I m not going to escalate this
I m quite happy with where it is
You don't seem to be
Everything's in place now
Everything has been reset n put back into place
The educating is complete n the retraining of patients n doctors n scientists n researchers
All clear to see now !
Only one thing left :
The final knock-out punch n that look of disgust n shame on their faces on the canvass.
Seconds out : Round fifteen of fifteen
Ian Lipkin is Charles van Doren :
His annoying little voice probably stirred up doubts in De Niro's mind when he convinced him initially to pull Vaxxed. De Niro figured it n him out probably when their conversation was over and he put the phone down, and went on to speak his mind a few days later :
"The wise Mr. De Niro shows no sign of relenting." Lipkin said. But he did. He told Lipkin type people what he really thought of them for trying to stroke him n pat him on the back !!!
""I am among those Mr. De Niro consulted. In a 45-minute phone conversation with him, I recommended that the festival withdraw the film from the “documentary” category and not screen it.""
De Niro figured out no doubt that Lipkin was just smart talking him out of running the film. De Niro is smart. He said it as it is.