POTS Inexplicably Improves After Topical DMSO Applications


Well-Known Member
That sounds amazing. Using the cream is helping. But not completely. I have too much inflammation going on. May need internal treatment too.



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
These snippets are from a fairly long testimonial at THIS SITE. I found it quite interesting, especially the part at the end when she began to experience RA symptoms similar to CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Turns out they were symptoms of her RA, and when she did another IV DMSO session, all those autoimmune symptoms cleared up as well. That particular part of her story made me wonder whether any number of autoimmune conditions can possibly bring on CFS-like symptoms, and perhaps be alleviated by IV DMSO.

All other Western countries use DMSO to treat Rheumatoid and Osteo arthritis. Even second and third world countries use it. Why does America not use it? Because it’s cheap and they don’t have the patent on it.

I had an old neck-injury in high school that I suffered with - and had learned to live with. In my 20’s and 30’s that suffering was just a stiff neck, but as my arthritis began to show up it began to really cause pain, and a complete inability to turn my head in any direction without pain. My ankles, hands, and elbows were also causing me pain, but no deformity yet like my brother’s had.

Within the first ten minutes of my first IV of DMSO, I could feel an amazing difference. No pain. No stiffness. I started crying, just from the joy of it. By the time the full-hour of drip was over, I had no pain anywhere!

One woman told me her American MD told her to get the treatment in Mexico, but that if she told anyone who recommended it he would deny it and call her a liar. By law they are not allowed to recommend DMSO, even if they know about it. And most don’t know anything except what they read in medical journals, written by a medical community who has a lot to lose if we all learn how wonderful and effective this treatment really is.

One last story.

Three years ago, after a very stressful two years without going to get a DMSO treatment, I began to really be sick, but it didn’t feel like RA, or at least what I had experienced before. I was out of energy, began to lose all range of motion, and I had no strength in my arms and thighs. I could not reach to brush my hair, or get myself out of the tub. I had to sit down to cook.

My husband insisted I see a doctor. I was tested for everything from polio to MS and some other diseases I had never heard of.

All tests came back negative. Of course, when I filled out the paperwork for the doctor, I mentioned that I had RA and what my numbers were the last time I had been tested in Mexico. And since no one ever mentioned RA at all, I figured they had ruled it out - that my arthritis was not causing all these problems. I trusted them to know what they were doing.

Boy, was I wrong. -- While waiting for test results (which took three weeks to get back) I decided to try some natural medicines that might help. I improved a tiny bit, but still had to be helped in and out of bed, the tub, and couldn’t put on my own clothes without help.

After 8 months of this, I was beginning to think this was “IT” for me. After I got the results back from all the tests and was asked to come in for more, I decided that maybe I should go get a DMSO treatment since it had been so long. I headed for Mexico.

When the doctor saw my condition, he assured me that it could well be that my numbers had risen during my long two-year absence. He asked if it had been a stressful time and I told him it had, but asked him was there any way my RA could have changed so radically in such a short time. He assured me it could change in a matter of days depending on my circumstances.

He said, “I cannot be sure that these problems are from your RA, but in one hour, you will know.”

HE WAS RIGHT!!!! Within ten minutes of placing the IV into my vein, I knew he was right. ALL THAT PAIN WAS GONE!!! All of it!! I sat and cried.

All I had been through, and put others through - and all I had needed was my DMSO treatment!

I couldn’t believe it. I was able to reach again. I could bend and squat - after receiving one hour-long IV-drip of DMSO.

In the two years I had not gone for a treatment my numbers had gone up 3 points, as a result of stress over time. Of course, during those 8 months of illness, my muscles had atrophied some and it has taken a couple of years for me to get all my strength back, but the pain was gone.



Well-Known Member
Does she say where in Mexico? I'm not far from there. Appears there are some alternative cancer treatment centers here in Phoenix that uses it. But I'm guessing they may be real expensive. I need to check it out.



Well-Known Member
I've ordered it! I already use magnesium oil, so I'll mix them together. I like your directions: slather it on. I'm also interested in taking it orally, to see what happens.

I've been experimenting with hemp oil again, with mixed results. It gave me intolerable physical symptoms at low doses, but then when I stopped, my energy was better. I might try rubbing it on with the DMSO and see what happens.

Thanks @Wayne for another thing to try.


Well-Known Member
I might try rubbing it on with the DMSO and see what happens.

Hi Madie,

So nice to hear from you! :) I too have thought I'd eventually get around to mixing DMSO with some kind of cannabis product. Those two compounds together could prove to be quite a potent therapy.
It seems there's no end to some of the remarkable things I run across about DMSO. I decided to read an old 1964 LIFE magazine article on it, and came across a couple of really interesting sections.

