Help Ryan Prior win $50K for ME/CFS education


Well-Known Member
I clicked on “next story” only twice before I found this - The Devoted Barn has over 39,000.
Who are these Devotees of The Barn? I'm frightened!
I am not pointing any fingers or accusing anyone of anything, but I do know that anything can be bought online, including votes for an online competition. I hope they do check these things, in case someone is playing dirty.

I too have been voting every single day since this thread was posted, and I can see the numbers steadily rising, so it looks like there's quite a few people doing the same. Let's keep on clicking!! :)

San Diego

Well-Known Member
Lol. You are a live wire. Nice distraction. I may survive until January.
Did you notice the web l thought out punctuation? lol

I used to be a live wire. Now I’m pretty well frazzled at both ends with little to no current running thru me. :depressed: Maybe Ryan’s movie will help get enough funding for someone to plug us all back in!


Well-Known Member
Did you notice the web l thought out punctuation? lol

I used to be a live wire. Now I’m pretty well frazzled at both ends with little to no current running thru me. :depressed: Maybe Ryan’s movie will help get enough funding for someone to plug us all back in!

Ha! That sounds like a new battle cry for us: "Plug ME In!"


Well-Known Member
Did you notice the web l thought out punctuation? lol

I used to be a live wire. Now I’m pretty well frazzled at both ends with little to no current running thru me. :depressed: Maybe Ryan’s movie will help get enough funding for someone to plug us all back in!

Oh yes, I see, carefully punctuated.

Despite serious illness, your playful personality shines through, @San Diego.


Well-Known Member
These months-long contests are hard. When I was awake in the middle of the night, I couldn't remember if I voted yesterday. My plan now is to write every day on a calendar the time I voted.

Yes to jesters, concessions, and the pony.


Well-Known Member
In the spirit of silly bumps:

Bob Loblaw said, "blah blah blah, blah... Blah blah blah blabla blaaaaa blah blah."

First I had to find out who Bob Loblaw is. So I watched a video. Funny! Nice diversion, @Lissa. Perhaps I should start watching Arrested Development?

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