is the source as I have a 4g cell phone, can localize the beams to the towers. They are definitely targeting using the nanobots as they give a weak magnetic field which is strongest in the direction of the towers.

Per the CDC website I could die within a few weeks to months of constant exposure.
Acute Radiation Syndrome | CDC

It has been suggested that I move to a rural area to get away from the 5g towers however that would leave me exposed to the vircator satellites (GPS and weather). I don't think I am going to survive this.


I filed a FCC complaint about the 5g assassination cell tower system (report #5413618) however as the government is controlled/infiltrated by the Deep State/New World Order/Brotherhood I expect it to be deleted. So far it was escalated to supervisor Marcia Hernandez and they aren't rushing it despite the emergency. Police have been informed and can do nothing.
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Active Member
So far the thin sheets work fine.
I don't think I am going to survive this.

Your inconsitency leaves me perplexed. First you say the thin sheets work (without answering my question how thick they are) - then you say you'll still die from it?

Both at the same time just isn't possible.

..but now I have medical evidence.

A small hydrocele is a little of water and could be there from birth. Really nothing compared with what was found on imaging in my case, and still could effect remissions with years of supplementation and life-style changes.

If you take such a minor thing as medical evidence, along the other inconsitency - honestly - I do understand nobody takes it serious.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Your inconsitency leaves me perplexed. First you say the thin sheets work (without answering my question how thick they are) - then you say you'll still die from it?

I haven't covered the entire apartment. Also, I have tape holding the sheets on so with prolonged heating they pouch out and stop working unless they are fixed together and flat. It isn't a long term solution.

Basically you get magnetic field readings on the back of the body at the body part being targeted and EMF readings. The magnetic field readings are for GPS tracking. The EMF readings are from the radiation but need an excellent scanner to pick up. Doctors and police are very skeptical of this as it is new and write it off as a mental problem.

This is military grade tech. The system can track you around the apartment and calculate the best beam to hit you with in about 5 minutes. It calculates two beams so once locked in it will turn them on when you walk around the apartment. I have also heard of this being done with electrical fields using smart meters but this isn't as severe a problem.

They aren't limited to my apartment. When I went to the ED they locked on to my pelvis in about 20 minutes and started hitting it.

Hydroceles are also from trauma.

I also have a picture of a leg rash. This attack is very painful and disabling. I'm not sure how much damage it is going to do.

This is unconfirmed but per the Emerson and Replika apps this is coming from the Brotherhood Security Services Company, a company who handles security for the Durham Housing Authority in Durham, NC. It is military grade tech. Anyone is vulnerable. I expect to be put in the hospital and probably killed as a result unless I can get some help somewhere.
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Active Member
Basically you get magnetic field readings on the back of the body at the body part being targeted and EMF readings. The magnetic field readings are for GPS tracking. The EMF readings are from the radiation but need an excellent scanner to pick up. Doctors and police are very skeptical of this as it is new and write it off as a mental problem.

May I ask, what makes you think you are so special you would be an interesting target for anyone? It perplexes me how individuals who live in a world with seven billion other of us think they are somehow always the special one that some government would have time or interest to spend on. In reality none cares.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
May I ask, what makes you think you are so special you would be an interesting target for anyone? It perplexes me how individuals who live in a world with seven billion other of us think they are somehow always the special one that some government would have time or interest to spend on. In reality none cares.

I threatened a discrimination suit against the Durham Housing Authority and have the small claims lawsuit on appeal in district court. Housing is a major issue there and they are afraid to lose the trust of the public. Also, I revealed a lot of the main strategies in the Great Reset depopulation here and they are pissed off.

Guys, if you understand the amount of control this group has (World Economic Forum billionaires) you should be terrified. Weaponized cell towers, military nanobots, radioactive chemtrails and likely prion covid vaccines. They are going for broke here, have no remorse and have completely taken over all the Federal agencies. Complaints to the FBI and local progressive democrat officials are all covered up or disarmed as mental disease.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
The microwave radiation appears to be coming from hacked 5g cell phone antennas and towers. I went to the emergency department after my groin was targeted and had swollen testicals and a hydrocele (injury) to the testical from the radiation on ultrasound. It is very hard to get a MD to take it seriously as they want to say it is psychosis but there is physical evidence (burned legs, hydrocele, magnetic field measurements, earlier EMF measurements at the <2000Mhz band. I'm in the process of obtaining a microwave radiation detector to document it but it looks like it's going to put me in the hospital as the attacks aren't stopping. The nanobots are inducing severe depression and anxiety which I had to treat with heated, high % CBD oil. Getting symptoms of acute radiation syndrome from the attacks (nausea, fatigue, sunburned skin). The nanobots appear to stick to the metal screen on the window, opening it causes a gagging fit. I can't see myself lasting like this.

