Sluggish Bowels, From Young to Now


Well-Known Member
Just like you pick and choose. The fact is that this product is a glorified laxative, nothing else and all those positive reviews are attesting to this. I hope you aren’t hurt by this product, many are.

You don't know that MANY are hurt, did you take some time to talk to the company experts???? No of course, and YES I go with the majority of Positive reports. Millions take years of laxatives, stool softeners, that was me and now I take NONE of those...... I'll stick with what is Working in my colon.. If only t hose glorified laxatives did the job, but they are #1 otc bowel prodicts sold and used.

This is true in all we TRY, there are many good replacements of hips and many bad....I happened to have a bad one.


You don't know that MANY are hurt, did you take some time to talk to the company experts????

From reading some of the reviews, it seems 597 people didn’t like this product at all and claimed it caused things like abdominal pain, nausea and other symptoms. Maybe that doesn’t mean many to you but to me it does. My own personal opinion is just that — a personal opinion. I was just trying to add that this product has some problems associated with it. The claims related to people having up to 40lbs of fecal matter stuck in their colons is false, the amount of calcium is way over bowel tolerance, the science they used to support their claims is faulty.

It obviously works for many people but you could get the same results at much less cost.

I am not sure why I should talk to company experts. One can look at the ingredients go from there. I would assume the company experts would be highly biased regarding their product anyways.

No of course, and YES I go with the majority of Positive reports. Millions take years of laxatives, stool softeners, that was me and now I take NONE of those...... I'll stick with what is Working in my colon.. If only t hose glorified laxatives did the job, but they are #1 otc bowel prodicts sold and used.

I tend to look at a sample of both negative and positive reports to get a more balanced view. I find that really helpful in terms of deciding to buy a product especially on Amazon. Generally, a rating of 3 usually gives the best idea of something.

Did you not just say you ordered some Oxy Powder which is basically a laxative? There are a lot of laxatives and stool softeners made out of entirely natural ingredients that are very effective. Many of the products that are stronger and not made of natural ingredients are meant for occasional constipation. Most laxatives/stool softeners do exactly what they are meant to do at very low cost. Oxy Powder is way too expensive for what is in it. $49.95 for 60 capsules is a lot. I take one tablet of magnesium citrate per night which works well at a cost of about 13 cents per tablet. This is quite important to many with chronic illnesses who can’t work.
This is true in all we TRY, there are many good replacements of hips and many bad....I happened to have a bad one.
Not sure what that means. Anyways, we are all different. I generally am sceptical about many things. I prefer to try to have a good diet over taking supplements. When I do take supplements I do a lot of research and try to find something that works for me. Many things that work for other people don’t have any effect on me or I can‘t take them due to side-effects. When I do research things I do like to consider both the positive and negative aspects and I find discussions on forums to be really helpful at times.


So you people in disbelief of this product, STOP, you have no clue how so many have suffered for so much of their lives. I deal with spinal stenosis, no surgery there, but from years of life, have lost 3 discs due to deterioration. I did have a hip replacement and that changed my total body structure, hence the disc loss advancing.....

I had a friend who went thru 3 kidney transplants and she talked about how she had to use the "glove thing" as she took so many hard drugs to keep those kidneys. My friend lost her 3rd kidney transplant and could not deal with life anymore, she was able with the help of her doc, to take her life...

There are so many stories out there, so listen UP....

In all due respect, are members here not allowed to state their opinions about products? @pamojja seems extremely knowledgable about magnesium. It’s not that I don’t believe in it. I just think from what is in the ingredients that it is way over-priced. Forums are for discussions. Really rather than trying to shut down the conversation, why not just let members have their say, and take away from it what they will.

I really don’t appreciate being called clueless regarding how so many people have suffered for so much of their lives. I have been dealing with severe pain as well as other chronic illnesses for 28 years now. I have gotten to know many people both in person and on the net are suffering way way worse than i am. There are people with ME who basically are shut in dark rooms, suffering alone, with no medical help. I am sorry you are suffering from all the health issues you mentioned. Like you said many suffer. Too many suffer. Especially, since the beginning of the pandemic, many more or suffering.

Yes, there are many stories out there.

You mentioned magnesium ’drys’ people out, what do you mean by that.


