OP: My daughter found on FaceBook just over a year ago an HGH Homeopathic Gel that we rub into our skin, she's been using it now close to 1 yr, and me about 9 months...she is 56 and I am 81.
We've had remarkable changes in our bodies, the two biggest for her are:
Collapsed feet (tendons/ligaments) from Cipro drug some yrs back. She has NO pain now since the HGH.
Years of anemia are reversed, she's had iron infusions, blood transfusions and oral iron and nothing, the docs are shocked at her new life out of anemia.
For me at 81, I've cut my iburprofen in half to 1 every 6 hr.
Cut thyroid support in half, I take Naturthyroid. Took 120mg for years, now take 60mg.
We both sleep like logs, I get a good 10 yrs of dreamy healing sleep. She too, but she pushes herself to stay up too late.
SLEEP is the major change FIRST on all those using this HGH gel.
She's got some males using it. And she is a distributor.
This could be a real changer for you. It's not a quick fix, but we didn't get old and damaged overnight.
I would NOT use those steroids...personally, they do more damage. Let me know if you want to know more. j