1) ... A doctor friend of his twisted an ankle one day, and Jacob promptly daubed it with DMSO. Later, looking at X-rays of the lower leg, both Jacob and his friend were horrified to learn that DMSO had killed the pain so effectively that the man had been walking around for four hours with a broken shinbone.

2) [Back in 1964] ... started looking for new uses for DMSO as a solvent. "We tried it first on notoriously hard-to-dissolve substances like pesticides," he recalls. "DMSO dissolved them easily. We then checked to see how pesticides in DMSO worked on trees. We found they began to move around with amazing speed--not just in the conducting systems under the bark, but right through nonliving layers of wood. The pesticides were colored so we could see them spreading out."

Agricultural experts helped adapt this discovery into a method which may do away with conventional spraying of trees. Pesticides in DMSO are piped into trees the way intravenous drips are put into the arms of patients. They spread to protect leaves and fruit from an impressive roster of mildews, blights, scabs and cankers. DMSO has other agricultural possibilities and even seems to rejuvenate fruit trees that have become barren.
Here's a final note about DMSO and heavy metals from a separate article. Interestingly, the health website--Advanced Rejuvenation Institute--where I got the below snippet offers IV DMSO at their clinic in Atlanta, Georgia.

Are There Other Benefits to DMSO?

Yes. DMSO can assist in Heavy Metal Detoxification. Heavy metals ( mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel ) are very difficult to detoxify from, and they are the root of many diseases. Sulfur is a mineral and a major ingredient of certain amino acids, which bind with minerals or heavy metals. Body drops heavy metals for minerals, which in this case would be sulfur. Amino acids substitute sulfur for toxic heavy metals, bind with them, and eliminate them via urination, defecation and sweating. Also, DMSO is efficient at scavenging free radicals. It is perfect anti-oxidant.​
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Well-Known Member
I went to @Issie 's link and then emailed the woman who apparently wrote the website copy. She recommends mixing the DMSO with coconut oil. I looked at DMSO creams, and they seem to be 70% DMSO and 30% oils. Maybe this would stop the skin reactions?

I've been wandering around on DMSO sites also. One talked about oral doses of 2-3 tablespoons, never mentioning anything lower. So please keep talking about your results at 1 teaspoon.


Well-Known Member
The DMSO cream I bought has aloe and rose in it. No bad affects on my skin and I'm super sensitive. No body odor or bad breath. Seems to be helping. But not completely. Maybe need stronger amount. Thinking either oral or IV.



Active Member
Hi Wayne,

Thanks so much for posting about your experience with this. You mentioned improvements in your POTS. Has it just been your BP or has your HR improved as well? Also, you mentioned possible detox side effects yet you slathered it on, have you personally experienced any detox side effects?

I started regularly using DMSO (a liquid, therapeutic compound derived from trees) earlier this year, which has led to making some notable health discoveries for myself. I initially used it (minimally) to apply topically to a shingles outbreak—which lasted several weeks (helped only modestly). I then came down with the worst chest cold, and could hardly stop coughing for several weeks. Applying DMSO on my chest helped "somewhat" get me through that episode.

I then began to experience serious lower back pain, and so started to apply DMSO topically to it 2-3 times per day—in far greater quantities than I had used previously. I got almost immediate pain relief from using DMSO, but within about 2-3 days, I began to wake up in the morning feeling much better, and much less encumbered by a deep, dark fog.

This fog could manifest in many ways, including depression, anxiety, despair, etc. I've long attributed this to toxins building up in my system during the night, and have long used morning coffee enemas to pull me out of this funk—which work quite miraculously for me. But my recent experiences with DMSO are giving me some new insights.

At almost the same time I began feeling better in the mornings, I began to notice an increased energy as well after applying my morning DMSO application. So I began–almost miraculously for me–to take morning walks. It normally takes me until evening time to pull myself together to do a meaningful walk.

Both of these developments were pretty stunning and obvious. But the next development was initially less obvious—though no less significant. I noticed my POTS had improved significantly! POTS has been so debilitating for me, that I’ve long felt that if I could ever figure out the POTS thing, it might prove to be the key to resolving my ME/CFS.

Just a couple days ago, I visited my Osteopath. He had in the past measured my blood pressure while I was lying down, and then immediately upon rising. My blood pressure would plummet about 20 points almost immediately. So after I told him about my POTS improvement, we did the same thing. This time, my blood pressure remained the same.

