Almost crippling breathing problems?


Well-Known Member
Lots of Lyme sufferers out is a lot of hormone info and Lyme. One whole area is dedicated to Human Growth Hormone. I've been posting a lot about the HGH I am using. I don't have the Lyme challenge but HGH seems to address so MUCH.


David Tyrer

Active Member
Lots of Lyme sufferers out is a lot of hormone info and Lyme. One whole area is dedicated to Human Growth Hormone. I've been posting a lot about the HGH I am using. I don't have the Lyme challenge but HGH seems to address so MUCH.

Yeah, so the Lyme testing I had done seems to confirm I don't have it.

Would you still suggest trying HGH, and how do I go about acquiring it? I'm prob at my very lowest point right now, so it's becoming a real struggle. Very real indeed.


Well-Known Member
DAVID: I believe the HGH homeopathic gel can help EVERYONE if they stay with it, don't start and quit if they don't get instant's not an overnight fix, we did not get so damaged overnight, did we. I can send you info if you give me the go ahead, but now it costs $4-5 daily as HGH products are not from the dollar stores. j

David Tyrer

Active Member
As a member from the UK, where - apparently - HGH is banned as an OTC option, where would you guys suggest I get this?

Also, anybody have any experiences with GABA?

David Tyrer

Active Member
Lots of Lyme sufferers out is a lot of hormone info and Lyme. One whole area is dedicated to Human Growth Hormone. I've been posting a lot about the HGH I am using. I don't have the Lyme challenge but HGH seems to address so MUCH.

Do you know where somebody in the UK might acquire HGH jaminhealth?


Well-Known Member
On the HGH, the company we buy from does not ship to the UK yet, but has opened up huge in Hong Kong and other countries are coming.

I've used Gaba from time to time and it can make me more groggy at different times. I'm avoiding it now. Inositol works good in my body. Check it out with google.

David Tyrer

Active Member
On the HGH, the company we buy from does not ship to the UK yet, but has opened up huge in Hong Kong and other countries are coming.

I've used Gaba from time to time and it can make me more groggy at different times. I'm avoiding it now. Inositol works good in my body. Check it out with google.

Having just had a quick Google, it seems a lot of reviews are suggesting it's a supplement aimed at females. Is this ordinarily the case, but it's just useful for HGH stimulation?


Well-Known Member
Females!!! I didn't give you the name yet...did I. Both genders are using it and my neighbor who helps me and is very male at 56 is thinking about working with it. He's vain and wants to get rid of some aging spots. etc...and he got on grape seed extract about 6 months ago thanks to my telling him about it. Females only///no way. j

David Tyrer

Active Member
Females!!! I didn't give you the name yet...did I. Both genders are using it and my neighbor who helps me and is very male at 56 is thinking about working with it. He's vain and wants to get rid of some aging spots. etc...and he got on grape seed extract about 6 months ago thanks to my telling him about it. Females only///no way. j

A name would be great!

Also, I'm not at all fussed about taking something even if it was aimed at females, was just curious!


David- did you ever figure out this issue? I have the exact same thing. I do have Lyme and bartonella fwiw. It’s debilitating!



I have exactly the same issue. Its actually one of the most debilitating symptoms i have. Not only that even the smallest exertion like getting out of bed leaves me out of breath, im at the point where most of the time i steuggle to speak because lack of air and energy in the chest. Very hard to explain. Its a mixture of breathlesness with weakness in the chest area, trembling, pain, gasping for air. Im also in the Uk. One doctor said its anxiety!!! I lost it a bit.

Because of the inability to speak i almost isolated myself completely, i simply struggle to keep a five minute conversation without gasping for air.

I am planning to do a chest x ray, probably privately since i doubt a gp would send me for one... they just refuse to listen or even try to umderstand...

I will keep you imformed if that x ray will show anything.

All the best and dont loose hope.

roxi- I have the same speaking issue!Did you ever figure out what caused this? I just had a chest X-ray, echo, head MRI which were all clear.


roxi- I have the same speaking issue!Did you ever figure out what caused this? I just had a chest X-ray, echo, head MRI which were all clear.
Dear Amwags,

Im sorry to hear you suffer with the same.
Im happy to say that these symptoms have actually improved a bit. Im still out of breath if i exert myself, but I have a larger effort tolerance window, unless im having a very bad day. The only thing that I did was an exercice that i saw someone with POTS doing on youtube. Take a deep breath and keep it in al lonk as you can, than breath out and dont inhale for as long as you can. Although it was very uncomfortable to do them, they helped. It will be very hard to start with, dont push yourself, just keep air in for a second if thats all you can. Progresivelly you should be able to do it longer.

I feel like the breathing symptom is one of the hundreds of ME symptoms that can come and go out of the blue.

Some of my POTS symptoms improved by themselves. A few months back, i couldnt sit down or up( so on the vertical) for any amount of time due to horrible feelings of malaise and pressure in my head. Now that improved, thank God.

Debilitating sleepiness comes and goes too.

