The Truth About Covid 19


Well-Known Member
Imagine this happening in the US:

Sadly this happens a lot, covid or not, plenty live far from hospitals and don't get to a hospital in time to hopefully be saved.

A big factor to work to keep oneself in good healthy and at a lower weight. I'm not discounting this death, but he did finally get to a hospital and it was too late, some never made it to a hospital.

And I just posted a new video on the deception of the vaccination links. View it, so much is kept from the people, so so much. Vaccines can't be pushed thru, approval takes years. Video by expert on vaccines, Dr. Judy Mikovits.


Well-Known Member
This seems rather appropriate for this discussion on how hospitals do their marketing to fill up hospitals. What a corrupt world more and more.



Active Member

There are many places on the web for the brand of misinformation and dystopia you are sharing.

The purpose of this forum is to help patients with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, and related diseases. Many of these patients are vulnerable, and at higher risk of dying if they contract COVID. Your continued encouragement for behaviors that have been shown to increase transmission of COVID and the seriousness of disease can result in harm to members here. The case rates of COVID in states with low mask wearing rates and vaccination speak for themselves.

It is very sad that you participate in a forum where you wish to promote harm to the participants.

Many of us do practice habits which are healthy and are at a low to normal BMI, yet we are still sick, through no fault of our own.

Have you no empathy or conscience?


Active Member
Have you no empathy or conscience?

Dear Learner,

how much I wished you're right, and I too had no conscience or empathy!

I even pray every day in hope to turn out death wrong, but prefer frying in hell forever - instead what just logical reasoning fortells. However:

..there is one official European webside monitoring excess-mortality in 29 regions of Europe. And truly sadly, it perfectly aligns with all the prophets (also Noah was denigrated as a conspiracy theorist before the rains started) there isn't any excess mortality at all already since April.

Rather 7 regions have exceptional unusual lower mortality! Only 2 regions are slightly raised (Belgium and Spain) - but very, very far at this point from anything usual flu-seasons would bring.

What is now markeded as the 4th wave of covid, in my country (Austria) was long ago just one, not more the strength as of moderately severe flu-seasons occuring in past decades.

If one takes the cutoff of a normal flu-season, as for example in Germany 2017 only, above the +20 mark in below chart: Out of 29 regions only 6 regions reached as high or above (consitent with moderately severy flu-seasons in past decades), during 1 short wave each. Only exception is tiny Belgium and the limited region England of GB with such short waves twice. Which leaves exactly 23 monitored regions with basically no unusual excess mortality, at least compared to periodic past moderately severe flu-seasons, during the whole of 1 1/2 years during this alleged pandemic.


However that may be, its definitely been over since April long before the majority was vaccinated.

Government officials babbling something about a 4th wave, and more dangerous variants - while there have been regionaly at the most 2 only, and now 5 months of lower than normal mortality in whole of Europe - must make everyone think twice what really malicious might be in store in the very near future.

Beside the unneccesary damage by the lock-down measurements far worse than the disease (a whole generation of kids traumatized).

But as I said, I pray every day that my logical reasoning turns out wrong. Actually would be easier for me to life in the toletarian world-government already manifest today, than seeing so many of my friends and relatives dying of ADE this fall.

I pray every day to be proven totally wrong very soon.


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Active Member
Dear Learner,

how much I wished you're right, and I too had no conscience or empathy!

I even pray every day in hope to turn out death wrong, but prefer frying in hell forever - instead what just logical reasoning fortells. However:

..there is one official European webside monitoring excess-mortality in 29 regions of Europe. And truly sadly, it perfectly aligns with all the prophets (also Noah was denigrated as a conspiracy theorist before the rains started) there isn't any excess mortality at all already since April.

Rather 7 regions have exceptional unusual lower mortality! Only 2 regions are slightly raised (Belgium and Spain) - but very, very far at this point from anything usual flu-seasons would bring.

What is now markeded as the 4th wave of covid, in my country (Austria) was long ago just one, not more the strength as of moderately severe flu-seasons occuring in past decades.

If one takes the cutoff of a normal flu-season, as for example in Germany 2017 only, above the +20 mark in below chart: Out of 29 regions only 6 regions reached as high or above (consitent with moderately severy flu-seasons in past decades), during 1 short wave each. Only exception is tiny Belgium and the limited region England of GB with such short waves twice. Which leaves exactly 23 monitored regions with basically no unusual excess mortality, at least compared to periodic past moderately severe flu-seasons, during the whole of 1 1/2 years during this alleged pandemic.

However that may be, its definitely been over since April long before the majority was vaccinated.

Government officials babbling something about a 4th wave, and more dangerous variants - while there have been regionaly at the most 2 only, and now 5 months of lower than normal mortality in whole of Europe - must make everyone think twice what really malicious might be in store in the very near future.

Beside the unneccesary damage by the lock-down measurements far worse than the disease (a whole generation of kids traumatized).

But as I said, I pray every day that my logical reasoning turns out wrong. Actually would be easier for me to life in the toletarian world-government already manifest today, than seeing so many of my friends and relatives dying of ADE this fall.

I pray every day to be proven totally wrong very soon.
Seems that there are different sources of information. This research paper covered the same subject and came to different conclusions depending on what days and method were used.