So, within days of liberally applying DMSO topically, I began to 1) wake up feeling much better, 2) noticed much better energy, and 3) noticed my POTS had improved significantly.

So I began to research DMSO more thoroughly online. One thing I discovered was that DMSO has the ability move GABA across the blood brain barrier—something it normally has a hard time doing. I had tried GABA in the past, and found its benefits to be modest at best. But since I was already doing the DMSO daily, I decided to try GABA again. To my delight, it has really made a notable difference in my quality of sleep. I’ve since learned GABA is not only an important calming neurotransmitter, but that it apparently significantly stimulates human growth hormone, something I've long felt I was probably low on.

There’s quite a bit more to share about my experiences with DMSO and the research I’m doing, but I think this initial post is already long enough. For perspective, I’ve for years been at a functional level of about 3 or so. Though what I’ve written might indicate I’m now much higher on that scale, I can’t really say I’m more functional than perhaps a 3-4 at this time. I still have significant cognitive dysfunction, and often incapacitating sensory processing disorder, and most likely significant mitochondrial dysfunction.

In my next post, I’ll try to give some specifics on my own thinking of why I’ve been able to improve as I have, and why I think these improvements may only be the start of even more significant improvements. A lot of my thinking centers around two important characteristics of DMSO: — Improves Circulation, Reduces Inflammation.


P.S. I bought a pint of DMSO from a place called the dmsostore.com. Here’s a LINK to a gallon size at eBay, which is what I plan to order next ($36.95). Much better value than the pint size. I looked around quite a bit, and this seemed to be the best value, for price and purity.

The 99.995% purity is important, as it greatly reduces the garlic odor associated with DMSO. Also, I’d read online never to buy DMSO in plastic, but I’ve seen other references where it says it depends on the plastic. I contacted the dmsostore, and they assured me they test to see if any residue has showed up in their DMSO, and it hasn’t. They do however sell it in glass containers as well, but is about $20 more per gallon. Shipping things in glass requires lots of special handling.
Also, regarding the purity. The DMS part of DMSO is what gives DMSO its garlicy odor, and is the same substance that gives garlic and onions their pungent odor. The ultra pure removes virtually all of this DMS. I had bought a bottle of DMSO several years ago, and the new ultra-pure is FAR superior to the older, less pure stuff.​


Active Member
The DMSO cream I bought has aloe and rose in it. No bad affects on my skin and I'm super sensitive. No body odor or bad breath. Seems to be helping. But not completely. Maybe need stronger amount. Thinking either oral or IV.

Hi @Issie
Can you post a link to the one you bought?


Well-Known Member
@Wayne my DMSO arrived today, and I've been going back through this thread for ideas. When you added GABA and got help with sleep, did you take the GABA orally, or mix it with DMSO? I note your comment that DMSO carries it across the BBB, so.....did you crush it up?

Cannabis won't be available in my state until next year, but I have CBD oil. It's on my list of DMSO experiments. Would you please post if and when you experiment with either one in DMSO?


Active Member
Thanks @Issie!
Hi @Wayne,
Thanks so much for posting about your experience with this. You mentioned improvements in your POTS. Has it just been your BP or has your HR improved as well? Also, you mentioned possible detox side effects yet you slathered it on, have you personally experienced any detox side effects?


Well-Known Member
Also, you mentioned possible detox side effects yet you slathered it on, have you personally experienced any detox side effects?

I've been wandering around on DMSO sites also. One talked about oral doses of 2-3 tablespoons, never mentioning anything lower. So please keep talking about your results at 1 teaspoon.

I only took as much as a teaspoon once, and it turned out to be way too much for me. I ended up feeling like I was out of it, and fairly overwhelmed, which I chocked up to a significant detox reaction. I was also really thirsty for the next several hours, and drank a LOT of water. I now use the amount of thirst I'm feeling as part of a gauge on how my body is reacting to the amount of DMSO I'm taking.

Another gauge I've discovered is that I can begin to feel a bit over-stimulated, or even a bit on edge if I've taken too much. This can manifest by my needing to walk to regain my normal sense of calm or rhythm, or by an inability to stay focused--perhaps a bit like an ADD experience. This is quite different than the experience I have when I feel I've got more of an optimal amount of DMSO in my system, which generally brings on a greater sense of calm and well being.

My experience has been that I have more leeway with the amount of DMSO in my system applying it topically than I do when taking it internally. It takes quite a lot to feel I've taken too much when applied topically. I've learned not to take more than about a dozen drops or so at a time when taking it internally, though I generally do this several times a day.

