Treatment Protocol Working on my own biofilm protocol


Well-Known Member
I may have inadvertently discovered a sensitivity to flaxseed. Because regular BMs is a vital part of the detoxification process, and that's often a problem for me, I've been supplementing for over a month with ground flaxseed mixed with water, with meals, to increase my fiber intake. At first, I did notice that I was more regular, but the effect dissipated shortly thereafter. I discontinued the flaxseed on Thursday, and I've been feeling better, like I'm coming down from an intolerance reaction or other big inflammatory hit. I can't say for sure if it was the flaxseed itself, though, because (1) we bought it in the bulk aisle of our grocery store, and it could be contaminated with gluten or other such things, and (2) I was taking it together with ground chia seed, but that was an organic, gluten-free product, so I doubt the chia seed was the problem.

On the candida-fighting front, my tongue looks notably less coated in the mornings, and there seems to be substantially less of the stuff embedded in my tongue, too.


Well-Known Member
I've recently discovered that NAC is pretty amazing stuff! I had been afraid of taking it every day because it's purported to be a biofilm-destroyed agent, and I didn't want to deal with constant die-off symptoms, but I did some more research last week and learned that it's a powerful detoxifying agent and promotes increased levels of GSH.

Since I suspect that my CFS symptoms are caused primarily by the toxins produced by the yeast in my body, and my immune system's attempts to destroy them, I thought that regular mitigation of those toxins could reduce symptoms. I was right! I started taking 1.2 to 1.8 g of NAC in the morning and afternoon on Tuesday last week (1/16/2018), and starting the next day, I noticed a significant reduction in joint stiffness, pain, fatigue, and sensory sensitivity. I'm only taking 1.2 g now since a larger dose bothers my stomach.

I had started lithium orotate the day before (1/15/2018), and noticed improvements in my depression symptoms, but wasn't sure what was doing what, so I skipped the NAC on Tuesday 1/23, and while the depression symptoms remained absent, the CFS symptoms started coming back. Going forward, I plan to take NAC every day, and possibly to take more on days that I've actively working to destroy yeast and biofilms.

Hooray for progress!
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Well-Known Member
Lactoferrin - or lactoferrin with xylitol. Lactoferrin is the only product that helped and did an excellent job. Lactoferrin is naturally produced and one of its job is preventing biofilm formation. Caution must be taken when using, take it slow.

I just ordered some apo-lactoferrin yesterday (this form isn't already bound to iron, and is supposed to be more effective at killing pathogens), along with pau d'arco and olive leaf extract.


New Member
Just found this thread. I have also been working on biofilms. Just want to add that there is a study that demonstrates that ginger oil works against some biofilms. I drink fresh ginger water throughout the day and it seems to help. Just a thought. I think working on biofilms is a very interesting approach to CFS. Given that there is so much evidence that CFS as a septic type of condition, it makes sense that we are simply overloaded with infections that are somehow being protected.

Here is one study. I believe there are others. The affect of ginger appears to be through reducing quorum sensing of the bacteria that make the biofilms.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if quorum sensing works the same way in fungal biofilms, but if a bacterial infection seems to be your problem, seems like a good way to go. Meanwhile, I'm still plugging away....


Active Member
I removed the biofilms slowly then used a wide spectrum herbal killers. The idea behind wide spectrum is that we really don't know what we are infected with and the wide spectrum has activity against a number of pathogens.

My experience has been:
1/ Find the right substance(s) that kill (also known as antibiotic sensititivty). Neem, caprylic acid (coconut oil), garlic, cubeb pepper (black pepper), black seed, myrrh, frankincense, olive leaf, lemongrass and chai tea, etc. Chai tea varies in its ingredients but nearly every one of these spices are anti-microbial. I also have used curry mixes (Sharwood etc), these products contain a number of antibiotic spices.

