One week of B12 injections - sleeping more during the day

Fire of London

New Member
Hi everyone. I am slowly putting Dr Sarah Myhill's protocol in place and this week have been injecting 1ml B12 in the morning. I have more energy and feel less poisoned than I normally do, but I'm sleeping more during the day. (just an hour and a bit) Any ideas why this could be? Could it be a good thing?


In my 27 years of experience with me/cfs B12 is one of those things that is different with each person. I have concluded for me that I can't take 'oral' vitamin B and the B12 injections help keep the 'B's' in my body along with diet that is rich in B vitamins... lots of leafy greens; even if in a drink. I so 10 ml injection once a week. I think extra rest and feeling less poisoned is a very good thing. You can have your doctor run a blood test after you have been on the B12 protocol for a while and see how it is working with your blood.

All my best and blessing to you,


Active Member
Hi everyone. I am slowly putting Dr Sarah Myhill's protocol in place and this week have been injecting 1ml B12 in the morning. I have more energy and feel less poisoned than I normally do, but I'm sleeping more during the day. (just an hour and a bit) Any ideas why this could be? Could it be a good thing?
Research what the deficiency does to your body. It could be a good thing. I have pernicious anemia, me/cfs/ and fm. I presented to urgent care totally exhausted, heart palps, every symptom possible. My history contains B12 injections about 10 yrs ago. I had to request Kaiser run a B12 test. Yes I was low. I started with one injection at the clinic for 5 weeks. Felt better. After a week of no injection I experienced a severe crash of me/cfs. Requested another B12 test and it had dropped again. I think my crash is a culmination of many things including a broken back (compression fracture) from slipping on wet steps and onset of full body fm last summer. Cymbalta helps fm. But the crash has incapacitated me to the point I can barely get out of bed, tolerate light and sound, and certainly unable to ride 45 minutes to the clinic. Kaiser won't let me do the injections at home! I wasn't sure if the b12 made me sleepy or the cymbalta. But I was very relaxed which felt awesome for a change.

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