It's all about the C8 if you want help with ketosis though and neither coconut oil nor MCT oil will provide that in sufficient amounts. If you just want a healthy fat, sure, have at it. But if you want a ketosis bump, the only thing out there is Brain Octane oil right now. Hopefully that will change in the future because more options usually means lower prices.
I found a few more options for C8 oil...
There’s MiCkey T™ Eight™ Pure C-8 Caprylic Acid, and KetoMCT Oil.
Unfortunately, they are all priced about the same as the Brain Octane oil.
I really think these are useful for our population because we don't seem to break down sugar all that well. C8 oil goes straight to the liver and then to the mitochondria and doesn't require a lengthy break down process. It's been estimated that you can get something like 30% more ATP from one molecule of ketones than glucose, especially in low oxygen states. It's certainly been true for me.