Struggling Toward Ketosis


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I thought I was in ketosis...My diet was good. Sugar was almost gone. I did have some starchy carbs from time to time.. Every now and then I lapsed. ..but still how could I not be in ketosis?

Ketone strips indicated that I wasn't even close to being in ketosis. I didn't even have a trace of ketones in my urine!

Darnit...I revamped my diet - no starchy carbs, fats, proteins (meat and nuts) and vegies were it. I'm about 10 days in and the ketone strips now show that I'm producing a small amount of ketones....I'm passed the trace stage and into the small range! What an accomplishment.

I will keep on trucking.....I want to see what its like when I'm really in ketosis (if its possible (lol))


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I thought I was in ketosis...My diet was good. Sugar was almost gone. I did have some starchy carbs from time to time.. Every now and then I lapsed. ..but still how could I not be in ketosis?

Ketone strips indicated that I wasn't even close to being in ketosis. I didn't even have a trace of ketones in my urine!

Darnit...I revamped my diet - no starchy carbs, fats, proteins (meat and nuts) and vegies were it. I'm about 10 days in and the ketone strips now show that I'm producing a small amount of ketones....I'm passed the trace stage and into the small range! What an accomplishment.

I will keep on trucking.....I want to see what its like when I'm really in ketosis (if its possible (lol))
Darn...I went backwards today. My diet yesterday was excellent with the exception of some vegie chips and humus yet my ketone check this AM revealed no evidence at all of ketones in my urine...(sigh)


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Yes... today began with a smoothie - unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened green powder with chocolate, p-nut butter, unsweetened hemp protein and another green protein sweetened alas with stevia


Well-Known Member
Thanks, its not to be critical of (even in a friendly way), but I think it will help to hold yourself accountable on what you are eating and people may be able to chip in with some advice.

Plus, I am curious :) I thought you were in ketosis ages ago.

Good luck!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Thanks, its not to be critical of (even in a friendly way), but I think it will help to hold yourself accountable on what you are eating and people may be able to chip in with some advice.

Plus, I am curious :) I thought you were in ketosis ages ago.

Good luck!
I completely agree. I wonder if I ever got into ketosis....I never used those strips...Now it seems that it's harder for me to get into it than I thought.....I will keep posting on my diet and my progress with the strips. I'm probably on day 10 now..


I thought I was in ketosis...My diet was good. Sugar was almost gone. I did have some starchy carbs from time to time.. Every now and then I lapsed. ..but still how could I not be in ketosis?

Ketone strips indicated that I wasn't even close to being in ketosis. I didn't even have a trace of ketones in my urine!

Darnit...I revamped my diet - no starchy carbs, fats, proteins (meat and nuts) and vegies were it. I'm about 10 days in and the ketone strips now show that I'm producing a small amount of ketones....I'm passed the trace stage and into the small range! What an accomplishment.

I will keep on trucking.....I want to see what its like when I'm really in ketosis (if its possible (lol))
The urine strips aren't really accurate after the first few days. If your body is producing and using ketones for fuel, they are no longer dumped in the urine. The body gets smart. You really have to get a blood or breath meter to know if you are in ketosis for sure unfortunately. They are just much more accurate.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
The urine strips aren't really accurate after the first few days. If your body is producing and using ketones for fuel, they are no longer dumped in the urine. The body gets smart. You really have to get a blood or breath meter to know if you are in ketosis for sure unfortunately. They are just much more accurate.
Darn....I had a good diet day yesterday - chicken, green beans, sauerkraut, cashew yogurt and peanut butter - and the color on my strip was the lightest yet (!)


Well-Known Member
Are you going to get a blood meter cort?

Also how many grams of carbs a day are you limiting to?


Darn....I had a good diet day yesterday - chicken, green beans, sauerkraut, cashew yogurt and peanut butter - and the color on my strip was the lightest yet (!)
Yeah, that could actually be a good sign though that your body is using the ketones for energy.

I know a place to buy ketone strips pretty cheaply too if you do buy a blood meter.

Sleeping Beauty

New Member
Are you counting your (net) carbs? Some of the items you eat are still pretty high in carbs (cashew nuts, even peanuts). Try to eat fewer than 25 grams of (net) carbs each day in the beginning. Adding MCT oil to your diet might help as well in inducing ketosis. I have severe ME/CFS and have been on keto diet for 6 months now. I am still feeling lousy, but less lousy than 6 months ago... This diet is the first thing I have tried that seems to make a positive difference - and I have tried many things.


