All of this sounds familiar. I often feel like I ran a marathon then went on a 3 day no sleep party bender ... when really all I did was take a walk and clean up the house a little.
I also often say I feel like I got hit by a truck and I'm trying to peel myself off the ground (or out of bed). Migraines, tension headaches, muscle aches, "soft tissue" aches, muscle tightness and rawness, aches deep inside my hips that cannot be stretched are all common.
I've developed a strong sensory integration issue - the feeling of hair touching my face or a tag from clothing rubbing my skin can drive me crazy. Sometimes my skin crawls for no reason, it feels like there are ants all over my body and there's nothing there.
Brain fog that causes me to forget the names of every day items, people's names, when something happened.
Getting up in the morning is like crawling out of quicksand or thick, sticky mud. Even after 10 hours in bed, it feels like it's been 30 minutes of sleep. Random skin rashes, seasonal allergies, anxiety attacks are all common now.
This illness affects every part of my body and my mind, and managing it is a full time job.