MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides. Coconut oil has them.
When my doc recommended my keto diet to reduce my brain fog, he suggested starting with using KetoCaNa to kick start it, along with C8 oil, like KetoMCT, MicKeyT, or Brain Octane. Regular MCT has C8, C10, and C8, but the C8 is best at helping us. (I forgot why at the moment...)
I didn't want to count anything, just wanted to try casual keto, and it worked. The strips showed it and they've shown up on 4 lab tests.
I start the day with Bulletproof Coffee and a nut/seed bar, then have a big salad with animal protein, nuts, avocado, and plenty of oil for lunch, and 2 or 3 non starchy vegetables and meat or fish for dinner with oil or cheese. Snacks are full fat yogurt, nut butter and celery, duck eggs with vegenaise, a piece of cheese or dark chocolate. Its pretty maintainable.
I don't obsess, but it seems to work. I don't eat legumes or grains, except for an occasional serving of lentils or brown rice, and I limit potatoes or sweet potatoes to after exercise or big use of energy.
Its helped my brain fog, my blood sugar is steady, and I've lost about 5 lbs over the past 4 months, which wasn't really a big goal.