Well-Known Member
I may have inadvertently discovered a sensitivity to flaxseed. Because regular BMs is a vital part of the detoxification process, and that's often a problem for me, I've been supplementing for over a month with ground flaxseed mixed with water, with meals, to increase my fiber intake. At first, I did notice that I was more regular, but the effect dissipated shortly thereafter. I discontinued the flaxseed on Thursday, and I've been feeling better, like I'm coming down from an intolerance reaction or other big inflammatory hit. I can't say for sure if it was the flaxseed itself, though, because (1) we bought it in the bulk aisle of our grocery store, and it could be contaminated with gluten or other such things, and (2) I was taking it together with ground chia seed, but that was an organic, gluten-free product, so I doubt the chia seed was the problem.
On the candida-fighting front, my tongue looks notably less coated in the mornings, and there seems to be substantially less of the stuff embedded in my tongue, too.
On the candida-fighting front, my tongue looks notably less coated in the mornings, and there seems to be substantially less of the stuff embedded in my tongue, too.