Darn....I had a good diet day yesterday - chicken, green beans, sauerkraut, cashew yogurt and peanut butter - and the color on my strip was the lightest yet (!)
Cort, I have tried Keto diet a number of times in desperation, I have a really hard time getting in and staying in Ketosis.
I literally was eating almost no carbs and down to very little protein. I used a blood ketone meter and also a breath meter.
I would get low reading in urine. Very frustrating. Just seems like an unsustainable way to live for me. I honestly believe
diet is individual for everyone. At least that's the conclusion I've come to. My concern about Keto diet is that it is a stress alarm to the body. It is a state that is largely kicked in when no carbs are available. I have read so many books on it and that it has helped MS etc. but
I can't seem to get there! Also never felt very well even when I did reach ketosis. I also noticed higher fasting blood sugar
when on this diet. I have read it causes insulin resistance, literature says not to worry about this. Insulin is not needed to digest fats.
I have lots of diabetes in my family and bs that is hovering around 100 makes me uneasy. I have stayed on this diet for as long
as 6 weeks.

I'm curious if you know there is research on Keto and CFS. I'm constantly looking for a way to eat to feel better.
Exercise has been so important in my life and I just can't tolerate much anymore! I think if we could find a solution or even a partial solution with diet, sign me up! Sorry for such a lengthy post!


Cort, I have tried Keto diet a number of times in desperation, I have a really hard time getting in and staying in Ketosis.
I literally was eating almost no carbs and down to very little protein. I used a blood ketone meter and also a breath meter.
I would get low reading in urine. Very frustrating. Just seems like an unsustainable way to live for me. I honestly believe
diet is individual for everyone. At least that's the conclusion I've come to. My concern about Keto diet is that it is a stress alarm to the body. It is a state that is largely kicked in when no carbs are available. I have read so many books on it and that it has helped MS etc. but
I can't seem to get there! Also never felt very well even when I did reach ketosis. I also noticed higher fasting blood sugar
when on this diet. I have read it causes insulin resistance, literature says not to worry about this. Insulin is not needed to digest fats.
I have lots of diabetes in my family and bs that is hovering around 100 makes me uneasy. I have stayed on this diet for as long
as 6 weeks.

I'm curious if you know there is research on Keto and CFS. I'm constantly looking for a way to eat to feel better.
Exercise has been so important in my life and I just can't tolerate much anymore! I think if we could find a solution or even a partial solution with diet, sign me up! Sorry for such a lengthy post!

What were your blood and breath readings? Were they low too?

A ketogenic diet is not stressful to the body because carbs are not essential. I found the glucose roller coaster and constant hunger much more stressful for sure.

The transition period from sugar to fat burning can be stressful though...and it can take a long time. It took me nearly 6 months before I was insulin sensitive enough again to be able to tolerate unlimited non-starchy carbs and stay in ketosis.

The worst I felt during the transition was when I tried limiting protein to see if that was the problem. It wasn't. I won't make that mistake again. :)

I started back in earnest last fall after nearly being diagnosed with T2 diabetes. Today I no longer even qualify for pre-diabetes. It does work. It is hard at first. But I have so much energy now and that is worth all the carbs in the world.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Are you counting your (net) carbs? Some of the items you eat are still pretty high in carbs (cashew nuts, even peanuts). Try to eat fewer than 25 grams of (net) carbs each day in the beginning. Adding MCT oil to your diet might help as well in inducing ketosis. I have severe ME/CFS and have been on keto diet for 6 months now. I am still feeling lousy, but less lousy than 6 months ago... This diet is the first thing I have tried that seems to make a positive difference - and I have tried many things.
Thanks - Even peanuts and cashews!

What is MCT oil?

I guess I should start counting carbs. Did you use the ketone strips? Mine are still tanking = they say I have no ketones now..


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort, I have tried Keto diet a number of times in desperation, I have a really hard time getting in and staying in Ketosis.
I literally was eating almost no carbs and down to very little protein. I used a blood ketone meter and also a breath meter.
I would get low reading in urine. Very frustrating. Just seems like an unsustainable way to live for me. I honestly believe
diet is individual for everyone. At least that's the conclusion I've come to. My concern about Keto diet is that it is a stress alarm to the body. It is a state that is largely kicked in when no carbs are available. I have read so many books on it and that it has helped MS etc. but
I can't seem to get there! Also never felt very well even when I did reach ketosis. I also noticed higher fasting blood sugar
when on this diet. I have read it causes insulin resistance, literature says not to worry about this. Insulin is not needed to digest fats.
I have lots of diabetes in my family and bs that is hovering around 100 makes me uneasy. I have stayed on this diet for as long
as 6 weeks.