2/ Address resistance, if present*. There are a number of things I have used that take care of this including goldenseal leaf (not root) and hemp oil (these 2 are the strongest imo), the other things I have also used graviola, paprika and bitter melon.

*Resistance is easy to spot, in that if you take a substance and you see results within a 7 to 10 day window then you know you are on the right path. However, if you see a reversal of that progress within a few days of the 7 to 10 day window then resistance is suspected.

This happened to me (resistance) after taking either naturals or a prescription. I have a very long standing infection that has been reduced significantly after using the goldenseal leaf and the hemp oil which is taken along with the antimicrobials. I have learned that many of these infections are tough and I have to keep pressure on them.

I have been through every possible swing in this crazy disease including being bedridden for 20 hours per day. I now work a full time job.


Active Member
I've recently discovered that NAC is pretty amazing stuff! I had been afraid of taking it every day because it's purported to be a biofilm-destroyed agent, and I didn't want to deal with constant die-off symptoms, but I did some more research last week and learned that it's a powerful detoxifying agent and promotes increased levels of GSH.

Since I suspect that my CFS symptoms are caused primarily by the toxins produced by the yeast in my body, and my immune system's attempts to destroy them, I thought that regular mitigation of those toxins could reduce symptoms. I was right! I started taking 1.2 to 1.8 g of NAC in the morning and afternoon on Tuesday last week (1/16/2018), and starting the next day, I noticed a significant reduction in joint stiffness, pain, fatigue, and sensory sensitivity. I'm only taking 1.2 g now since a larger dose bothers my stomach.

I had started lithium orotate the day before (1/15/2018), and noticed improvements in my depression symptoms, but wasn't sure what was doing what, so I skipped the NAC on Tuesday 1/23, and while the depression symptoms remained absent, the CFS symptoms started coming back. Going forward, I plan to take NAC every day, and possibly to take more on days that I've actively working to destroy yeast and biofilms.

Hooray for progress!

Good to hear and good observation skills! The NAC will support liver function as you know and help in the production of Glutathione. If I may add this - Gluathione (GSH) has 2 functions in that it supports immunity and supports detoxification.

So you can model GSH in a couple of ways. The first is that you succumbed to an infection and the GSH was sent to the immune system to fight the infection which left detoxification lessened. The second model would be that toxin exposure used up GSH which left the immune system weakened.

Toxins have always been a big issue for me and the others I know with ME. Toxins weaken cell function which leads to other issues, like a domino effect.


Well-Known Member
Toxins have always been a big issue for me and the others I know with ME. Toxins weaken cell function which leads to other issues, like a domino effect.

Toxins are a problem for me, too. Mold, chemical fumes, artificial fragrances, and paper/cardboard dust (which is just chemicals with a different delivery method) seem to be my most common offenders.

Something odd I've noticed is the lack of GI symptoms. Most folks with dybiosis seem to have problems with gas, indigestion, and/or acid reflex. I rarely have indigestion, never have acid reflux, and rarely have unusual gas; just mild constipation. But I do have chronic oral thrush and leaky gut symptoms, so candida overgrowth is implied.


Active Member
The gut environment can be complex since there are so many types of organisms that are calling it home. This means that symptomology may vary from patient to patient.

If you are having problems with toxins, then many would suspect that the liver is congested (alt medicine), this would also be called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). The Chinese would call this liver stagnation. The methylation, glutathione and sulfation pathways may be impaired. Most of this impairment comes from the primary infection (my opinion). I use the acupuncture point LIV3 to check liver toxicity, although not an exact science, it is helpful. I simply press on that point for a feedback of pain, if high pain then I usually suspect liver congestion.

I use a wide spectrum of antioxidants (vitamins C & E plus plant based) and things that sweep the toxins. I call these vacuums in which they will pick up the toxins to eliminate, otherwise if you provoke the toxins without getting them out then there is recycling which is not optimal.

I use bulk charcoal, zeolite, rLipoic acid and chlorella for sweeping.

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