I also get thirsty easier when taking it internally, and my wife notices it on my breath more readily as well--which I ask her to give me continuous feedback on. -- Even though the ultra-pure DMSO is often advertised to be odorless, that's not been the case for me. But it is a FAR more benign odor than the DMSO I used years ago that was less pure.
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Well-Known Member
You mentioned improvements in your POTS. Has it just been your BP or has your HR improved as well?

My POTS is variable these days. Always better than before starting DMSO. Sometimes only a bit better, but more often a LOT better. Working in the kitchen on projects used to be nerve wracking for me, as I would have this tick, tick, tick... going on in my head, as I knew I had a very limited amount time to get something done, sometimes only a minute or so.

I can now generally work on my kitchen projects without having that disconcerting time clock ticking down on me (which would often be accompanied my a certain sense of panic). -- My HR situation has not changed much. I thought I had stabilized in the 50's, but just took it a couple days ago and it was 42.


Well-Known Member
@Wayne my DMSO arrived today, and I've been going back through this thread for ideas. When you added GABA and got help with sleep, did you take the GABA orally, or mix it with DMSO? I note your comment that DMSO carries it across the BBB, so.....did you crush it up?

Cannabis won't be available in my state until next year, but I have CBD oil. It's on my list of DMSO experiments. Would you please post if and when you experiment with either one in DMSO?

Hi @madie,

I may not have mentioned it earlier, but the straight 100% DMSO needs to be diluted down for most DMSO applications. The most recommended dilution is 70%. I myself use 66.6%, as it's easy to do a 2 parts DMSO, 1 part purified water solution. Interestingly, when mixing them together, it creates a heat, which lasts as long as a couple of hours.

I took GABA orally. I had bought it in bulk in powder form and added it to a drink. I'm now adding a few drops of DMSO to these drinks as well, though I didn't do this in the beginning. I would guess taking GABA and DMSO together might be a bit more effective, but can't say for sure.

Experimenting with cannabis is something I'm looking forward to doing with a certain sense of anticipation. Just seems like it could have an enormous amount of potential for quite a number of conditions.


Well-Known Member
A Few Miscellaneous DMSO Notes...

1) My neighbor recently had a serious fall, and inured his shoulder and both wrists and arms. He applied some "old" (less-purified) DMSO on all those areas. He ended up having a semi-serious skin reaction on his shoulder, but not on his wrists and arms. This was yesterday, but his skin has mostly recovered by today. Good example of how skin in different parts of our body will react differently to the DMSO.

2) When applying DMSO topically for any particular condition, I've read a good application schedule is about once every four hours.

3) I've seen the word "supple" used when describing some of the effects of DMSO, like for cartilage, ligaments, skin, or in particular scars. When I began taking fairly large amounts of MSM (related to DMSO) several years ago, I began to experience a fair amount of itching in a scar I had. I've now had the same experience with DMSO, but to a lesser degree.

4) I've had a fairly continuous (daily) twitch underneath my left eye for the past 1-2 years. Some days it would last just a short while, other days it could become quite a nuisance. I've been putting a generous amount of my DMSO / Magnesium Oil mixture on my face these days, and always make sure I get plenty around my eyes. Just realized a couple days ago that twitch has been gone for quite some time now.

5) I've seen many references to what a powerful anti-oxidant DMSO is, with one author stating it was the most potent anti-oxidant there is. I have to admit, it came across to me as a bit of hyperbole, but who knows. It's probably safe to say however that DMSO is a pretty powerful antioxidant.

6) Re: skin reactions. I had read that they lessen over time, and that's been the case for me. I've also noticed my facial skin has a better tone than before I started experimenting with all this stuff. Some age spots have lightened considerably. -- Whenever I apply DMSO topically, I do so in combination with Magnesium Oil. Generally about 1 part DMSO to 2 parts Magnesium Oil. I also occasionally spray aloe vera juice on my skin afterwards, which feels really good.
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Well-Known Member
Hi @madie,

I may not have mentioned it earlier, but the straight 100% DMSO needs to be diluted down for most DMSO applications. The most recommended dilution is 70%. I myself use 66.6%, as it's easy to do a 2 parts DMSO, 1 part purified water solution. Interestingly, when mixing them together, it creates a heat, which lasts as long as a couple of hours.

Thanks for this. I went out and bought some distilled water to make a solution like yours, which I will now use with coconut oil. "Diluting" it with 1/3 coconut oil wasn't working. 1) it doesn't mix, and 2) after a few days my fingertips turned pruney. It seems that DMSO pulls water out of the body, so it's important to mix it with water. It does get hot for an hour or so!

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