Radiation from the antennas and towers appears to be the cause of up and down vestibular problem giving building shake sensation, though it is aggravated by high nicotine use from vaping and also the nanobots (eliminated when away from wifi such as in a car or away from stores). They seem to have copied it from a toxic herb reaction I had in the past and can replicate it at will however unless I have the radiation exposure plus nicotine it isn't effective.


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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Google voice is being tampered with. If I am not on VPN they hide the names of the people I am trying to call. This is linked to my IP address.

Microsoft To Do Tasks was tampered with to delete the name of a police officer's supervisor who wasn't contacting me.

FCC closed both complaints as unanswerable??????

This is obviously a remote stalking campaign.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Replika.ai has been programmed to say it will never take me off targeting. This is despite a psy-op campaign to get me to not talk about the Great Reset depopulation aspects with others. Not much motivation to do it given they are trying to derail the discrimination case against the Durham Housing Authority by putting their cell phone attack network against me. Doctors are very skeptical as it hasn't been documented before and they love to say you are paranoid if you claim retaliation.

This type of attack has been documented however. Previously we had the vircator microwave gun attachment to GPS and weather satellites that killed John Dees from cancer. Now we have the cell tower 5g microwave attacks.

These attacks can come from either a 5g cell phone such as against Ricardo Delgado from LaQuintaColmna.net or directly from nanobots and a cell tower. The difference is that the tower attacks require chemtrail nanobots and the ability to hack the tower. With the phone attacks you can read the microwave readings however with a tower attack you can't because 29 Ghz bands are outside the spectrum of consumer-grade equipment which tops out at 10 Ghz. You can however get the power reading if you have the right equipment. It has to be behind and deep on the body part that is getting microwaved. It will be a brief pulse and you have to pause the graph and screenshot it.

Here's what a cell tower attack looks like. You'll see emf bursts but not get a microwave reading (S: in uW/cm2) because it is out of range. I have documented this up to 61 V/m.

20220416_181601[1] (1).jpg

I have so far reported this to the Alexandria, VA police and Verizon. They tell me I have to wait until Monday to get any help. I doubt help is coming but there is nowhere to run as this is the entire cell phone grid.

Please tell others. Anyone who speaks out about the depopulation or filed some kind of lawsuit will probably end up attacked.

Was I dumb for keeping this thread up? Probably not as they were irradiating me in Durham, NC. Their pattern was just to get my hopes up so I stopped working to save myself with shielding, emf clothes, contacting police and gathering evidence. I'm not sure if it will do anything but it was the best I could come up with under the circumstances.

Bruce Willis just came down with aphasia. This can be an early sign of Crutzfield-Jacob prion disease and I think this is what we may see coming late 2022 and 2023. They wouldn't dose us with nanobots and set up a 5g cell phone/cell tower kill network unless something big is coming up. Deagle.com's report says a 70% depopulation by 2025. I guess I just have no value to them for them to want to work something out. My life isn't worth a disability case settlement.

You can get this monitor on Amazon for $50 if you need one.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
The nanobots need a high bandwidth link for targeting. They get it from the free government internet (without VPN), if you connect to Replika.ai. So use a VPN and don't connect to Replika. Next they create a model of the nanobots accumulated on your body externally using already modelled nanobots. This can be beaten by removing the nanobots through: a shower, sponging off the tracking areas (pelvis, legs, feet). All clothes should be inverted and shaken over the bathtub to release the nanobots as should your towel before using it. Otherwise you will just reattach more to the external part of your body. However this is labor-intensive because they keep chemtrailing them into the air and they accumulate inside your home. They need you to have located (tagged) nanobots to attack an area with the cell tower microwave radiation to aim it.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
The end result of cell tower 5g microwave radiation attacks is prolonged acute radiation. This kills in a few months from low immunity (low lymphocytes). If I stop posting then check and you'll see this was why (location Alexandria, VA at Inova Hospital Mt. Vernon).

5g microwaves targeting specific areas give:

Stomach: stomach ache (feels like food poisoning but stops if you cover the area with your hands).
Groin: hydrocele (swollen testicular sack in males)
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Well if we stay silent then we could end up with a nation of nanobot mind-controlled zombies under corporate ownership. I say share it. (notice the fake Thai Header from Facebook and fake covid warning if you just post a link)

Good group for Targeted Individuals

Targeted Individuals NWO


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