At the moment i am doing the GUPTA programme. I will keep you posted if it helps.I also started the Perrin Technique with a chiropractor and im hoping it will help. Im so ill every single day and im so fed up.

Hang on in there, we will get better. Xx

David Tyrer

Active Member
David- did you ever figure out this issue? I have the exact same thing. I do have Lyme and bartonella fwiw. It’s debilitating!

Hi Amwags, no unfortunately, I have not got to the bottom of it yet!

It's gotten worse since this post too. I've tried to do all kinds - breathing exercises, supplemental minerals, etc. bought a device called 'the Breather'. They'll all helped slightly but not got an answer for what is causing it.

For me, it feels like it's a muscular weakness, perhaps caused by a neurological issue. I'm speaking to somebody on Reddit at the moment who is having the exact same problem. He hasn't found an answer either but I'm waiting for him to send me a programme that somebody who has ME used and has now almost fully recovered from ME. Which apparently isn't possible but I'm prepared to give it a go.

I'm trying everything I can, spending a LOT of money so if I find any answers I can keep you posted?


Well-Known Member
Listening to 2 hrs of Dr. Joel Wallah last night and this 80 yr old vet and Naturopathic MD says MOST of our health ailments are from being Over Glutenized....get rid of the gluten in our bodies....I've done that to a large degree but not totally.

He even says this for issues we are told that we have Lyme, Lupus....and all the other stuff.

Do more of your own work on the gluten issue.

David Tyrer

Active Member
Listening to 2 hrs of Dr. Joel Wallah last night and this 80 yr old vet and Naturopathic MD says MOST of our health ailments are from being Over Glutenized....get rid of the gluten in our bodies....I've done that to a large degree but not totally.

He even says this for issues we are told that we have Lyme, Lupus....and all the other stuff.

Do more of your own work on the gluten issue.

I've been gluten free for 2.5 years now. It's made no difference to my health issues, so...


Hi Amwags, no unfortunately, I have not got to the bottom of it yet!

It's gotten worse since this post too. I've tried to do all kinds - breathing exercises, supplemental minerals, etc. bought a device called 'the Breather'. They'll all helped slightly but not got an answer for what is causing it.

For me, it feels like it's a muscular weakness, perhaps caused by a neurological issue. I'm speaking to somebody on Reddit at the moment who is having the exact same problem. He hasn't found an answer either but I'm waiting for him to send me a programme that somebody who has ME used and has now almost fully recovered from ME. Which apparently isn't possible but I'm prepared to give it a go.

I'm trying everything I can, spending a LOT of money so if I find any answers I can keep you posted?

Yes, please do! I will do the same. I recently also bought the breather, but haven’t tried it yet. Have you seen a neurologist and/or tested for myasthenia gravis or any other neuro issues?

David Tyrer

Active Member
I have, neurologist initially told me what I had was not diagnisable. Later that year I was diagnosed as having ME. Respiratory doc told me it was a breathing dysfunction but yet to have any physio due to the pandemic. I also wasn't in agreement about that, as it 100% feels like it's a physical, muscular problem.

Had a nerve conduction test on my hands and feet but that was normal and was tested for myasthenia gravid and THAT was normal haha. By all accounts I'm the image of bloody health. How about you, have you had any of those tests?


I have, neurologist initially told me what I had was not diagnisable. Later that year I was diagnosed as having ME. Respiratory doc told me it was a breathing dysfunction but yet to have any physio due to the pandemic. I also wasn't in agreement about that, as it 100% feels like it's a physical, muscular problem.

Had a nerve conduction test on my hands and feet but that was normal and was tested for myasthenia gravid and THAT was normal haha. By all accounts I'm the image of bloody health. How about you, have you had any of those tests?

Ive had so many tests over the years! The only thing that comes up is Lyme and bartonella, which I’m currently treating. This specific symptom started about 2 months ago though and since then I’ve had bloodwork for MG (blocking, binding, musk). All 3 were normal. I had a few antibodies show up on the binding test, but 2 neuros told me that’s still considered normal and not indicative of MG. One even told me it’s a useless test. I’m seeing a 3rd in a few weeks. They all tell me nothing is wrong. I haven’t had any nerve testing done, bc they told me they didn’t think I needed it since my symptoms don’t match anything neurological. I’m considering doing them just in case.
What other symptoms do you have?


Well-Known Member
Get the Lyme under control and see what is left. It can cause all you speak of. And the air hunger thing too.

Also look into MCAS, acetaldehyde, histamine.......
There are both blogs on the forum and on Corts blogs from Dejurgen, Ach, Bayard and myself on this.

David Tyrer

Active Member
Get the Lyme under control and see what is left. It can cause all you speak of. And the air hunger thing too.

Also look into MCAS, acetaldehyde, histamine.......
There are both blogs on the forum and on Corts blogs from Dejurgen, Ach, Bayard and myself on this.

Hi Issie, not that I'm asking for anything more than your advice, but would you say that this was pretty conclusive on the whole?


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