I'm in the UK and know what you're going through.
I put the vaccine theory to my GP and was quickly ushered along as the allocated 10 minutes was ticking by.
Pollution is the latest theory. I just rolled my eyes and left.
@Rob Hi from across the ocean. I have been through those responses for years and I used to be timid, and I had two validated vaccine reactions. I am at the point now where I do my research and tell them what test I think I need them to give me. I am tired of waiting for them to "get it". Not just about vaccine damage, but about my symptoms and needs and requests. I have been forced to seek help through private pay at least in some areas. Every test I have requested has shown a defect.
Uncover the cover up. Can you lodge a respectful complaint about this meeting with your MD? You might try to make a respectful appeal to the powers that be. Crack the glass ceiling!
My local doctor did not believe me when I spoke about how bad I was feeling and I persevered, handed him information and just continued telling him what I believe it is and how awful I feel. I remained polite and respectful and after a year or so, he is now telling me that what I am telling him can be used to help his other patients with similar symptoms. This made me happy. :-D
Drops in the bucket add up! I keep thinking that, so, I may die sooner than later, but maybe I can start a domino chain reaction ....just my two cents, anyways. Be brave! Cheerio good fellow and all the best from a fellow sufferer.
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