Vegan Doctors


Well-Known Member
You may recall at the start of this thread, there was Andrew. He is eating a POTATO ONLY diet for a year. (maybe a bit of sauce/odd beer too)

Well, fortunately for us, he is on you tube :) Spud Fit. Amazed. He is at the six month mark.

This is not his latest video, but latest blood test results. Dr.Michael is good enough to share them with all his followers :)
Everything is good, great cholesterol levels, no diabetes.

Only supplement is a b12 spray.


Well-Known Member
Doctors are frightened of potatoes lol. a study has shown Doctors are not quite as frightened of potatoes as they are of bananas. 50% less frightened in fact :) But still frightened.

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Well-Known Member
Just watching now, Doug Lisle. Psychologist. If you haven't had a chuckle in the first thirty seconds, its probably not for you :)
He is the psychologist for the McDougall Centre. I believe he is also available for Skype sessions at $75 for 30 minutes.

I am a few days on low fat now and after fat withdrawal symptoms which I was not expecting, feeling more energy. But I am going to use a few psychological tools now for help with really getting my diet tight and right.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, there are preachers for every kind of diet you can imagine on earth, and they all fool anyone who's specialist in the subject.
You name a combination of foods and I point you a diet that already has a name.

Raw food vegans
Raw food non vegans
Auto imune paleo
the list goes on...

And they all point thowards the other diet as an absurd that'll give you cancer and kill you.
But I think McDougall is one of the craziest of them all.


Well-Known Member
The science is clear and overwhelming, that meat and dairy increases cancer risks and heart attacks and that plant based diets or mostly plant based, reduce this risk.

Carl Lewis had his most successful year on the McDougall Diet. Its not looking so crazy to me.

Michael Phelps consumed 12.000 Kcal from pizza, pasta, meat, eggs, sugar, energy drinks and a lot more junkie.

So what?

You're only looking for the science you want to look. It's not clear nor overwhelming. The heart attack link with eating meat for example was due to saturated fat. That link has already been dropped. Even in vegan diets coconut oil is a holy grail and is pure saturated fat.

Plus if you don't eat meat you don't get B12. So the plan of the diet is to suplement it? Doesn't make sense.

Well, don't have the time or reason to keep debating this. I would just advise you to be smart and don't act like you found jesus. Stop looking only at the information you want to look with no critical thinking.
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Well-Known Member
There are no rules about who should create threads on which subjects (presumably within reason and this is most certainly within reason) nor a limit to how many posts one is allowed to make on a thread. If Cort wants to make this a paleo only forum, then I am happy to respect that and will leave, if not, then I reserve the right to make a thread or three on a plant based, vegan diet.

I am exploring the subject of Vegan Doctors and their years of training, knowledge and experience, brushing up my own diet simultaneously and learning interesting new things which I am writing about here as I go. If that means 18 posts plus, so be it!

This is not a thread for trolls although the use of the word "Vegan" does seem to attract them.

Coupled with the pressure in this M.E./C.F.S. community to adhere to a paleo style diet, it is all the more important to have for patients like me who do not want to be bullied into eating animals for so called health reasons (which do not exist and are not based in science).
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Well-Known Member
Take a moment to compare the possible consequences of your dietary decisions. You could choose to eat lots of B12-rich animal foods and avoid the one-in-a-million chance of developing a reversible anemia and/or even less common, damage to your nervous system. However, this decision puts you at a one-in-two chance of dying prematurely from a heart attack or stroke; a one-in-seven chance of breast cancer or a one-in-six chance of prostate cancer.

The same thinking results in obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, constipation, indigestion, and arthritis. All these conditions caused by a B12-sufficient diet are found in the people you live and work with daily. How many vegans have you met with B12 deficiency anemia or nervous system damage? I bet not one! Furthermore, you have never even heard of such a problem unless you have read the attention-seeking headlines of newspapers or medical journals.

Sensationalism Surrounds B12-Deficient Vegetarians

My B12 levels have always been checked and perfect despite decades of not eating meat and dairy. .

In contrast around 39% of people who eat meat are B12 deficient, and around 90% optimally deficient.

However, I am currently considering taking a B12 supplement even though there is no science behind doing so and no real reason.
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Well-Known Member
I'm just not backing out on warning others about the dangers of pseudo science, misleading anedcotal claims and advices that may cause harm to others just because one controversial doctor backs it up.
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Well-Known Member
Just watching Dr.Joel Khan now on Bulletproof.

Some really helpful tips in there.
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Well-Known Member
Dr. Neal Barnard: Plant based Doctor. This is one of a wide selection of his I have been listening to today. He does mention CFS in the Q&A section acknowledging that more research on this illness needs to be done.

Also he answers the question about grass fed beef too which was one of my questions.



Well-Known Member
This is a great resource. I do not think I have ever thought of typing in "plant-based doctor"

Typically however for the UK, there are non registered in England on this data base and only one in wales, a certified counsellor for anxiety and depression and one in Ireland, a psychologist specialising in psychotrauma and eating disorders.


Well-Known Member
Meta analysis. Dietry cholesterol levels maybe linked to breast Cancer:

Those who consumed the most cholesterol had a 29 percent increased risk for breast cancer when compared to those who consumed the least.

Cholesterol Matters:

bmj article:
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Snow Leopard

Active Member
Plus if you don't eat meat you don't get B12. So the plan of the diet is to suplement it? Doesn't make sense.
Most of us take all sorts of supplements, what is the big deal with B12 supplements? In fact many omnivores I know still need to take B12 supplements.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fellow low fat Vegan. Been doing it for 3 years. Reversed Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 to normal.

I recently tried to add back a little meat and more fats. Wasn't a good trial. Things started getting bad again.

I mostly did it for health. Was fast heading into dialysis and now normal kidney function. Also is used to fight Protomyzoa Rehumatica and Lyme.



Well-Known Member
I'm a fellow low fat Vegan. Been doing it for 3 years. Reversed Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 to normal.

I recently tried to add back a little meat and more fats. Wasn't a good trial. Things started getting bad again.

I mostly did it for health. Was fast heading into dialysis and now normal kidney function. Also is used to fight Protomyzoa Rehumatica and Lyme.


That is a significant result @Issie Thanks for sharing. :)

Is it the improved immune function the diet offers to fight the PR and Lyme?

I have so far in this short time on low fat noticed significant improvements since cutting oil out. A gnawing pain which I had left, lower back area has completely gone and the relief is palpable. This has been a worrying pain for me and with me for a long time. I keep on checking for it and feeling joyful when I can not find it lol.

I feel remarkably cleaner inside and tighter (perhaps less inflammation). This, so far is comparable to how I felt when cutting out gluten, which was a major find, except this is next level stuff and am loving the results.

I am not even craving fat but feeling repulsed at the idea of it because I am filling up on as much carbs as I want.

So I am off oil/fat now and that transition is completed. Will just steadily carry on and learn more.

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