Active Member
Did yall know that most reviews are made by the company. Did yall know companies hire people to write reviews.
Did yall know bad reviews over on rate your md can be pulled if an md pays ,I think it's $300


Well-Known Member
Do what you want to do and so will I....we have different issues and you didn't take time to read about the spinal stenosis issue and body structure and how that affects movements for I'm sure MANY.

I just bought my 2nd bottle for $47 of 120 capsules....worth every penny on how it's helping me move stuff out of my body...

If you look further there are 1000's of reviews, and the 500 some you talk about I don't care.

Many people I believe do not learn how to use the's NOT one size fits all.... bye
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Well-Known Member
Did yall know that most reviews are made by the company. Did yall know companies hire people to write reviews.
Did yall know bad reviews over on rate your md can be pulled if an md pays ,I think it's $300

I posted my terrible story on my hip replacement by the hip surgeon....on Yelp.... Many end up with so much damage and many don't know to report their issues.....

Doctors can get away with murder...


Do what you want to do and so will I....we have different issues and you didn't take time to read about the spinal stenosis issue and body structure and how that affects movements for I'm sure MANY.

I just bought my 2nd bottle for $47 of 120 capsules....worth every penny on how it's helping me move stuff out of my body...

If you look further there are 1000's of reviews, and the 500 some you talk about I don't care.

Many people I believe do not learn how to use the's NOT one size fits all.... bye
I am not sure why I needed to read about spinal stenosis. I know what it is.

Regarding moving ‘stuff’ out of your body, that would be fecal matter that has formed in the past few days.

For those that are interested in a bit of information related to this products claims, you can read below.
After reading the explanations on the website’s product, it is clear to me that the only thing this product does is act like any magnesium tablet used as a laxative.

From the website:
Oxy-Powder contains natural ozonated magnesium and citric acid. It releases oxygen to loosen impacted waste and cleanse the entire digestive tract. It’s gentle and won’t leave you feeling drained. Best of all, you can take Oxy-Powder as needed without the risk of dependency.

According to the manufacturers, people, by the age of 40, have up to 20 to 40 pounds of impacted fecal matter.

This is not true. When people go for colonoscopies or who are having bowel surgery, they are given a really strong laxative to rid the bowel of fecal matter. I have never read one account by any doctor when doing a colonoscopy or bowel surgery that they have come across massive amounts of impacted feces. The simple fact is, we do not accumulate feces like this for years on end. In fact, if somebody does have an impaction that can be life threatening.

When people do the pre-colonoscopy laxatives the most they ever lose is five pounds.

Regarding the release oxygen, the statement that released oxygen breaks up fecal matter is also untrue.

Global Healing


Thank you for your honest feedback - we appreciate it! Oxy-Powder contains
ozonated magnesium oxides to give more insight into the cleansing process.
After ingesting Oxy-Powder, your stomach acid reacts with the magnesium
oxides, breaking the bonds apart to release monatomic oxygen slowly into
your intestinal tract. This process helps dissolve fecal impaction and
cleanse your colon gently.

Monoatomic oxygen is extremely volatile. It is also known as ‘nascent oxygen’. It can’t be released slowly into the intestinal tract as monoatomic oxygen due to how volatile it is. This form of oxygen is a potent oxidant and would damage tissues. In fact, monoatomic oxygen is extremely toxic to the tissues. As already stated, we don’t have fecal impactions that live in our bowels for years so this description, by the company, is useless.

This is how things really work:

Magnesium oxide (MgO) is converted into magnesium chloride (MgCl2) under acidic
conditions in the stomach. Then, MgCl2 is converted to magnesium bicarbonate
Mg(HCO3)2 by sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) from pancreatic secretion in the
duodenum, and finally becomes magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). Mg(HCO3)2
and MgCO3 increase the osmotic pressure of the intestinal lumen fluid, thereby promotion
the transfer of water to the intestinal lumen and increasing the water content and volume
of the stool.

As far as the issue of drying out that @jaminhealth mentioned.

The company states that laxatives that use magnesium citrate are prone to cause dehydration or ‘drying’.

Saline laxatives increase water in the intestines to create a bowel movement and are not suggested for long-term use as they may lead to issues with dehydration. Oxy-Powder, when taken as directed, can be used regularly to address bloating and occasional constipation.

