Help Ryan Prior win $50K for ME/CFS education

San Diego

Well-Known Member
Ryan currently has 4728 votes.

I clicked on “next story” only twice before I found this - The Devoted Barn has over 39,000.

I hate to call it early, and I’ll keep voting, but it’s not looking good.


Well-Known Member
Ryan currently has 4728 votes.

I clicked on “next story” only twice before I found this - The Devoted Barn has over 39,000.

I hate to call it early, and I’ll keep voting, but it’s not looking good.

Who are these Devotees of The Barn? I'm frightened!

A panel of judges awards prizes (or is there only one prize?). I'll have to read the rules again to find out who gets to be considered by the panel.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link. I would feel bad making fun of Melissa Z., single mother of five kids, but some parts of her story made me raise my eyebrows.

Melissa is always willing to assist in the most difficult rescues, whether that means patiently working for months to capture a feral dog living in the woods for over two years, evacuating a 500-pound pig living in the basement of an abandoned house, taking in a puppy needing open heart surgery or bottle feeding a three legged lamb every two hours through the day and night. Her devotion to animals is clear. Even when the program is full to overflowing she finds room for just one more.

I've cried many times over the stress and responsibility of paying for all of this.

Mainly what I'm thinking: Her poor kids.


Well-Known Member
Online voting counts for 20%.

Finalist judging will take place from Jan 5, 2017 to the week of March 6, 2017, and will be based on the following criteria: a) Relevance to the Promotion Theme (50%); b) Originality and Creativity (20%); c) Story Quality and Clarity (10%); and online voting by website visitors (20%)

Who goes to finalist judging is not clear to me. "The top 30." The top 30 in online voting, I guess.

One $50,000 prize will be awarded and six $5,000 prizes.


Well-Known Member
I've gone through the first three pages of twelve of the contestants, and few have over 1,000 votes. Many have less than ten votes. That Devoted Barn has nearly 40,000 makes me wonder if all the votes are legitimate.

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