They also gave these reasons for inaccuracies no matter who counts the data:

'But these confirmed deaths figures may differ from the excess mortality figures, which better capture the total impact of the pandemic on deaths, for several reasons:
  • Some (but not all) countries only report COVID-19 deaths that occur in hospitals — people that die from the disease at home may not be recorded;
  • Some countries only report deaths for which a COVID-19 test has confirmed that a patient was infected with the virus — untested individuals may not be included;
  • Death reporting systems may be insufficient to accurately measure mortality — this is particularly true in poorer countries;
  • The pandemic may result in increased deaths from other causes for a number of reasons including weakened healthcare systems; fewer people seeking treatment for other health risks; or less available funding and treatment for other diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis);
  • The pandemic may also result in fewer deaths from other causes. For example, the mobility restrictions during the pandemic might lead to fewer deaths from road accidents. Or there might be fewer deaths from the flu because of interventions to stop the spread of COVID-19, or because COVID-19 now causes deaths that would have otherwise been caused by the flu.
...Unlike statistics on confirmed COVID-19 deaths — for which several organizations such as the WHO, ECDC, and Johns Hopkins University are collating data for all countries — there is no single source of data on excess mortality. And no data source will have data for all countries, because excess mortality statistics will only be available for a minority of countries.

This is a major problem for policymakers, researchers, and the general public that have a need to understand the ongoing pandemic."

For the US, this article discusses how COVID related deaths have been undercounted in many states,;

The other thing one could look at is new cases. These have been admittedly undercounted but there are patterns. California, which is the most populous state and Connecticut, which got hit early have been stricter on mask wearing and have higher vaccination rates than states like Texas and Florida, leading to lower relative rates since January when the vaccines became available and better rates once the Delta variant exploded. In particular, California would have been much worse without the masks and vaccines.


I feel extremely concerned by some of the comments on this site related to COVID19. @Learmer has made some good points. I would like to add some more.
My sources from FrontLine Doctors say "pandemic is over"…

I am pretty sure the pandemic is not over. In the UK, in the last 7 days there have been 305,882 new cases and 1,010 deaths. In the USA, in the last 7 days there have been 494,328 new cases and 11,157 deaths. Those numbers suggest the pandemic is not over.

All this Covid Mess has led us to a near communist country. Australia, New Zealand and Canada are about there now in the totalitarian state of existence these countries are being forced into.

In the UK, England has now made mask wearing optional, Scotland still has citizens over 12 wearing mask indoors in public places and on transportation. I think the words ‘near communist’, ‘totalitarian state’ are not representing the state of affairs. Most countries have a lot of laws that affect us — wearing clothes outside, wearing seatbelts, not driving under the influence of alcohol, and so on. In society, we are expected to follow the rules and being asked by the government to wear a mask is asking the members of society to protect themselves and others.

Video by expert on vaccines, Dr. Judy Mikovits

After looking up Judy Mikovits, I don’t believe she is a vaccine expert due to the many erroneous statements she has made.

This seems rather appropriate for this discussion on how hospitals do their marketing to fill up hospitals. What a corrupt world more and more

Please understand that what American hospitals do does not represent the whole world. Our system, NHS, works much differently and there is no marketing to fill up hospitals. Our doctors are not paid a lot for what they do either. When the lockdown in the UK was over, because of so many people in ICU’s being treated for Covid19, most other services in the hospitals were shut down. There were over 5 million people waiting for operations, treatments etc and the NHS is struggling to make sure people are getting treated. Perhaps ‘corrupt world’ isn’t applicable here because many of your statements appear to apply to the USA.
There is so much misinformation thrown around out there and we are not ignorant for reading all we can and absorb what we choose.

Keeping one's Immune System strong is where it is and I would not put an unapproved technology driven drug in my body.

The thing if you read only information that matches what you believe and absorb that information, you are getting a pretty skewed view of things.

Instead of googling ‘Masks are bad’, try googling ‘Are masks good or bad?’ which might give you a more balanced view of things. Keeping one’s immune system strong is not going to prevent you from catching covid and that is clear. Getting a vaccine can prevent you from getting serious symptoms and so forth. Vaccines have been around for a very long time. They have been tested and approved. Vaccines are not ‘drugs’. They have been extremely useful in saving lives — tetanus, smallpox, polio to name a few.

I hope that my information is considered. Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Everyone in govt leading people down the covid path are doing this blindly, there is absolutey NO Science on this C19 and it's all hit and miss and guessing from the govt members.

I've followed everyone BUT Govt officials. Not the liberal govt that is for sure.

The pandemic in the U.S. is over but the govt wants it to continue, power and control and damage to the people. Criminal what has been done to us. I don't follow any of them.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree that COVID isn't real, but I have no intention of ever getting one of the vaccinations that are currently available. The potential side effects of the jab are of much greater concern to me than the risks of infection. I also have no use for the flu vaccine, much for the same reasons.

COVID is aerosolized, so common cloth and paper masks are only useful at stopping large droplets, such as when you cough or sneeze.

Like all viruses tend to do, COVID is becoming more contagious but less harmful with each successive variant. It's not a pandemic anymore; it's endemic, just like the common cold and the flu, i.e. it's never going away, so it's foolish to believe we should keep disrupting normal life in the vain hope that this or that new infringement on liberty will succeed at "ending COVID" where all previous infringements have failed.

I'm not going to post any links because everyone is going to interpret them how they will. Science is full of corruption and has been for a long time. That's not to say that it's useless, but you need to inform yourself of the larger forces that are at work and influencing scientists so that you have proper context and can draw your own conclusions. It's terribly naive to believe that scientists are all acting with integrity when there are so many vested interests funding their work.


Well-Known Member
True on the above comments, and I could never trust the current govt again. It will be gone soon and then what? People are Waking up but we have 330Million in our country alone.

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