Dear Learner,
how much I wished you're right, and I too had no conscience or empathy!
I even pray every day in hope to turn out death wrong, but prefer frying in hell forever - instead what just logical reasoning fortells. However:
..there is
one official European webside monitoring excess-mortality in 29 regions of Europe. And truly sadly, it perfectly aligns with all the prophets (also Noah was denigrated as a conspiracy theorist before the rains started) there isn't any excess mortality at all already since April.
Rather 7 regions have exceptional unusual lower mortality! Only 2 regions are slightly raised (Belgium and Spain) - but very, very far at this point from anything usual flu-seasons would bring.
What is now markeded as the 4th wave of covid, in my country (Austria) was long ago just one, not more the strength as of moderately severe flu-seasons occuring in past decades.
If one takes the cutoff of a normal flu-season, as for example in Germany 2017 only, above the +20 mark in below chart: Out of 29 regions only 6 regions reached as high or above (consitent with moderately severy flu-seasons in past decades), during 1 short wave each. Only exception is tiny Belgium and the limited region England of GB with such short waves twice. Which leaves exactly 23 monitored regions with basically no unusual excess mortality, at least compared to periodic past moderately severe flu-seasons, during the whole of 1 1/2 years during this alleged pandemic.
However that may be, its definitely been over since April long before the majority was vaccinated.
Government officials babbling something about a 4th wave, and more dangerous variants - while there have been regionaly at the most 2 only, and now 5 months of lower than normal mortality in whole of Europe - must make everyone think twice what really malicious might be in store in the very near future.
Beside the unneccesary damage by the lock-down measurements far worse than the disease (a whole generation of kids traumatized).
But as I said, I pray every day that my logical reasoning turns out wrong. Actually would be easier for me to life in the toletarian world-government already manifest today, than seeing so many of my friends and relatives dying of ADE this fall.
I pray every day to be proven totally wrong very soon.