I'm curious if you know there is research on Keto and CFS. I'm constantly looking for a way to eat to feel better.
Exercise has been so important in my life and I just can't tolerate much anymore! I think if we could find a solution or even a partial solution with diet, sign me up! Sorry for such a lengthy post!
Thanks for the lengthy post!

I wish to heck there was a diet solution - and for some people there is. It certainly does help for me but not nearly a solution...not yet at least. I've just been in touch with someone who's done great on a sulfation free diet by the way. .

I certainly understand your worry the diabetes.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
What were your blood and breath readings? Were they low too?

A ketogenic diet is not stressful to the body because carbs are not essential. I found the glucose roller coaster and constant hunger much more stressful for sure.

The transition period from sugar to fat burning can be stressful though...and it can take a long time. It took me nearly 6 months before I was insulin sensitive enough again to be able to tolerate unlimited non-starchy carbs and stay in ketosis.

The worst I felt during the transition was when I tried limiting protein to see if that was the problem. It wasn't. I won't make that mistake again. :)

I started back in earnest last fall after nearly being diagnosed with T2 diabetes. Today I no longer even qualify for pre-diabetes. It does work. It is hard at first. But I have so much energy now and that is worth all the carbs in the world.
That's great to hear Remy! It's good to hear that you can tolerate some non-starchy carbs. What are non-starchy carbs? Are those grains?

What about yams? I suppose those fall in the starchy carb category.

I started off focusing on protein and not so many fats. When I added the fats it helped.

I think there's a good middle ground there. I cannot tolerate low amounts of proteins.

A Ketosis summit is coming up by the way.

Aidan Walsh

Well-Known Member
I thought I was in ketosis...My diet was good. Sugar was almost gone. I did have some starchy carbs from time to time.. Every now and then I lapsed. ..but still how could I not be in ketosis?

Ketone strips indicated that I wasn't even close to being in ketosis. I didn't even have a trace of ketones in my urine!

Darnit...I revamped my diet - no starchy carbs, fats, proteins (meat and nuts) and vegies were it. I'm about 10 days in and the ketone strips now show that I'm producing a small amount of ketones....I'm passed the trace stage and into the small range! What an accomplishment.

I will keep on trucking.....I want to see what its like when I'm really in ketosis (if its possible (lol))

*Try Following or Friend on Facebook 'Stephanie the Business Person' KETOGENIC DIETS all her work is on Ketogenic Diet she now eats daily one full Irish butter...She also has countless Videos on YouTube she travels now

the entire Globe doingSeminars...You can get MCT Oil online Amazon...You also asked me some time ago to Send you things on

(HFI) hereditary fructose intolerance I send numerous links to you on your Facebook Cort Johnson page in messages


Well-Known Member
Hi Empty,

Are you on veg diet? I really think I do best on veg diet, wondering who is eating veg and how it is working.

Hi Pamela,

Yes, that's right, I do not eat dairy, eggs, or any animals whatsoever. I have a link to in the space below which does a great job of explaining the health problems that are created by consuming animal products, and the awesome health benefits of eating a plant based diet. It is the healthiest diet on the planet.

The human body can get away with consuming x amount of animal product. This threshold, before serious disease occurs, is individual for everyone and can be likened to tobacco, where no-one knows what that limit is and so it is best to keep the limits as low as possible. Better still, is not smoking.

Much like I do not think that smoking will cure ME, I know eating animals will not cure ME either.

Whole Food Plant based eating confers maximum protection from developing Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, etc. and is the only scientifically proven diet to reverse heart disease. This is because this is how the human body is designed to work.

So as not to derail this ketogenic thread, if you search for my posts, I have given an account.

There are some Vegan Ketogenic facebook groups, follow the link below, but I have no experience of these and I have not tried it.

Some Vegan Ketogenic recipe books out there too. I have not bought any.

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People have the right to eat whatever they want to eat but the idea of a vegan diet being healthier is just absolute patent BS.

There is zero consensus at this point on the healthiest diet for a human being but it almost certainly has to include meat. Does that mean we can choose to eat in other ways? Of course, we have free will. But plant based vitamins and minerals are simply not as well absorbed. When you are sick, and not absorbing nutrients well anyway, this can make a crucial difference.

Also plant lectins are some of the most inflammatory substances on the planet. They are designed that way to protect the plant from being eaten! Many people cannot heal their gut while eating large amounts of inflammatory lectins.

Quite frankly, I think choosing to eat a strictly vegetarian or vegan diet while sick with a metabolic immune disorder is one of the most foolish decisions one could make. That said, we could all stand to eat a wide variety of vegetables, while avoiding the starchy and most inflammatory types.

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