Simon Wessely's Big Shift? CBT Icon Calls For Big Rituximab Trial


Well-Known Member
I dont think you understand, Tim, how clinical trial funding works in the UK. Wessely is a psychiatrist, he is unlikely to be anywhere near a trail of rituximab. However his influence is strong enough to reach those who make funding decisions on trials run by other people. He could also have influenceon whether trial results were published in a leading medical journal.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I don't know but maybe it is a bit naive to think that Simon Wessely is going to get the UK govenment to put forward a Rituximab trial. You seem to be giving him the benefit of the doubt Cort, which is good, but he may well want to get in on organising a Rituximab trial so that it fails, i.e usiing the widest, weakest, loosest diagnostic criteria possible, thereby getting a lot of poeple in the mix with many other types of cause of just fatigue such as depression etc. Isn't that what he did to recruit for PACE trials, then not include the high drop out rates in the figures?
I am just saying, if he was in charge of a new Riituximab trial in the uk and he was personally interviewing the recruits, he could (even I could it wouln't be hard) easily recruit the ones that fit more depression or hypohondriasis but fill out the forms as if they mit the criterial, and not recrutit the strong ME type ones, to try to twist the result to support his ideas.
You welcome him to use his weight in the uk government to get a large rituximab trial under way Cort. Me personally, I wouldn't want him anywhere near a new rituximab trial.
Understood! I think if the UK helped fund a Rituximab trial the advocates and experts at Invest in ME would be all over it. They've invested considerable time finding the experts, finding the right facility and building the infrastructure for a trial. I've got to think even the UK couldn't build a dummy Rituximab trial and honestly given how much it would cost to do that - I don't think they would .

I don't think Wessely by himself could get one going. I'm sure he couldn't but it's nice of have his voice calling for one. That's a powerful thing given where he is coming from.


I don't know but maybe it is a bit naive to think that Simon Wessely is going to get the UK govenment to put forward a Rituximab trial. You seem to be giving him the benefit of the doubt Cort, which is good, but he may well want to get in on organising a Rituximab trial so that it fails, i.e usiing the widest, weakest, loosest diagnostic criteria possible, thereby getting a lot of poeple in the mix with many other types of cause of just fatigue such as depression etc. Isn't that what he did to recruit for PACE trials, then not include the high drop out rates in the figures?
I am just saying, if he was in charge of a new Riituximab trial in the uk and he was personally interviewing the recruits, he could (even I could it wouln't be hard) easily recruit the ones that fit more depression or hypohondriasis but fill out the forms as if they mit the criterial, and not recrutit the strong ME type ones, to try to twist the result to support his ideas.
You welcome him to use his weight in the uk government to get a large rituximab trial under way Cort. Me personally, I wouldn't want him anywhere near a new rituximab trial.
I agree with this logic 100%. I would not want Wesley or his associates anywhere near any real scientific testing for treatments. There is definitely an incentive for someone like him to pick subjects without true CFS to get the data he wants to see and keep his legacy in tact. CONFLICT OF INTEREST! The idea that all science is objective and comes out the same way is false. A scientists biases are contained in every hypothesis he makes and facts can be made to support that hypothesis for a long time until some breakthrough or true scientific innovation occurs. We need real innovators and thinkers working on the science of me/cfs. Guys with huge IQs. Wesley has approached me/cfs from his psychiatric point of view and tried to make me/cfs "fit" that point of view, making the facts fit his ideas rather than letting the facts shape them. After , what, 25 years his ideas have not helped the majority of people with me/cfs AT ALL! I have done GET/CBT for one year and i have gotten no more relief from my symptoms than a lung cancer patient would get from theirs by doing GET/CBT. Wesley's ideas failed. Be a true scientist and admit it didnt work and lets try something else. Stop trying to make the data fit your hypothesis.

I would and do however welcome his strong support endorsing such research. But only endorsement and that is it. I don't want him anywhere near or involved in any way with any real research. Scary thought.
Simon Wesley spoke of a time when demons were thought to cause disease...and that CFS is "all in the mind".
Having spent over $30,000 of my own money (I made minimum wage, & worked an average of 60+ hours a week), and hearing virtually the same nonsense spouted from a plethora of doctors (from 1978 to 2000), finally leading to an SSD award, I have my own diagnosis:

1) Simon Wesley is a demon infesting the medical profession
2) He should be completely exorcised from the worldwide medical community.

Aidan Walsh

Well-Known Member
He should be stripped of all Licenses he does not deserve to practice any form of medicine he is a fraud he is incompetent he also should be investigated fully by the Police of being Paid by insurance companies & taking side-kicks he did the same exact thing with Gulf War Syndrome as well...He also must be stripped of any Medals he got from the Queen as these are also done through fraud...I pray he dies a very harsh tragic slow death he is one Evil piece of garbage I plan on suing his Ass soon I will be filing a Private Commercial Lien against this Vile Clown fraudulent Hood. He is a danger to any patient even Mental patients. Watch how I sue him under Uniform Commercial Code Laws. We will see who has the last laugh.

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