Hi, Just wanted to add a bit to the convo. Indeed, I belong to this group on FB:
That group is mainly people in the UK, and I'm in the US. The challenge is also, is that it's mainly a discussion/fun group. Which is good, but the problem is, if you're really serious about finding a compatible person you have to invest more time into trying to get to know their preferences. EG: on dating sites you can see any number of these aspects: location, political affiliation, vehicle ownership, number of children, marital status, education level, hobbies, sexual preference, and the like. I think a more free flowing atmosphere can be fun, and there are some interesting group discussions. But, when it comes to the nuts and bolts of facts, you have to invest more time in talking with someone to get to the "demographics". My subscription with match dot com just ended. What I like about it is that I can see certain preferences upfront. I can also do a keyword search on match ("disabled", "chronic fatigue", etc.). Now I'm on P.o.F. which I like much less….because it's more free flowing, and there are preferences that I can't see (eg political leanings). For me it's harder to work with something more open-ended. It just takes more time, and looking through - which tires me out.
I think the fb group is good if you like to do a lot with social media. Commenting, sharing silly pictures, or start discussion topics. It can become a community venture…and, you just have to keep your eyes peeled who might be interesting to you, and then contact them. But, because of FB's privacy settings you may not be able to see
any info about the person you want to talk with
before contact. Then, if there is awkwardness between 2 people from
the group -- you're still part of a larger dating group. If something goes "wrong" between 2 people from the group, it can cause one to shy away from using the group again -- which defeats the purpose of seeking a partner within the group. (I hope this makes sense).
If we did have an ME/CFS dating site, I think an important feature/question would need to be whether or not one is able to travel.
Maybe something one can do is use a system like POF (because it's free), and provide one's profile to a private user data base within our community. In other words, make us a sub-group of something bigger, like POF. And, that way, the communication can take place on POF, for instance.
I'm not advocating for POF (because I sort of hate it), but it's a mostly free platform. Lack of certain privacy is also
implied if it's done this way - because one's profile is already in the ether.
I hope this isn't too complicated. I've been doing this for a long time, and it's difficult, and can be very time consuming.