I guess the manufacturer is ignoring the fact that magnesium oxide also causes the intestines to release water into the stool, which softens the stool. If you take too much, so much water is released it will cause diarrhea. The water that is transferred from the intestinal lumen to the bowel can cause dehydration as well which is why it shouldn’t be used in excessive doses or for more than 7 days.

The amount the manufacturer suggests is way above bowel tolerance.


Severe overdoses of magnesium are rare in otherwise healthy people. Getting too much magnesium from the diet is not typically a cause for concern.

Occasionally, a high dosage of magnesium from supplements or medications can cause mild symptoms of an overdose, including diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps.

The following forms of magnesium are most likelyTrusted Source to cause these symptoms:
  • magnesium carbonate
  • magnesium chloride
  • magnesium gluconate
  • magnesium oxide
Rarely, a very high dosage of a supplement or medication provides more than 5,000 mg of magnesium per dayTrusted Source. This can cause magnesium toxicity. The medicines involved are typically laxatives or antacids.

The kidneys clear excess magnesium from the body, and people with renal problems or kidney failure are more likely to absorb too much magnesium.

Magnesium is essential for well-being, but too much can cause problems, including digestive issues, lethargy, and an irregular heartbeat. In rare cases, a magnesium overdose can be fatal.

Magnesium toxicity is rare in otherwise healthy people, and levels are more likely to be low than high.

People with conditions affecting the kidneys are among those at risk of absorbing too much magnesium. The risk of death is highest in older adults with renal failure.

A person is unlikely to overdose from magnesium in the diet, but supplements and medications can provide too much magnesium.

Early diagnosis of a magnesium overdose is important. Treatment is usually effective if a doctor detects the overdose in an early stage.


Well-Known Member
Whatever the process used in the mfg of it, since using it I have lost quite a bit of weight, could be what
was in my colon for years. Last week at my doctors, I weighed the lowest I have since my early 20's and that was 124 and my high in my life was 165 or so and lived with a lot of accumulation of waste.

Now if you all feel you get cleaned out good, then no need to read about this product.


Well-Known Member
How is everyone doing, I have not checked in here for a while.

On the sluggish bowel issue and there is often a day when I don't go, then I will up my Vit C and
that does it every time. Getting cleaned out is vital.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have tricks of the colon and cleaning it out?????

I still continue with Oxy's effective and I have to still use a couple other things.,..


Well-Known Member
My trick is to drink celery juice first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach. I don't have to drink it every day anymore. I have a juicer for this but you can also blend up the celery and strain through a nutmilk bag. You drink the juice only without the pulp. I had to start out with 4 oz because it can make you nauseated if your body isn't used to it. I worked up to a full glass but really I think 1/2 a glass would work depending on the person. Drawback is preparing and clean up. Might be too much for someone with CFS depending on their severity. It's not something you can just pop in your mouth. Nothing has cleaned me out better than celery juice. I havn't tried drinking it after a meal. It might work but it was suggested to me to drink it on an empty stomach.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks and I can't do much in the kitchen anymore. I may buy a small bottle of Celery Juice a nd see how that works.


Well-Known Member
597 didn't like the product, I like it but dont love it. It's helped my system a LOT. I've read of some 12,000+ reviews on amazon, how factual they all are, we don't know. Where did Sharon80 see this 597 figure I'm wondering.

T hink about it, in the whole scheme so FEW know about it, I didn't, my daughter and grandgirl told me about it.
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Well-Known Member
I'm realizing more NOW, that I've gone Nuts eating Ice Cream, too much calcium and I didn't eat much for a long time, and now giving myself a BAD treat. Gotta get control of this one. I;ll look at the Inulin powder...thanks...


Well-Known Member
The person who said Inulin is the answer is WRONG, I finally got it and talked to Now Foods and the product specialist set me straight.

Psyllium Husk Powder is what is NECESSARY., and so much is Out of Stock. So I found a 24 oz bag of Now Foods on Ebay and ordered.....WATER WATER WATER drinking a lot of it is vital...

He said to take Inulin as well BUT Psyllium is what is NECESSARY.

The world is constipated.


Well-Known Member
Psyllium is not necessary for me. Adding a scoop of inulin to a hot drink works just fine. I suspect if I added anything more that would make me ill.

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